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The neighbors do not visit. Why?


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Strange, but since I upgraded to the Phantom Menace quest, I've had no visitors.

This may a new glitch......yeah :eek:

hey jimmy i visited you and thank you for the three items i collected for the phantom mission. usually i have many visitors to my my humble city. no visitors since yesterday afternoon i think


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Kazinho / Harambe
The daily reset hasn't happened for me since Saturday.

I haven't been able to visit neighbours or return gifts - actually, I can visit neighbours, I am just given the "daily limit reached" pop up.

Strangely, towards the end of the rocket launch I joined I was given a "time-traveller warning" (strange considering there was none) and I have considered this as some kind of in-built penalty?

This is really hurting my ability to visit newspaper buildings and aviation museums.
  1. Android
frisco said:
How did you get the WWII building, you're not Russian I believe?

The Smeg Head said:
maybe lucky with the christmas tree?

bingo...gotta love the x-mas tree. It also gave me the final item for the Mexican restaurant and a bunch of other useful collections items. :D

Anyways, I'm still not getting anything from neighbors stopping by. :rolleyes:

  1. Android
kazinho said:
This is really hurting my ability to visit newspaper buildings

you get credit for visiting your own newspapers. Since this building has been used in multiple quest, I already had 6 built before this quest and it allowed me to tap other building in my neighbor visits.


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Kazinho / Harambe
I realise that Jimmy, but after that is the 4 scientific papers from the aviation museum with a drop every 48 hours. Without a 100% drop rate, I could potentially end up stuck on this task when the quest ends.

And what of finding Col. Kurtz or visiting my neighbour's research labs? If this issue doesn't clear, it makes the quest impossible to complete.
  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
I realise that Jimmy, but after that is the 4 scientific papers from the aviation museum with a drop every 48 hours. Without a 100% drop rate, I could potentially end up stuck on this task when the quest ends.

And what of finding Col. Kurtz or visiting my neighbour's research labs? If this issue doesn't clear, it makes the quest impossible to complete.
You do realise that to complete the quest all you need to do is finish the 3 tasks of Build a Mission Control Centre Level 2, Build Launch Pad 2 and Launch a Prometheus rocket. The left had side tasks add colour and some hints on how to compete the overall mission eg. the 4 destinations to pick up for the parts of the MMC Lvl 2.


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Kazinho / Harambe
From reading other posts on this forum, I was under the impression that those tasks have to be completed to have the Spaceship Launch Controller appear as an item that is dropped from flights to Canaries, Nice, Shanghai etc.
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
From reading other posts on this forum, I was under the impression that those tasks have to be completed to have the Spaceship Launch Controller appear as an item that is dropped from flights to Canaries, Nice, Shanghai etc.
Not all of them, but most of the missions.
You may be lucky and get the SLC as a gift or you can just purchase them. Then launch the rocket. You should by now after visiting your neighbours have the two new collections required to launch Prometheus (Dark Side of the Moon and Big Brother).
The quest thou is just the 3 items I listed and you should get the Astronaut Academy when you launch Prometheus, of cousre the journey to do that can be longer or shorter depending how you want to play it.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
There is a thread about this in the Bugs and Glitches section. This started with the phantom menace update. Please log an issue with GI. There have been several people do this already. It will make them fix it faster if everybody sends one.

To log on issue, hit the big red G! icon on the screen. The go to Support on the side of the window and select New Request. It's much easier to do it this way that through their web site.
  1. None of the above
Just update the game, and you can start visiting neigbours again. Before I updated, I went to Bali Hi and air canillas city, but all the buildings become transparent and I can't click on anything nor can I go back (have to reset the game). Some other neighbours are ok, and I suspected an update must be on. And I was right. I udpated the game, and was able to visit Bali Hi and air canillas city.

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