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The hijacker (2x or maybe more) who cried hijack...


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A few days ago (13 Sept), a forum member posted a thread, saying his space launch was hijacked

Some of you may have read it (based on 328 views it has garnered), some may have provided their opinion.

And just 5 days after posting his launch was hijacked, he hijacked another forum member's launch yesterday (see Hijack_20200918).
This is after witnessing his previous hijacking of another forum member's launch last June (see Hijack_20200614).
I reached out to both launch starters, and they both confirmed that they were hijacked.
Both launch starters just removed the person, but did not report in the forum.
But I think we cannot condone or tolerate these actions, and making us look like fools.
I twice saw this person deliberately hijacking space launches, and yet posing as a "meek sheep" in the forum.
He is actually the wolf we should beware and be aware.

I do not want to embarrass him, but want to make him aware that somebody sees his acts, and it is NOT GOOD!
And painting yourself as victim, when it fact you are the one victimizing. And have done it TWICE (maybe more which has not been reported in forum).

Captain and fellow forum member, you have to stop this!


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  1. Windows PC
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He's actually a neighbor of mine. Thanks for the warning. I will watch him. I know he uses this forum too, because he's posted on it when he ran a blue QL about 3 weeks ago. That's how I neighbored him because I tagged along on his launch.
It would be nice if this forum had a "hijackers" list we could (i strongly dislike saying it) put them on publicly to warn others. I know it also brings them into the light of "shaming them", but some people have no shame and will do it over an over again. It happened today also (not the same guy you are showing), but he did it TWO TIMES IN A ROW!!!! Even after being told not too. He still is making lame excuses. I can forgive people, but there should be some penalty for blatantly just disregarding the host's requests time after time. I mean 2 times in a row? No excuses, yet he claims there is. Ya, there is. He's a moron and a con playing people with BS excuses about some medical problem. Well if you know you have a problem then why don't you make sure you have someone's ok before you just screw them over? Unacceptable in my opinion. Especially when they are communicating on this forum with others as he's planning his attack.

Talk about cheaters, well it's kind of the same thing when you keep screwing people over. They should be banned for a while.......and lose their resources and privileges. Maybe that will teach them.
A few days ago (13 Sept), a forum member posted a thread, saying his space launch was hijacked

Some of you may have read it (based on 328 views it has garnered), some may have provided their opinion.

And just 5 days after posting his launch was hijacked, he hijacked another forum member's launch yesterday (see Hijack_20200918).
This is after witnessing his previous hijacking of another forum member's launch last June (see Hijack_20200614).
I reached out to both launch starters, and they both confirmed that they were hijacked.
Both launch starters just removed the person, but did not report in the forum.
But I think we cannot condone or tolerate these actions, and making us look like fools.
I twice saw this person deliberately hijacking space launches, and yet posing as a "meek sheep" in the forum.
He is actually the wolf we should beware and be aware.

I do not want to embarrass him, but want to make him aware that somebody sees his acts, and it is NOT GOOD!
And painting yourself as victim, when it fact you are the one victimizing. And have done it TWICE (maybe more which has not been reported in forum).

Captain and fellow forum member, you have to stop this!
Thnx for posting he's a friend of mine, I'll keep an eye on him
Had a launch hijacked yesterday. Blue launch where I had 1288 points, came back to find a neighbour (now former neighbour) put up 1618 to take over and launch. Aside from bad form I have no idea why you’d put up that many points to steal someone else’s launch.

Neighbour doesn’t appear to be part of this forum. Agree that it would be nice to get a list of hijackers so we can remove them as neighbours.


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Had a launch hijacked yesterday. Blue launch where I had 1288 points, came back to find a neighbour (now former neighbour) put up 1618 to take over and launch. Aside from bad form I have no idea why you’d put up that many points to steal someone else’s launch.

Neighbour doesn’t appear to be part of this forum. Agree that it would be nice to get a list of hijackers so we can remove them as neighbours.
Sometimes those not a hijacker they think that you dont have enough points to add and then they close it for you, specially when you leave your launch open for more than 1 hour without adding points and when they join they dont want to wait more time.
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Had a launch hijacked yesterday. Blue launch where I had 1288 points, came back to find a neighbour (now former neighbour) put up 1618 to take over and launch. Aside from bad form I have no idea why you’d put up that many points to steal someone else’s launch.

Neighbour doesn’t appear to be part of this forum. Agree that it would be nice to get a list of hijackers so we can remove them as neighbours.
What happened in that launch of yours @Rick ? Did you tried to get you first back but weren't fast enough? Because your 1288 points should've granted you a first in blue...
Just curious. I'm by no means defending the hijacker...
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Happy Helen
A few days ago (13 Sept), a forum member posted a thread, saying his space launch was hijacked

Some of you may have read it (based on 328 views it has garnered), some may have provided their opinion.

And just 5 days after posting his launch was hijacked, he hijacked another forum member's launch yesterday (see Hijack_20200918).
This is after witnessing his previous hijacking of another forum member's launch last June (see Hijack_20200614).
I reached out to both launch starters, and they both confirmed that they were hijacked.
Both launch starters just removed the person, but did not report in the forum.
But I think we cannot condone or tolerate these actions, and making us look like fools.
I twice saw this person deliberately hijacking space launches, and yet posing as a "meek sheep" in the forum.
He is actually the wolf we should beware and be aware.

I do not want to embarrass him, but want to make him aware that somebody sees his acts, and it is NOT GOOD!
And painting yourself as victim, when it fact you are the one victimizing. And have done it TWICE (maybe more which has not been reported in forum).

Captain and fellow forum member, you have to stop this!


bye bye neighbour, no one likes a hi jacker, it’s rude!

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*

bye bye neighbour, no one likes a hi jacker, it’s rude!
@Happy Helen you need to watch out for Patrick... adding a PEB to steel position when only 46 points are needed? With that sort of behaviour I don’t trust him.


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150+ Star Club
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Please PM me
D-(needed items)
If someone hijacks my launches, I kick him from my neighbor list. Hijackers won't be able to hijack anyone if they don't have neighbors left, so kick them out of your friend lists. No second chance.
I fully agree and it’s exactly what I do. Even after messaging the person afterwards, they get very defensive and try turn it around on you. I don’t care how long you’ve been playing, what star level you on, how experienced you are. If you hijack then I remove them, simple!
  1. Windows PC
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I too was hijacked last week so I just removed him or her from my neighbours list, however I was also removed from a neighbours list for hijacking, to this day i'm not sure what I did wrong, so if neighbor by the name of Charleene is reading this i do apologise and please let me know what i was doing wrong.
  1. Windows PC
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Pilot 1
That's why you don't delete them. You write yourself a mental note on the name, and HOW MANY STARS THEY HAVE. Cause like PLMerry says, they can change their name, but they can't change their stars level. They can only go up by one or two in a couple day period unless an event starts and they and they run the new destinations to get more stars. But if you now approximately how many star level they are at, even whey they change their name, they still have the same city layout. Do cross reference to their city and see if it's the same layout.

Personally, I let them hijack me. Start another one as soon as it gets back and hope they jump on again. Keep checking every 30 seconds to see if they join, they let them waste 256 or a PEB, then BOOT THEM!!! HA, I did it 3 days ago. This works ESPECIALLY WELL when you are using QL's. They will NO DOUBT jump on your next launch if you start it right away after it gets back. THEY CAN'T RESIST TRYING IT AGAIN!!!! They do the 436 scam then will throw in another PEB, LFT, and MS to jump to 900 something and hopefully get 1st and launch it again hijacking you twice in a row. NO PROBLEM. Let them join. Tell everyone in the forum to hold back and only add a MS or 96 pts only and let the hijacker go to the standard 256 (as if he'd trying to be nice this time) or the 436 or whatever they are putting in this time, and let whoever (normally the host or who is taking 1st) go to 576. When they see someone at 576 and they can add a PEB, MS, and LFT for another 520 pts and launch the rocket, THEY WILL. SO BOOT THEM AS SOON AS THEY GET TO 256 OR MORE!!!!! Then DON'T DELETE THEM FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR LIST!!!! They will probably never join your launch again anyway cause they know they will get booted, or they do you the favor and boot you from their list. The only way to fool you is CHANGE THEIR game name. But, if you know your enemies, you will remember the person by approximately how many stars they had, and if you visit them before you boot them, you get a feel for who they are regardless of their game name. You know the guy with 635 stars has 6 planetariums, but only 4 training centers, as opposed to the guy who had 476 stars but had 6 planetariums and 6 training centers. Keep your friends close. Your enemies......

I had (I/we) 3 QL's running the other day. We were taking turns with everyone who was participating and giving those who played along a chance at 1st also. Well, this one neighbor of mine (who didn't have a QL) kept going to 574. Ok, I understand he wasn't jumping over the 1st place guy (who had 1 of the QL's), but he was ALWAYS going to the top an once tried to take 1st over the other 3 QL's who were putting up over 500 pts each (which should tell non QL holders to back off a little if you are not on the chat forum). After 4 launches (and because I was hosting the launces, I feel it is my responsibility to not waste OTHERS fuel by allowing a hijack to take place) I told the others on the "launch chat" that because he had put in so much fuel (he had taken 2nd/3rd on every launch by putting in over 500 pts every time and did not have one of the QL's) that we (4 others) would let him take a 1st and then I would boot him next launch if he was going to take 2nd/3rd every launch we did. Well, he got his 1st, came right back for the next launch and was setting himself up again to this time steal another 1st by adding 436 to start, allowing someone, me, (I took the chance of him taking 1st over me and losing the most pts) to take 1st at 576. I was hoping he was gonna give someone else the chance for a 2nd/3rd and only add 256 so that when I booted him, he wouldn't lose one of the most valued fuels, a PEB, and they would learn the lesson fairly cheap. One prep, and few fuel points. But NOOOOO. They got greedy. So I wasted no time in booting them at 436. Needless to say, they did not join the next 6 launches we did. Funny thing is, they started sending me gifts every day since then. Maybe they were sorry. They are still neighbors though. But they know if you F*%K with people like me, I just get even. Is it worth it? One 1st place when you could have done 10 launches in less than 2 hours and you could have had multiple 1st's? Keep your enemies closer. They may eventually learn that you aren't an enemy, but a neighbor. Act neighborly. Plus, they can only keep 500 neighbors and if they have 499 other neighbors like me (cause I WON'T DELETE THEM), they won't get very far in this game, so load up up their neighbor list with people who they've taken advantage of and they won't be able to to crap!!! Then they'll have to neighbor people who really won't be able to help them and that'll get old real quick with them having to constantly try to build trust with new neighbors all the time. Eventually, I HOPE, they will learn and play along nicely with everyone else. I did not want to, nor do I like to, boot people from my launches. But if you can't play nice and your dog likes to bite other dogs, don't bring your dog to the dog park and then say "woe is me. I didn't think he was going to bite the other dog......this time". Ya right! The dog bites EVERY TIME you let him out. What did you think was going to happen this time? Something different? Did you do anything different? Well there you go. "Here's your sign"!!!!
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