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The Airport City Game Bonuses - How To Collect Them And How To Use Them During Long Term Game Play

There are many different types of bonuses which you can use to help further your game. There are many ways in which to collect them, during long term game play, through the flight collections, through the daily missions, through the weather station flights, through special events, through the completion of second and third stage alliance group map flights, through the purchase of mystery bonus and mystery super bonus, through the completion of flight collections, through guest planes landing at your airport, through the special game codes and midweek bonus chest, through the airship store, through discount bank sales and through discount super sales.

The bonuses fall into three main groups, those that are relatively easy to collect, those that are far more difficult to collect (take much more time to do so), and those that you need to purchase. With the first group, the bonuses will have limited use, and will have shorter activation periods or instant activation. With the second group, the bonuses will have greater use, and will have much longer activation periods. With the third group, the bonuses will provide you with the best results, but they do come at a price.

The bonuses can also be grouped into different types of themed categories, Weekly Alliance (5), Passenger (5), Coin (13), Drop Rate (17), Experience (11), Flight Time (3), Fuel (9), Breakdown (4), Event (19), Weather (5), Subscriptions (2) and Miscellaneous (8). Some of the bonuses will only have one single application, while others will have multiple applications, across a number of themed categories.

The duration of the activation periods will depend on the value of the bonuses in question. With the first group, some of the low valued bonuses can be used only once and have no activation periods, while others will have limited use, and shorter activation periods. With the second group, the higher valued bonuses can be made use of multiple times, and will have much longer activation periods. With the third group, the bonuses will last the longest. The shorter activation periods will range from 30 minutes through to 9 hours, (also 8 hours, 6 hours, 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours and 1 hour), while the much longer activation periods will last 24 hours and 7 days. There are no bonuses which will be active between 24 hours and 7 days.


Following the November 2020 download v8.3.13 game update, the bonuses have been allocated to their own meter icon button, located on the right hand side of the game screen. The bonus menu can be accessed by selecting the meter icon button, which will display the following, 1st All (this will display all the bonuses which you have available in storage), 2nd Airplanes (this will display all the bonuses which will increase your income from flights), 3rd Helicopters (this will display all the bonuses which will increase your income from flights), 4th Commercial (makes available passengers, tourists and income from buildings), 5th Fuel (this will display all the bonuses which will increase your fuel) and 6th Residential (makes available passengers, tourists and increases passengers). It will be important to note that not all of the bonuses will be stored when collected, some will become active as soon as they are collected.

You will have noticed that many of the bonuses will need to be activated manually. You will also have noticed that some of the bonuses will become active as soon as they are collected, there are many examples of this. This will be dependent on where you obtained the bonuses from. It will be important you keep this in mind, if you want to make the most of them.

You will be able to activate more than one bonus at a time e.g. Business Class and Comfort Class will work together (there was a time when it would not have been possible to have both these bonuses active together). However, some bonuses will conflict with each other, especially where they perform similar functions, you will need to keep this in mind. When this happens a message will appear on your game screen, it will say 'you have already activated a bonus of this type'.

If you activate a bonus in error, you will not be able to de-activate it. There are currently no safeguards in place to prevent this from happening e.g. you will not be asked if you want to proceed with the activation, so do be careful. You will not want to waste your bonus, which may have taken you time to collect, or where you have spent coins or green notes to purchase it.

In the top right hand corner of each bonus, will be the number that you have for each bonus type in storage (up to a maximum of 100 of each bonus type). You will be able to read a brief description about each bonus, by clicking on each bonus image. Some of the bonuses will also have parameters which will provide you with brief information e.g. the during of activation period, the increase in income etc. It will be important you understand the function of each bonus, so you know if it is the right bonus for you to activate.

Much has been written and many opinions have been expressed by forum members on this subject matter. It is hard to say what the bonus drop rate figures will be, since it will not be the same for all forum members, because of the randomly generated manner of the game. It is also important to note, that changes can be made to the bonus drop rates, without any notice being given, following an update to the game. A set of number crunched drop rate figures will then become out of date, due to the update.

There are currently 77 bonuses which will be available to you, during long term active game play, to collect and make good use of. The bonuses will help your game with the following, Weekly Alliance, Coins, Passengers, Drop Rates, Experience, Fuel, Flight Times, Breakdowns, Weather, Events, Subscriptions.


With this bonus the passengers from all your residential buildings will become instantly available for you to collect. You will see a small yellow suitcase sign above each of your residential buildings, on the city side of your game, which you will be able to click and collect. The passengers will be credited to your passenger counter, located along the top row of your game screen. The bonuses can only be used once, and they have no activation periods. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, The Airship Store (the bonus can be purchased for 8 Green Notes) and Mystery Bonus sections of this user guide, for information on how to obtain this bonus by these means, during long term game play.​
With this bonus the income, from all your commercial buildings, will instantly become available to collect. You will see a small yellow money sign above each of your commercial buildings, on the city side of your game, which you will be able to click and collect. The income will be credited to your coins counter, located along the top row of your game screen. This bonus can only be used once, and has no activation period. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, The Airship Store (can be purchased for 8 Green Notes) and Mystery Bonus.​
With this bonus it will add favourable weather conditions to all available flights that do not currently have unfavourable weather conditions. This bonus can only be used once, and has no activation period. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Mystery Bonus Chest.
With this bonus it will randomly exchange weather conditions between flights. This bonus can only be used once, and has no activation period. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Mystery Bonus Chest.​
With this bonus the tourist, from the tourist buildings, will become instantly available to collect. You will see a small green suitcase sign above each of your tourist buildings, on the city side of your game, which you will be able to click and collect. The tourists will be credited to your tourist counter, located along the top row of your game screen. This bonus can only be used once, and has no activation period. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The tourists drop from the following Guest House, Country Manor, Stone Cottage, Travel Bureau buildings. They will be required for all helicopter flights undertaken.​
With this bonus it will double +100% the maximum amount of passengers for 8 hours. This refers to your passenger counter (the figure on the right of the counter), located along the top row of your game screen, and not the passengers from your residential buildings. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales and Discount Bank Sales.
With this bonus it will double +100% the maximum fuel for 8 hours. This refers to the fuel counter, located along the top row of your game screen, it is your fuel limit (the figure on the right of the counter) and not the amount of fuel you have (which is the figure on the left of the counter). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Event Store (can be purchased for 4 Green Notes), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Premium Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will speed up guest planes refuelling 10 times for 1 hour. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales and Mystery Bonus Chest.​
With this bonus it will decrease the chance of unfavourable weather conditions for 20 flights by -90% for 4 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Mystery Bonus Chest.​
With this bonus it will increase the number of passengers from all your residential buildings by +100% for 3 hours. By selecting one of your residential buildings, you will be able to see the passenger output doubled. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, Airship Store (can be purchased for 8 Green Notes), Mystery Bonus, Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (the Basic Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will double +100% the maximum amount of tourist in Terminal H for 4 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Store (can be purchased for 2 Green Notes). The Tourists will be required for all helicopter flights undertaken.​
With this bonus it will reduce the chance of a helicopter breakdown by -90% for 2 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Store (can be purchased for 2 Green Notes).​
With this bonus it will increase the income from helicopter flights by +100% for 1 hour. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. See also the Store (can be purchased for 2 Green Notes), Airship Store (can be purchased for 2,500 Gold Coins).​
With this bonus it will increase the chance of an item drop from a plane by +100% for 6 hours. This bonus will be good to use during a special event, there are 25 in a year, in conjunction with a Spyglass bonus. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. See also the Store (can be purchased for 4 Green Notes), Discount Super Sales, Large Bronze Alliance Chest (you will need to finish from 5-10 in the weekly alliance rankings), Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest, Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Premium Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will increase your chance of a quest item drop, both common and collectable, by +150% for 1 hour. Also item from flight by +150%. The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. You will be able to access them through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City (the Basic Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will decrease the chance of a airplane breakdown by -90% for 2 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest and Mystery Bonus (purchase from the Store for 10 Green Notes, Airship Store for 8,000 Gold Coins or 5 Green Notes, complete any one of the following collections, Cards On The Table, More Precious Than Gold, Liquid Assets, 2 Stars 250 flights Alliance Map Flights.​
With this bonus it will increase the chance of a fortunate event in a flight by +100%, 20 flights for 4 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. See also the Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest.​
With this bonus it will increase the experience you receive for completing any action by 100% instantly for 2 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Event Store, Special Event Airport City (Basic Class Pass Ticket), Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest.​
With this bonus it will increase your experience (+100%), your flight income (+100%) and item drop from flights (+100%). Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 4 hours. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 8 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket.​

With this bonus it will increase your experience (+100%), you flight income (+150%) and item drop from flights (+50%). Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 8 hours. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 9 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket.​

With this bonus it will increase your chance of an item drop from a flight by 100%. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 1 hour. The bonus must be activated before the flight is undertaken. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 2 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket. See also the Premium Set.​
With this bonus it will increase your chance of a collectible item drop from a flight (excluding quest Items) by 25%. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 30 minutes. It also drops from the Witch House building (it will increase your city population +20 and reward you with 57 passengers once a day).​

With this bonus it will increase your chance of item drop from a flight by 75%. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 6 hours. The bonus must be activated before the flight is undertaken. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 3 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket.​

With this bonus it will increase your chance of item drop from a flight by 50%. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 1 hour. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 1 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket. and from the Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest.​

With this bonus it will increase your chance of a collection item drop from guest planes landing at your airport by 100%. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 30 minutes. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 3 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket.​

With this bonus it will increase your chance of item drop from a flight by 50%. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 2 hours. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 30 minutes. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 2 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket. See also the Premium Set.​

With this bonus it will increase the amount of restored fuel by 1. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 2 hours. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 4 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket.​

With this bonus it will increase the amount of restored fuel by 1. Once the bonus is activated, it will be valid for 30 minutes. It can also be purchased from the Event Store for 2 Green Notes. The bonus may also be obtained through the Basic Class Pass Ticket or the Premium Class Pass Ticket.​
The following 11 bonuses can be collected by completing 20 of the flight collections within your game. There are currently 258 flight collections available, across 6 themed categories - Story (100), Helicopters (15), Space (29), Adventure (19), Event (62) and Alliance (22).

You will also be rewarded with coins and experience points for each of the 20 flight collections you complete, three of these flight collections will also reward you with golden chests (3 gold tokens, 10 silver tokens, 150 units of fuel and two items needed for spaceship launch preparation), these bonuses are quite unique among all the bonuses available:

With this bonus it will triple +200% the income from flights you undertake for 6 hours. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete any one of the following three flight collections, Stewardess Belongings (rewards of 300 coins and 100 experience points), Pilot Belongings (rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points) and VIP Passengers (rewards of 300 coins and 182 experience points). The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Small Bronze Alliance Chest, Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (the Basic Class Pass Ticket). You will also be able to purchase the bonus through the Store for 2 Green Notes.​
with this bonus it will increase the income from flights you undertake by +20% for 30 minutes. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection Paradise Island (rewards of 20 coins and 10 experience points). The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales
With this bonus it will increase the chance of a item drop from a airplane by +150% for 9 hours. Also from Guest Planes by 150%. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection, Five Islands Crests (flight destinations to Cyprus, Bali Island, Malta, Canary Islands and Iceland) rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points when you complete the collection. This bonus will be good to use during a special event, there are 25 in a year, in conjunction with a Golden Dice bonus. The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Game Store or Event Store (can be purchased for 9 Green Notes), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Basic Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will give you more experience points per flight by +50% for 6 hours. The bonus will need to be activated before the flights are sent. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection Headwear (rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Discount Bank Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest and Mystery Bonus Purchase
With this bonus it will increase the income from all commercial buildings by +100% for 3 hours. By selecting one of your residential buildings, you will be able to see the income output doubled. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection Sports Competition available from game level three (rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, Airship Store (can be purchased for 8 Green Notes) and Mystery Bonus Purchase
With this bonus it will increase the speed of your planes by +35% for 6 hours. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection Figures and Figurines (rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points). It will be important you launch your fleet of planes first, before you activate the bonus, so you can fully benefit from its influence. If you launch some of your planes, activate your bonus, then launch more planes afterwards, only those that you sent up before the activation will benefit from the influence of the bonus. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, Airship Store (can be purchased for 8 Green Notes), Mystery Bonus Purchase, Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest, Weather Station L3 (carry out flights for 9 days in a row), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Basic Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will increase the maximum amount of fuel by +20% for 1 hour. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection Trade Island (rewards of 20 coins and 13 experience points). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales
With this bonus it will increase the chance of item drop from a airplane by +50% for 6 hours. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following collection, Mr. Wolf's (flight destinations to New York, Seoul, Paris, Delhi, Iceland) rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points when you complete the collection. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Event Store (can be purchased for 2 Green Notes), Medium Bronze Alliance Chest (you will need to finish in the top 50 alliance rankings), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School (Basic Class Pass Ticket and Premium Class Pass Ticket).​
With this bonus it will increase the amount of restored fuel by +1 for 8 hours. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collection Toys From All Over The World (rewards of 800 coins and 400 experience points). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Discount Bank Sales, Store (can be purchased for 6 Green Notes), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Basic Class Pass Ticket).​
This bonus will increase the income from all commercial buildings by +200% for 1 hour, during the Dancing With The Leprechauns special event. The bonus can be obtained by completing the Dancing Leprechauns collection. To complete the collection will require you to obtain the following five item drops, Ale, Small Shoes, Leprechauns Jacket, Smoking Pipe, Green Hat. When you complete the collection will reward you with 320 coins, 140 experience points, Leprechaun's Pot and A Pot of Gold bonus.​
With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 90%, the flight will last 2.5 hours, instead of 24 hours, the bonus will be active for 24 hours. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collections, The Theory of Everything (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection three times, you will be rewarded with Emergency Spaceport building), The Outer Limits (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection three times, you will be rewarded with Space Needle building) and Magnificent Desolation (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection three times, you will be rewarded with Luna Park building). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Store and Airship Store (can be purchase for 350 Green Notes), Discount Bank Sales, Platinum Chest and Golden Alliance Chest
With this bonus it will increase experience points gained from flights by +100%, profits from planes by +400%, and the chance of an item drop by +100%, active for 1 day. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collections, Sands of Time (rewards of 2,000 coins, 1,000 experience points, a Golden Chest and by completing the collection six times, you will be rewarded with The Louvre building), Voices of The Past (rewards of 2,000 coins, 1,000 experience points, Golden Chest and by completing the collection six times, you will be rewarded with Notre Dame de Paris), The Wheel of Time (rewards of 2,000 coins, 1,000 experience points, a Golden Chest and by completing the collection six times, you will be rewarded with The Kremlin building), A Midsummer Nights Dream (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection ten times, you will be rewarded with Tower of London building), Life Is Beautiful (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection ten times, you will be rewarded with Effel Tower building), Tree of Life (rewards of 3,000 coins and 2,000 experience points) and Super Duper (rewards of 3,000 coins and 2,000 experience points). In order to make full use of the bonus, it will be extremely important you activate the bonus first, before you launch any of your fleet of airplanes. Any airplanes you launch before the bonus is activated, will not benefit from the bonus increase profits from airplanes. The bonus will not apply to airplanes that are stored in the Reserve Hangar, after the bonus is activated. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Discount Bank Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, Mystery Bonus Purchase (can be purchased for 99 green notes), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Premium Class Pass Ticket).​

There will be one bonus which you will be able to click and collect through the daily mission. The menu will automatically appear on your game screen once every day, when you open up your game for the first time.

To access the menu at other times, you will need to click on the multi coloured spiral notebook, located in the top left hand corner of the game screen. Once open you will need to select the second icon, labelled Daily Bonus, along the top row of the menu (there are four icons in total). You will then find, in the top half of the menu, 5 daily rewards gift items across 5 days, which you will click and collect, one gift item per day e.g. passengers (50), fuel (150), coins (1,000), Green Note (1) etc, one of which will be the bonus:
With this bonus it will increase the amount of restored fuel by +1 for 1 hour. It will become available to click and collect on the 2nd day of 15 days, this will form part of the flight collection Under Construction set. This bonus will become active as soon as you click and collect. See also the Discount Super Sales, Daily Free Bank Offer, Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest, Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Back To School, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (the Basic Class Pass Ticket and the Premium Class Pass Ticket).​

There will also be rewards of 200 coins, 100 experience points and one random Mystery Super Building, to collect when you complete the Under Construction collection set. To complete the set, you will need to click and collect all 25 gift items, across 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 20 days and 25 days, each of these will have 5 collectable gift items.

With the first icon labelled, Daily Mission you will need to complete three tasks to collect the Workaholic Set, which will contain two random items from collections (you will also be rewarded with 200 coins and 130 experience points). The three tasks to complete will vary from day to day, as will the target figures e.g. landing guest planes at your airport (35), visiting your residential buildings (125), sending gifts to your neighbours (16), your flights sped up with fuel (30), flights sent from your airport (40), flights you have completed (40), help given to your neighbours (50) and visiting your commercial buildings (150). Once you have completed the three tasks, the menu will disappear from your game screen, until the following morning, when the menu will re-open.

There are a number of small bonuses which will become available to collect through the weather station flights. To open the menu, you will need to click on the weather station building. There you will find nine flight destinations, which go to make up the weather station flights. You will be rewarded with the following bonuses, if you meet the required daily flight destination targets:

After having completed three flights, you will be rewarded with this bonus, which will increase the chance of a fortunate event for 20 flights by +90% for 4 hours. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Mystery Bonus Chest section of this guide, for information on how to obtain this bonus by these means, during long term game play.​
After having completed six flights, you will be rewarded with this bonus, which will remove unfavourable weather conditions for all flights. This is a one time use bonus. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Mystery Bonus Chest, Weather Station L2-L3.​
After having completed nine flights, you will be rewarded with this bonus, which will increase the speed of your planes by +35% for 6 hours. You can also obtain this bonus by completing the flight collection Figures And Figurines. You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Mystery Bonus Chest, Airship Store (can be purchased for 8 Green Notes), Mystery Bonus Purchase, Weather Station L3 (undertake flights for 9 days in a row), Mid Week Bonus Chest (you will receive one random item from the following, Unique Chance, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, One Green Note) when you open the chest, Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (the Basic Class Pass Ticket).​

You will need to complete all nine flights across nine days, one flight for each day. You will have no control over the flight destinations, you will therefore need to have a broad spectrum of different planes types in your fleet, in order to complete all nine flights, and collect the three bonus rewards. You will only know your flight destination on the day it becomes available, you will not be able to look ahead, across the nine days.

The destinations will be made up of standard flights, for a full list of the destinations, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Standard Flight Destinations and The Plane Types Required To Undertake Them, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-standard-flight-destinations-and-the-plane-types-required-to-undertake-them-v7-16-46.18979/ The user guide will not only list all the standard flights, but also provide you with detailed information on the number of passengers needed, the type of flight items needed, the amount of fuel needed and the destination flight times.

Throughout the gaming year, 26 special events will become available to forum members to undertake. Some of these special events will have their own bonuses, which will become available when the events open. These type of bonuses will be unique and will only be available during the special events:
This bonus will allow you to see and land Ghost Planes at your airport, during the Dark Skies special event, the bonus can be obtained by completing the Abnormal Activity collection. To complete the collection will require you to obtain the following five item drops, Pendulum, Ouija Board, Tarot Card, Raven Feather, Fortune Cookie. The items will drop from the following nine flight destinations, Transylvania, Machu Picchu, Salem, Fontainebleau, Windsor, Portland, Savannah, Aokigahara, Oaxaca City. The item will also drop from the White Phantom entities. Completing the collection will reward you with 150 coins and 50 experience points. Each bonus will last 6 minutes in duration.​
This bonus will allow you to land Mail Planes at your airport, during the Long Awaited Mail special event, the bonus can be obtained by completing the Express Delivery collection. To complete the collection will require you to obtain the following five item drops, Letter, Telegram, Parcel, Valuable Cargo, Postcard. Completing the collection will reward you with 300 coins and 140 experience points. Each bonus will last 5 minutes in duration. This bonus can also be purchased for 8 Green Notes, from the Bonus Store, during the Long Awaited Mail special event.​
This bonus will allow you to summon more Black Wraith during the Dark Skies special event, the bonus can be obtained by completing the Warlock's collection. To complete the collection will require you to obtain the following five item drops, Athame, Mirror, Black Cat, Magic Bowl, Amulet by landing Ghost Guest Planes at your airport. Completing the collection will reward you with 150 coins, 50 experience points and a Soul Net. Each bonus will last 6 minutes in duration.​
This bonus will double the romantic buildings' output of romantic passengers, number of passengers plus +100%, during the On The Wings of Love special event. Can also be purchased from the Game Store for 4 Green Notes. Once activated the bonus will be active for 3 hours.​
Available during the On The Wings of Love and A Walk In The Clouds special event, this bonus increases the maximum amount of romantic passengers, can be purchased from the Store for 4 Green Notes, once activated the bonus duration is 8 hours.​
Available during the On The Wings of Love special event, this bonus allows romantic passengers from all romantic buildings instantly available to collect. Can be purchased from the Store for 4 Green Notes. The bonus becomes activate instantly.​
Available during the Valley of The Kings Curse special event, this bonus increases the number of possessed passengers by +100%, the bonus will be active for 8 hours. Can be purchased from the Event Store for 4 Green Notes. The event use to be called Curse of The Valley of The Kings, the title changed due to the event being re-designed, to include a brand new event interface, this took place in August 2020 following the v7.23.30 download update to the game.​
Available during the Valley of The Kings Curse special event, this bonus doubles demonic buildings output of possessed passengers for 3 hours. Can be purchased from the Event Store for 4 Green Notes. The event use to be called Curse of The Valley of The Kings, the title changed due to the event being re-designed, to include a brand new event interface, this took place in August 2020 following the v7.23.30 download update to the game.​
Available during the Valley of The Kings Curse special event, this bonus instantly makes possessed passengers from all demonic buildings available to collect. Can be purchased from the Event Store for 3 Green Notes. The event use to be called Curse of The Valley of The Kings, the title changed due to the event being re-designed, to include a brand new event interface, this took place in August 2020 following the v7.23.30 download update to the game.​
With this bonus it will increase the amount of adventure currency you earn by 50% for 6 hours. Can be purchased from the Event Store for 4 Green Notes. See also the Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife, Special Event Valley of The Kings Curse (Premium Class Pass Ticket).​
Available during the World of Wildlife special event, with this bonus it will increase the chance of a collectable item drop from a building by 100% for 6 hours. This is a completely new event and bonus, made available to forum members in early October 2020, following the game update v8.1.16 download release of Airport City. See also the Event Store (can be purchased for 6 Green Notes), Special Event Thanksgiving Day, Special Event Airport City, Special Event Cinemania, Special Event World of Wildlife (Premium Class Pass Ticket).​
Available during the World of Wildlife special event, the bonus will increase the chance of an item drop from Guest Planes by 150% for 1 hour. This is a completely new event and bonus, made available to forum members in early October 2020, following the game update v8.1.16 download release of Airport City. See also the Event Store (can be purchased for 6 Green Notes), Special Event Dark Skies, Special Event World of Wildlife (Premium Class Pass Ticket).​
Available during the special event Holiday Rush mini game, allows flights through barriers in the Snow Ride mini-game, bonus will be active for 10 seconds, the bonus can only be activated while you are playing the mini game. Can be purchased for 2 Green Notes from the Event Mini-Game, also drops from the Iceberg Bar building, when you complete the Mug Set collection. To complete the collection you will need to collect the following five items, Lotus Mug, Oriental Mug, Liberty Mug, Leaning Mug, Sunny Mug, drops seldom from Belize flights and drops very seldom from Guest Planes, during the event. You will also be rewarded with small amount of coins and experience points.​
Available during the special event Holiday Rush mini game, the bonus will slow down the sledge in the Snow Ride mini game, the bonus will be active for 10 seconds, can be purchased for 2 Green Notes from the Event Mini-Game, also drops from the Rovaniemi flight destination. Swift plane required with map, only during the special event. Each completed flight will reward you with a small amount of coins, experience points and snowflakes, other possible rewards Winter Time Bonus seldom and items from the Unexpected Present collection very seldom.​
Will be available during the special event Holiday Rush mini game, the bonus doubles the amount of rewards you gain in the Snow Ride mini-game, bonus will be active for one round, can be purchased for 4 Green Notes from the Event Mini-Game, can also be obtained from the Snow Ride Bonus Set.​
With this bonus it will increase income from all your commercial buildings by 200% for 1 hour. It can also be obtained by completing the Dancing Leprechauns collection, you will receive 320 gold coins and 140 experience points for each collection you complete, along with a Leprechaun's Pot and A Pot of Gold.​
Will be available during the special event Long Awaited Mail mini game, can be purchased for 2 Green Notes, and will drop from your neighbours Post Office building. It will slow down the airplane for 10 seconds, it can only be activated while you are playing the mini game.​
Will be available during the special event Long Awaited Mail mini game, can be purchased for 2 Green Notes, and will drop from Guest Mail Planes. It will allow you to fly through barriers in the mini-game for 10 seconds, it can only be activated while you are playing the mini game.​
Will be available during the special event Back To School, it will remain active during the entire event. It will increase the Lab Flasks for each Educational Centre building you have in your game. The number of Lab Flasks will be determined by the building level (1-3). This will take place automatically when you have an Educational Centre building.​
Will be available during the special event Back To School, it will remain active during the entire event. It will increase the Lab Flasks for each Student Residence Hall building you have in your game. The number of Lab Flasks will be determined by the building level (1-3). This will take place automatically when you have an Student Residence Hall building.​
Will be available during the special event Back To School, it will remain active during the entire event. It will increase Lab Flasks by 20% for each Campus Park building you have in your game. The building rewards you with 18 passengers every 1 hour, increases your city population +20, bonus 2% commercial, radius 2 tiles.​
With this bonus it will increase the maximum amount of fuel, based on the Exhibition Hall building Level. (L2 by 15%, L3 by 25%, L3 by 40% and commercial income by 10%), during the Celestial Festival special event. Once the bonus is activated, it will valid for the remainder of the event.​
With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 15% - the bonus will be active for 12 hours. It can be purchased through the Event Store for 50 Green Notes, during the Riding The Comet special event.​

With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 20% - the bonus will be active for 10 hours. It can be purchased through the Event Store for 111 Green Notes, during the Riding The Comet special event.​

With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 30% - the bonus will be active for 6 hours. It can be purchased through the Event Store for 166 Green Notes, during the Riding The Comet special event.​

With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 50% - the bonus will be active for 4 hours. It can be purchased through the Event Store for 277 Green Notes, during the Riding The Comet special event.​

With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 70% - the bonus will be active for 2 hours. It can be purchased through the Event Store for 388 Green Notes, during the Riding The Comet special event.​
With this bonus it will speed up the spaceship return after launch by 90%, the flight will last 2.5 hours, instead of 24 hours, the bonus will be active for 24 hours. To obtain this bonus, you will need to complete the following flight collections, The Theory of Everything (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection three times, you will be rewarded with Emergency Spaceport building), The Outer Limits (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection three times, you will be rewarded with Space Needle building) and Magnificent Desolation (rewards of 5,000 coins, 2,000 experience points and by completing the collection three times, you will be rewarded with Luna Park building). You will be able to access your game bonuses through the meter icon bonus, located on the right hand side of your game screen. See also the Discount Super Sales, Store and Airship Store (can be purchase for 350 Green Notes), Discount Bank Sales, Platinum Chest and Golden Alliance Chest
With this bonus it will increase the chance of an item drop from an entity by 100% for 30 Minutes. It can be purchased from the Event Store for 3 Green Notes and you may be able to receive it as an award for event progress.​

With this bonus it will increase the chance of an item drop from an entity by 75% for 1 Hour. It can be purchased from the Event Store for 3 Green Notes and you may be able to receive it as an award for event progress.​

With this bonus it will increase the chance of an item drop from an entity by 50% for 2 Hours. It can be purchased from the Event Store for 2 Green Notes and you may be able to receive it as an award for event progress​
For a complete and detailed list ,with regards to the special events which take place throughout the year, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year - www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-all-the-twenty-six-special-events-during-the-game-year.28060/

The following five bonuses can only be obtained by being part of an members alliance group. The type of bonuses will depend on the number of alliance mission flights your group completes, during the week. This will determine how much of the progress bar your group will complete and the type of bonus you will be rewarded with:
With this bonus it will increase the amount of experience points you will receive for completing flights by 10%. This bonus will become active at the start of the week and will remain active for the entire week. See also the Weekly Alliance Bonus for achieving 10% of tasks.​
With this bonus it will increase the amount of experience points you will receive for completing flights by 30%. This bonus will become active at the start of the week and will remain active for the entire week. See also the Weekly Alliance Bonus for achieving 30% of tasks.​
With this bonus it will increase the amount of income you will receive from flights by 50%. This bonus will become active at the start of the week and will remain active for the entire week. See also the Weekly Alliance Bonus for achieving 50% of tasks.​
This bonus will reduce the chance of a plane and helicopter breakdown by 50% during all flights. This bonus will become active at the start of the week and will remain active for the entire week. See also the Weekly Alliance Bonus for achieving 70% of tasks.​
With this bonus it will increase the duration of all active bonuses by 10% for a week. This bonus will become active at the start of the week and will remain active for the entire week. See also the Weekly Alliance Bonus for achieving 100% of tasks.​

For more detailed information you will need to read through the user guide The Airport City Alliance Groups - How To Create, How To Join And Alliance Group Statistical Data Explained and the user guide, The Alliance Map Flight Destinations and The Plane Types Required To Undertake Them. They will both provide you with a far more complete picture, with regards to the members alliance groups.

The following nineteen bonuses can be obtained as a reward for completing the second and third stage flights, of any one of the 50 alliance map flight destinations. When you complete 250 flights of the second stage, you will be rewarded with a Mystery Bonus and when you complete 500 flights of the third stage, you will be rewarded with a Mystery Super Bonus. You will have no control over the bonus reward, which will be random:

Mystery Bonus (Second Stage 250 Flights)
Vintage Weathervane, Lucky Cap, Family Ticket, Robot Loader, Golden Wrench, Lucky Clover, Wind Charm, Alarm Clock, Old Barometer, Shaman Drum, Chinese Lantern, Inconvertible Coin, Sky Captain, Golden Toad​
Mystery Super Bonus (Third Stage 500 Flights)
With this bonus items from all the production buildings will become instantly available to collect. The bonus can also be obtained through the Mystery Super Bonus, by completing any one of the following collections, How To Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic And Span, Time Is Money, Easy Rider, Need For Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf collection. The bonus can also be purchased from the Game Store for 10 Gold Tokens and 500 Silver Tokens.​
Mystery Super Bonus (Third Stage 500 Flights)
With this bonus increases duration of all active flights that require a flight map 3 times. The map must already be active for the bonus to apply. Also available through the Mystery Super Bonus, by completing any one of the following collections, How To Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic And Span, Time Is Money, Easy Rider, Need For Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf collection.​
Mystery Super Bonus (Third Stage 500 Flights)
With this bonus all flights are accelerated automatically without fuel catalysts for the duration of the 24 hour bonus. Also available through the Mystery Super Bonus, by completing any one of the following collections, How To Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic And Span, Time Is Money, Easy Rider, Need For Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf collection. The bonus can also be purchased from the Game Store for 10 Gold Tokens and 500 Silver Tokens.​
Mystery Super Bonus (Third Stage 500 Flights)
This bonus allows you to complete 10 actions daily at every neighbour's city, active for 7 days. Also available through the Mystery Super Bonus Chest, by completing any one of the following collections, How To Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic And Span, Time Is Money, Easy Rider, Need For Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf collection. Can also be purchased through the Event Store for 69 Green Notes.​
Mystery Super Bonus (Third Stage 500 Flights)
This bonus grants you double experience for any actions completed, active for 7 days, flight experience 100%. Can also be obtained through the Mystery Super Bonus Chest, by completing any one of the following collections, How To Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic And Span, Time Is Money, Easy Rider, Need For Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf collection. The bonus can also be purchased from the Game Store for 10 Gold Tokens and 500 Silver Tokens.​
For more detailed information with regards to alliance map flight destinations, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Alliance Map Flight Destinations and The Plane Types Required To Undertake Them, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-alliance-map-flight-destinations-and-the-plane-types-required-to-undertake-them-v7-13-28.18632/

You will be able to purchase one of the Mystery Bonus chests for 10 Green Notes, and one of the Mystery Super Bonus chest for 10 Gold Tokens and 500 Silver Tokens. You will receive one random unique bonus from each of them:

Mystery Bonus Purchase - Vintage Weathervane, Lucky Cap, Inconvertible Coin, Golden Wrench, Sky Captain, Family Ticket, Golden Toad, Alarm Clock, Chinese Lantern​
Mystery Super Bonus Purchase - Horn of Plenty, Spirit of Adventure, Jet Pack, A Friend in Need, Jar of Diogenes​
You can also collect a Mystery Bonus by completing one of the following three flight collections, Cards On The Table, More Precious Than Gold, Liquid Assets. You can also collect a Mystery Super Bonus by completing one of the following ten flight collections, How to Win Friends, I'll Think About That Tomorrow, Spic and Span, Time is Money, Easy Rider, Need for Speed, Gold Reserve, Royal Honors, The Stone Guests, Sea-Wolf.

There will be a small number of bonuses which will increase your game income and experience points. These can be obtained by completing some of the flight collections, from some plane drops, when they dock at the terminals. Some of these bonuses will also increase the game experience points from space flights, if you have a fully functioning space program with green, blue and red launch pads and space vehicles.

Roughly speaking you can expect eight guest planes to land in a five minute period, this will of course depend on the type of planes and how long it will take for each of the planes to land, taxi along the runway, come to a full stop at a terminal, load with passengers and fuel, depart the terminal, taxi to the runway take off point, accelerate along the runway and then take off. The larger the planes, the longer it will take to do so e.g. Condor planes will take the longest, then followed by Thunderbird, Falcon, Giant, Jumbo, Eagle, Raven, Hawk, Owl and Swift.

You will need to have empty terminals available, for guest planes to dock. Normally your fleet of planes will be in the air, after having sent them up, when you first opened your game for the day. Therefore there will be plenty of empty terminals available for guest planes to dock with. You can only have two runways in your game, up to level 10 for each runway.

These guest planes will also give you small amounts of rewards e.g. coins, experience, passengers and/or fuel. Some planes will also drop gift items, a few will drop 'often', while most will drop 'very seldom'. Most of the gift items which drop 'very seldom' will go towards the completion of flight collections, which in turn will give you more rewards, the amount will depend on the flight collection in question.

From time to time special game codes will be issued in the Airport City Announcements section of the members forum. These codes will allow you to collect small rewards e.g. fuel, passengers etc, sometimes there will be a bonus. It is hard to say when these special codes will be issued, so it is something you will need to keep your eyes open for on the members forum.

In mid April 2022 I was reliably informed, by a forum member who posted in The Weekend Game Codes, Special Game Codes, Midweek Game Codes, Special Game Offers, Extra Codes, Non Expire Codes, Compensation user guide, that all of the codes no longer worked. This had come to light when the forum member had started a new support game, and discovered this, when the codes were keyed but had not worked.

You will be able to purchase a selection of bonuses through the Airship Store, which will appear twice a week, on Monday's and Thursday's, and will remain on your screen for 24 hours. To access the airship store menu you will need to select the blue and red round airship icon, which will be located on the left hand side of your game screen. Once selected, the menu will appear on your screen, along the top row of the menu, there will be five themed icons, 1st Adventure (Excavation Maps, Map Sets), 2nd Resources (Fuel, Tourists, Passengers), 3rd Bonuses (Mystery Bonus, Bonuses), 4th Space (Fuel, Bonus), 5th Resources (Mystery Buildings, Mystery Super Buildings, Duty Free Set), of which you will need to select the 3rd and 4th icon, to make a purchase from the following six bonuses:

Alarm Clock Bonus - 8 Green Notes - No Activation Period​
Golden Toad Bonus - 8 Green Notes - No Activation Period​
Family Ticket Bonus - 8 Green Notes - Activation Period 3 Hours​
Inconvertible Coins Bonus - 8 Green Notes - Activation Period 3 Hours​
Vintage Weathervane Bonus - 8 Green Notes - Activation Period 6 Hours​
Quantum Leap Bonus - 350 Green Notes (-30% Discount) - Activation Period 24 Hours​
As with the Game Store, I would strongly suggest you do not waste your green notes on buying bonuses, which you can collect for free during game play. Although bonuses will have an important part to play in your game, expanding your land, on both sides of your game, will play a far more important part to your long term game. You will also be able to obtain a bonus by purchasing a Mystery Bonus Chest, which will contain one random bonus from the following fourteen bonuses:

Lucky Cap Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 6 Hours​
Sky Captain Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 24 Hours​
Alarm Clock Bonus - 8,000 Coins - No Activation Period​
Golden Toad Bonus - 8,000 Coins - No Activation Period​
Lucky Clover Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 4 Hours​
Wind Charm Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 4 Hours​
Family Ticket Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 3 Hours​
Robot Loader Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 1 Hour​
Old Barometer Bonus - 8,000 Coins - No Activation Period​
Sharman Drum Bonus - 8,000 Coins - No Activation Period​
Golden Wrench Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 2 Hours​
Chinese Lantern Bonus - 8,000 Coins - No Activation Period​
Inconvertible Coin Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 3 Hours​
Vintage Weathervane Bonus - 8,000 Coins - Activation Period 6 Hours​
A Mystery Bonus Chest costing 8,000 coins, is not a great deal of money to spend. It will be a far better way of collecting bonuses, and something you will be able to purchase twice a week. You will also be able to recoup the coins your spend, far easier than the green notes, which will take far longer to recoup.

Bonuses can also be purchased at a discount, through the bank, which can be accessed by clicking on the green notes money icon, in the top right corner of your game screen. The type of bonuses on display will vary, during the course of a day and across the week. The time counter for each bonus, on the left hand side of the menu, will tell you how long it will take before the discount offer changes. Below are some of the bonuses you will be able to purchase:

Sky Captain, Quantum Leap, Matryoshka Doll, Secret Faucet, Lucky Cap
With this bonus it will increase the experience gained per flight by +50%, profits from planes by +200%, and the chance of an item drop by +50% for 12 hours. The bonus needs to be activated before the flights are sent. The bonus can also be purchased from the Store for 35 Green Notes

The amount of discount during the sales will depend on the bonus in question, and will require you to spend green notes. As to weather it is worth purchasing the bonus will be for you to decide. For more detailed information you will need to read through the following user guide, The Daily Bank Discount Sales - Buildings, Aircrafts, Liveries, Tokens, Mystery Bonus, Mystery Buildings, Collections, Event Sets, Bonuses, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-daily-bank-discount-sales-buildings-aircrafts-liveries-tokens-mystery-bonus-mystery-buildings-collections-event-sets-bonuses-v8-23-50.33377/

When the discount super sale opens, you will find a large round yellow and orange icon, it will have a large percentage sign in the centre, located on the right hand side of your game screen. The icon will remain on the screen for a period of time, measured in a few days, during which time you will be able to make a purchase: Please note, each time the discount super sales open, a different set of sale items will be displayed, it will not always be the same set of sale items.

Current Discount Price
Previous Discount PriceBonus Activation Period
Quantum Leap Bonus - 350 Green Notes (-30% discount)​
No Change In Discount Price24 Hours
Sky Captain Bonus - 30 Green Notes (-70% discount)​
70 Green Notes (-30% discount)24 Hours
Junior Pilot Bonus - 10 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
14 Green Notes (-30% discount)12 Hours
Secret Basement - 5 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
7 Green Notes (-30% discount)6 Hours
Express Delivery - 5 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
7 Green Notes (-30% discount)1 Hour
Spy Glass Bonus - 4 Green Notes (-55% discount)​
No Change In Discount Price9 Hours
Matryoshka Doll - 3 Green Notes (-25% discount)​
No Change In Discount Price8 Hours
Bowl of Riches - 2 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
N/A1 Hour
Vintage Weathervane - 3 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
N/A6 Hours
Secret Faucet - 3 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
N/A8 Hours
Golden Toad - 4 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
Bottomless Barrel - 3 Green Notes (-25% discount)​
No Change In Discount Price8 Hours
Fuel Additive - 3 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
No Change In Discount Price1 Hour
Pilot's Manual - 2 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
No Change In Discount Price2 Hours
Mystery Bonus Chest 5 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
No Change In Discount PriceN/A
Mystery Super Bonus Chest 90 Green Notes (-50% discount)​
No Change In Discount PriceN/A
It is hard to say how often this type of discount super sale will become available, during the course of a year. There will be a number of these types of super sales, of which this is just one, other types of super sales will offer different items for sale.

You will also find an aviation container for sale during this period which will cost 20 green notes to purchase. In the container you will find five random items from the following seven categories Planes (10), Buildings (31), Bonuses (22), Airport Cash (3), Coins (4), Passengers (4) and Fuel (3). I have only listed the bonuses category in this user guide, the remaining categories will appear in their own relevant user guides:

Bonuses - Sky Captain, Business Class, Bottomless Barrel, Matryoshka Doll, Golden Dice, Jar of Diogenes, Extra Fuel Can, Junior Pilot, Secret Faucet, Vintage Weathervane, Spy Glass, Inconvertible Coin, Family Ticket, Pilot Manual, Comfort Class, Golden Wrench, Golden Toad, Alarm Clock, Fuel Additive, Potion of Luck, Robert Loader, Lucky Cap​
This is a new purchase item, the last time the discount super sale opened earlier in the year, this was not available to forum members. Each of these items will drop 'very seldom', equal chance. As to weather the aviation container is worth purchasing, priced at 20 green notes, will be for you to decide.

You will have the option to purchase a Silver or Gold VIP subscription. You will have three purchase options to choose from, 1 Month, 3 Months or 6 Months. You are now able to purchase your chosen subscription through the bank, from within your game, whereas before you could only purchase through your Google Play, Apple App Store account. Once purchased, your subscription will be automatically renewed, unless you decide to cancel, if so you will need to do this 24 hours before your subscription expires.

The silver subscription will provide you with the following four benefits to your long term game, +100% profit earned from flights, +50% experience points gained from flights, +1 on fuel every minute and +15% on maximum fuel supply. The amount you will need to pay will depend on where you are located in the world. You will have three subscription purchase options to choose from, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months.​

The gold subscription will provide you with the following eight benefits to your long term game, +200% profit earned from flights, +100% experience points gained from flights, +2 fuel every minute, +30% maximum fuel supply, +50% item drop from flights, -15% flight duration, perfect weather conditions and no chance of a breakdown. The amount you will need to pay will depend on where you are located in the world. You will have three subscription purchase options to choose from, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months.​

Among all of the available bonuses, these two are quite unique, they can only be purchased as one of three subscriptions, and will last from 1 month to 6 months. All of the other bonuses are either instant, last 30 minutes, last from 1 hour to 9 hours, last 24 hours or last 7 days, and can be obtained through a number of sources during long term game play.

There are currently 85 bonuses available to players, how you go about obtaining the bonuses will be for you to decide. The following lists the bonuses which will require you to reach desired game levels before they become available:

Game Level 03 - Business Class, Comfort Class, Extra Fuel Can, Inconvertible Coin, Junior Pilot​
Game Level 04 - Bottomless Barrel, Matryoshka Doll, Secret Faucet​
Game Level 05 - Dice, Golden Dice, Spy Glass​
Game Level 06 - Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive, Golden Postage Stamp, Together Forever, Cupid's Arrow, Lucky Ticket, Secret Basement​
Game Level 07 - Alarm Clock, Golden Toad, Compass, Golden Propeller, Hot Lunch, Tourist Visa, Chinese Lantern, Old Barometer, Robot Loader, Family Ticket, Bowl of Riches, Golden Wrench, Lucky Cap, Vintage Weathervane, Sky Captain, Wind Charm, Shaman Drum, Crystal Ball, Soul Net, Golden Hat, Curse of The Pharaoh, Madness of Contagious, Stun Gun, Express Delivery, Ice Shield, Winter Time, Double Reward, Delivery Date, Obstacle Free, Good Performance, Honours Diploma, VIP Silver Subscription, VIP Gold Subscription, Lucky Clover, Potion of Luck, Favourite Subject, Energy Surge​
Game Level 10 - Quantum Leap, Flight Simulator, Golden Hat, First Class, Maintenance Check, Golden Megaphone, Horn of Plenty, Spirit of Adventure, Jet Pack, A Friend In Need, Jar of Diogenes, Test Launch, At The Speed of Light, Deep Space, Looking For UFOs, New Horizons​
No Game Level - Popular Destination, Reliable Crew, Lucky Hour, Silver Dice, Unique Chance, Valuable Cargo, You're In Luck, Fuel Hydrant, Full Tank, A Pot of Gold, Big Score, Collectors Rich Catch, A Plentiful Harvest​
If you spend some time and study the bonuses you will notice they represent an interesting mix, bonuses which will become active instantly when you obtain them, through to bonuses which will be active for days, 10 seconds, 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 9 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 7 days.

This section of the user guide lists all the bonuses grouped together, and each of the activation periods. It is a brief overview of all the bonuses that will be available to you, during long term game play:

Instant Bonus - Alarm Clock, Golden Toad, Chinese Lantern, Old Barometer, Compass, Shaman Drum, Spirit of Adventure, Cupid's Arrow, Stun Gun,​
One Round Bonus (Special Event Mini Game) - Double Reward​
Whole Event Bonus (Special Event) - Favourite Subject, Good Performance, Honours Diploma, Energy Surge​
10 Second Bonus - Delivery Date, Ice Shield, Obstacle Free, Winter Time​
5 Minute Bonus - Golden Postage Stamp​
6 Minute Bonus - Crystal Ball, Soul Net​
30 Minute Bonus - Comfort Class, Potion of Luck, Valuable Cargo, Full Tank, Big Score​
1 Hour Bonus - A Pot of Gold, Bowl of Riches, Robot Loader, Tourist Visa, Extra Fuel Can, Fuel Additive, Express Delivery, Lucky Hour, Unique Chance, Collectors Rich Catch​
2 Hour Bonus - Gold Propeller, Golden Wrench, Pilots Manual, Fuel Hydrant, You're In Luck, A Plentiful Harvest, New Horizons​
3 Hour Bonus - Family Ticket, Inconvertible Coin, Madness of Contagious, Together Forever​
4 Hour Bonus - Lucky Clover, Hot Lunch, Lucky Horseshoe, Wind Charm, Popular Destination, Looking For UFOs​
6 Hour Bonus - Golden Dice, Business Class, Lucky Cap, Vintage Weathervane, Dice, Secret Basement, Silver Dice, Lucky Ticket, Deep Space​
8 Hour Bonus - Matryoshka Doll, Bottomless Barrel, Secret Faucet, Golden Heart, Reliable Crew, Curse of The Pharoah​
9 Hour Bonus - Spy Glass​
10 Hour Bonus - At The Speed of Light​
12 Hour Bonus - Junior Pilot, Test Launch​
24 Hour Bonus - Quantum Leap, Sky Captain, Jet Pack​
7 Day Bonus - Flight Simulator, Golden Hat, First Class, Maintenance Check, Golden Megaphone, A Friend In Need, Jar of Diogenes​
1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months Subscription - Silver, Gold​

The game bonuses can be grouped into fourteen themed headings Weekly Alliance, Breakdown, Gold Coin, Drop Rate, Event, Event Entity, Experience, Flight Time, Fuel, Launch, Other, Passenger, Subscription and Weather. Each of the headings will have a healthy number of bonuses which can be activated to increase your resources.

Weekly Alliance
Flight Simulator, Golden Hat, First Class, Maintenance Check, Golden Megaphone
Gold Propeller, Golden Wrench, Maintenance Check, Gold Subscription
Gold Coin
A Pot of Gold, Business Class, Comfort Class, First Class, Golden Toad, Inconvertible Coin, Junior Pilot, Sky Captain, Tourist Visa, Silver Subscription, Gold Subscription, Popular Destination, Reliable Crew
Drop Rate
Bowl of Riches, Dice, Express Delivery, Golden Dice, Junior Pilot, Potion of Luck, Secret Basement, Sky Captain, Spyglass, Valuable Cargo, Gold Subscription, Lucky Hour, Popular Destination, Reliable Crew, Silver Dice, Unique Chance, You're In Luck
Crystal Ball, Cupid's Arrow, Curse of the Pharaoh, Golden Heart, Golden Postage Stamp, Lucky Ticket, Madness is Contagious, Soul Net, Stun Gun, Together Forever, Delivery Date, Double Reward, Ice Shield, Obstacle Free, Winter Time, Favourite Subject, Good Performance, Honors Diploma
Event Entity
Big Score, Collectors Rich Catch, A Plentiful Harvest
Flight Simulator, Golden Hat, Jar of Diogenes, Junior Pilot, Lucky Cap, Pilot's Manual, Sky Captain, Silver Subscription, Gold Subscription, Popular Destination, Reliable Crew
Flight Time
Jet Pack, Vintage Weathervane, Gold Subscription
Bottomless Barrel, Extra Fuel Can, Full Tank, Fuel Additive, Fuel Hydrant, Secret Faucet, Silver Subscription, Gold Subscription, Energy Surge
Test Launch, At the Speed of Light, Deep Space, Looking for UFOs, New Horizons, Quantum Leap
A Friend in Need, Golden Megaphone, Horn of Plenty, Lucky Horseshoe, Robot Loader, Spirit of Adventure, Wind Charm
Alarm Clock, Compass, Family Ticket, Hot Lunch, Matryoshka Doll
Silver Subscription, Gold Subscription
Chinese Lantern, Lucky Clover, Old Barometer, Shaman Drum, Gold Subscription

There is a wealth of user guide information to be found in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written the user guides to help you with your game. They will provide you with all the information you need, to help you make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Saturday 18th January 2025 at 11.20am London UK Time
Last edited:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Since first creating this thread and then posting, I have expanded the user guide, to include far more detail, have also re-written a number of sections and have added a new section Guest Plane Flights Landing - which was not part of the original user guide posting, It now looks and reads much better.

Captain WH Rollins
Since first creating this thread and then posting, I have expanded the user guide, to include far more detail, have also re-written a number of sections and have added a new section Guest Plane Flights Landing - which was not part of the original user guide posting, It now looks and reads much better.

Captain WH Rollins
Good job 👍

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I have today spent quite some time re-writing a number of sections to this user guide, and have written and inserted a new section, Super Sale - I have also adjusted the format. It looks and reads much better.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Captain WH Rollins
Earlier on today I finished updating this user guide, have re-written a number of paragraphs and sections, and have added more detail. Sometime had passed since I last looked through the user guide.

Captain WH Rollins

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*
Hello Captain, I believe the price for the Spy Glass is incorrect. I think this is now 9 green notes to purchase - I have not seen this on sale since the price increased, and so I do not know what the sale cost is or the percentage.

On another note, have you considered hyperlinking certain items in your guide to the Wiki pages? This could help with certain aspects so that data is only presented once. To be clear I'm not suggesting getting rid of the guide as I think it is helpful.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Captain WH Rollins
Hello Captain, I believe the price for the Spy Glass is incorrect. I think this is now 9 green notes to purchase - I have not seen this on sale since the price increased, and so I do not know what the sale cost is or the percentage.

On another note, have you considered hyperlinking certain items in your guide to the Wiki pages? This could help with certain aspects so that data is only presented once. To be clear I'm not suggesting getting rid of the guide as I think it is helpful.

Thank you very much for letting me know about the Spy Glass price increase, it comes as no real surprise that it is more expensive to purchase now than before. I'm assuming the 25% discount, during the Discount Super Sale period, has also changed, but do not know to what percentage. I can take an education guess, based on what my guts are telling me, but based far more on what I know about Game Insight's modus operendi.

As for the other matter, I will give it some thought, during cocktail hour, which is due to start shortly. My thanks once again for letting me know, it is greatly appreciated.

Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Captain WH Rollins
Now that the bonuses are no longer stored in the warehouse, and are to be found in the game store, following an update to the game, I have updated this user guide and have re-written a number of the paragraphs to reflect the changes. Hopefully, and fingers crossed, I have captured everything. If not' I'm sure someone on the members forum will let me know.

Captain WH Rollins
Now that the bonuses are no longer stored in the warehouse, and are to be found in the game store, following an update to the game, I have updated this user guide and have re-written a number of the paragraphs to reflect the changes. Hopefully, and fingers crossed, I have captured everything. If not' I'm sure someone on the members forum will let me know.

Captain WH Rollins
And we still need to be sure which bonuses are active if activated before flights take off, and which ones can still be activated after flights have taken off. Also, verify if a 6 hour golden dice or a 9 hour spyglass, which must be activated before a flight takes off, will still be active 12 hours later when the flights land. Or are we just seeing glitches in the active bonuses section and the bonuses we have activated are actually working. :wacky::wacky::wacky:

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Captain WH Rollins
And we still need to be sure which bonuses are active if activated before flights take off, and which ones can still be activated after flights have taken off. Also, verify if a 6 hour golden dice or a 9 hour spyglass, which must be activated before a flight takes off, will still be active 12 hours later when the flights land. Or are we just seeing glitches in the active bonuses section and the bonuses we have activated are actually working. :wacky::wacky::wacky:

It would be wonderful (but it will never happen) if Game Insight were more up front about such things, always a lack of detailed information with this, and also across the entire game, when updates take place. It is always the forum members who do the detective work, and then share their findings with other members. I would like to see more openess of detailed information with regards to bonuses.....before and after they have been activated.

Captain WH Rollins
I'm finding that bonuses I've activated that are NOT showing in the active flight section are, indeed, active. (they are showing in the bonus section, just not in the active flights section) So I'm thinking there is definitely some sort of glitch in the programming, and there really is no change. (she says hopefully). I guess it will be all hit and miss until it's all sorted out, then the guide can be updated with confidence - whether or not we have any help from GI.
  1. Windows PC
I'm finding that bonuses I've activated that are NOT showing in the active flight section are, indeed, active. (they are showing in the bonus section, just not in the active flights section) So I'm thinking there is definitely some sort of glitch in the programming, and there really is no change. (she says hopefully). I guess it will be all hit and miss until it's all sorted out, then the guide can be updated with confidence - whether or not we have any help from GI.

Thanks @Captain WH Rollins for this; great reading.

Naturally can't comment on higher boosts, but I am seeing active flights showing the bonuses that were active when the flight started even though the boost timer has since run out. You can see here an earlier flight today to Technotitlan with comfort class and spyglass due to return in 3h40m, and a more recent flight with no bonuses.

Airport City 7_05_2020 9_47_21 AM (2).png

Clicking on the boosts icons brings up a second window with active boosts, showing both boost but with no time remaining!

Airport City 7_05_2020 9_57_06 AM.png

I must assume that the boosts will apply on landing....or is this the glitch you are seeing @crescent moon ?


1200+ Star Club
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Opening Multiple Bonuses
There are currently no restrictions on the number of bonuses you can have open, although you will not be able to have the Business Class and Comfort Class bonuses open together. The reason for this is because of the conflict between them, both will increase income from flights, that you have undertaken. The first bonus will increase income by 200% for 6 hours and the second bonus will increase income by 20% for 30 minutes.

Dear @Captain WH Rollins ,

Thanks for a great and detailed description!

That what I quoted is exactly what I did yesterday, without knowing it, and it appeared to have worked for me! I also didn't get any warning while activating first Business Class and then Comfort Class. And yet another profit increase bonus was active - the First Class from alliance weekly prizes. It seems then that they can be combined. Actually a great way to earn some money, running for example space map flights.


Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Dear @Captain WH Rollins ,

Thanks for a great and detailed description!

That what I quoted is exactly what I did yesterday, without knowing it, and it appeared to have worked for me! I also didn't get any warning while activating first Business Class and then Comfort Class. And yet another profit increase bonus was active - the First Class from alliance weekly prizes. It seems then that they can be combined. Actually a great way to earn some money, running for example space map flights.


Thank you very much for your post and for expressing your thoughts. I'm pleased you were able to activate both the bonuses and that they both worked. The last time I tried to open both of them, sometime has passed since then, I received a message on my screen, informing me it was not possible to activate both. I have just now tried, and there were no message. When I have a moment, I will look at this more closely and update the user guide to reflect thie change . My thanks once again for letting me know, it is greatly appreciated.

Captain WH Rollins

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*
Thank you very much for your post and for expressing your thoughts. I'm pleased you were able to activate both the bonuses and that they both worked. The last time I tried to open both of them, sometime has passed since then, I received a message on my screen, informing me it was not possible to activate both. I have just now tried, and there were no message. When I have a moment, I will look at this more closely and update the user guide to reflect thie change . My thanks once again for letting me know, it is greatly appreciated.

Captain WH Rollins
For your info, this was changed a few updates ago with the other changes to bonuses (I.e. only work on flights if sent after bonus was activated).
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