600+ Star Club
😩 😩 😩
Wouldn't it be awesome if we could do a trade? I have a multitude of Jefferson (12) but Lincolns never drop. I need two more Lincolns than I will be done.
I have the same number of items as well! Horsehead nebula missing
It looks like it’s totally random. I’ve seen someone explaining it the following way and I have to say that it sounds very reasonable. Imagine that you throw a dice six times. Will it fall on each side once? Possible but most likely no. You can throw it fifty times but still there is a possibility that it won’t fall on one particular side even once.Question: is this "very seldom"? Or is there a trick to make pilots spend greenies?
In your opinion, is it possible to understand if there is, and what is, the variable that regulates this drop trend?
Mine is a math and statistics question, absolutely not a complaint.
@Barkmi4 (Mike), since you care about numbers, what do your elf-eyes see?
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I tend to agree about the planes. I have Owls and Hawks and most of items from Fathers of the Nation collection dropped from Hawks.I think everything has the same rate. The dice example above is a good one - and it’s an easy one to try at home if you want to test the theory.
As annoying as it is, I don’t think the developers need to give each item a different drop rate, because maths/randomness will make it a pain in the arse anyway 🤪
There are some launch collections I’ve completed 1,000’s of times. As time goes on, the item that I’m short of does change which tends to back up this theory.
I know there have been a few discussions about drop rates between planes, and lately someone has said that the rate is the same for all planes (I think the info came from discord?). But I don’t believe that - I‘m flying 5 flacons (3 hours) and 5 condors (12 hours). I seem to be getting a lot more drops from the condors, despite landing falcons a lot more often. I would try the bigger planes if you can, and use a spy glass from the event store. The drops will come eventually.
As a side note, if everyone on the forum posted how many of each item they have, in theory, this should be pretty balanced across every item as it would give a good sample size.
This time mine is uneven in that there is one item I have loads of, but the rest are fairly equal.
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P.s. I’d give you a Jefferson if I could😅
Ivan did say something of this sort when referring to time compensation.But now that I'm flying bigger planes, I tend to agree that bigger planes have a slightly better drop than smaller planes (as was confirmed by Ivan long time ago).