150+ Star Club
A few days ago (13 Sept), a forum member posted a thread, saying his space launch was hijacked
Some of you may have read it (based on 328 views it has garnered), some may have provided their opinion.
And just 5 days after posting his launch was hijacked, he hijacked another forum member's launch yesterday (see Hijack_20200918).
This is after witnessing his previous hijacking of another forum member's launch last June (see Hijack_20200614).
I reached out to both launch starters, and they both confirmed that they were hijacked.
Both launch starters just removed the person, but did not report in the forum.
But I think we cannot condone or tolerate these actions, and making us look like fools.
I twice saw this person deliberately hijacking space launches, and yet posing as a "meek sheep" in the forum.
He is actually the wolf we should beware and be aware.
I do not want to embarrass him, but want to make him aware that somebody sees his acts, and it is NOT GOOD!
And painting yourself as victim, when it fact you are the one victimizing. And have done it TWICE (maybe more which has not been reported in forum).
Captain and fellow forum member, you have to stop this!

Space Launch Hijacking!!!!!
I had my red launch on private until I had at least 1500 points added and then I was slowly adding points to over 1800. I had 1618 points added, watched an add, came back to add another Main Stabiliser when this guy came in and somehow added 1656 points and hijacked me. How is it even possible...

Some of you may have read it (based on 328 views it has garnered), some may have provided their opinion.
And just 5 days after posting his launch was hijacked, he hijacked another forum member's launch yesterday (see Hijack_20200918).
This is after witnessing his previous hijacking of another forum member's launch last June (see Hijack_20200614).
I reached out to both launch starters, and they both confirmed that they were hijacked.
Both launch starters just removed the person, but did not report in the forum.
But I think we cannot condone or tolerate these actions, and making us look like fools.
I twice saw this person deliberately hijacking space launches, and yet posing as a "meek sheep" in the forum.
He is actually the wolf we should beware and be aware.
I do not want to embarrass him, but want to make him aware that somebody sees his acts, and it is NOT GOOD!
And painting yourself as victim, when it fact you are the one victimizing. And have done it TWICE (maybe more which has not been reported in forum).
Captain and fellow forum member, you have to stop this!