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The Christmas Journey Special Gifts Event

On Monday 2nd December 2024 the Christmas Journey special event became available to players, when a unique icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. When clicked on, the icon opens to reveal the world map of flight destinations to cities around the globe. The icon will remain on the game screen for 25 consecutive days, during which time, a gift will become available to collect, for each day the special event remains open.

The on screen icon has a counter which displays the days and hours until the special event ends. The world map has a counter which displays the hours and minutes until the next gift becomes available to players.


GIFTS TABLE FOR 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
The 25 gift items for this year's Christmas Journey will be the same as with previous year's gift items. The gift items will vary across the period, Green Notes, Repair Set, Bonuses, Fuel, Passengers, Map Sets, Mystery Super Building, Collection Chest, Mystery Super Livery. To collect the gift item for the day, you will need to open the word map and click the Red Gift Box to collect , then repeat this for each day. Each day the gift box will be located in a different part of the world map. If you are not able to open the world map each day, do not worry, the gift box will not be lost. You will still be able to collect when you next come to open the world map, you will simply have more than one gift to collect, perhaps multiple gifts, depending on how much time has passed since you last opened the world map.

1st Day
One Green Note
2nd Day
Large Repair Set
3rd Day
Comfort Class
4th Day
200 Fuel Units
5th Day
200 Passengers
6th Day
Family Ticket
7th Day
Two Green Notes
8th Day
Vintage Weathervane
9th Day
Map Set: Mesoamerica
10th Day
250 Passengers
11th Day
Golden Dice
12th Day
250 Fuel Units
13th Day
Mystery Set
14th Day
5 Green Notes
15th Day
300 Fuel Units
16th Day
Spy Glass
17th Day
Map Set: Ancient Rome
18th Day
Mystery Super Building Two
19th Day
300 Passengers
20th Day
10 Green Notes
21st Day
Express Delivery (2)
22nd Day
Collections Chest (5)
23rd Day
Junior Pilot
24th Day
Mystery Super Building
25th Day
Mystery Super Livery (10)

If you spend some time and study the above gifts table, you will notice that the Green Notes and Bonuses are by far the most important gifts to receive across 25 days, a total of 18 Green Notes and 8 Bonuses. The remainder of the gifts are a mixer of small items, Fuel, Passengers, Buildings, Collection Set, Map Set, Repair Set, Liveries.

The Christmas Journey special event first appeared on Wednesday 1st December 2021. The special event became available following a v8.23.45 download update to the game of Airport City. This is now the fourth year that this special event has become available to players.

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated:- Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11.10am London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Thank You! I was worried I would have to fly to those cities. And I didn't know if I had high enough level planes. So just clicking on the "gift" that is on the map is enough, right?
Also thanks to @Jana Modrá for sending me here!
Many thanks for your post, my apologies for the lateness of my reply. Just keep clicking each day, no need to fly to any of the flight destinations. I have only just collected the first three gifts this Sunday 3rd December.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
If you miss one day, you won't get the liveries, am i right? or do you have all month to get 25 logons... ?
Got spyglass today so I think I'm on track... I had a tiny bit of doubt after a wet weekend... :-P
A short while ago, having not accessed my game for a few days, I have just collected five gift items on this Sunday morning from the Christmas Journey special event.

Captain WH Rollins
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