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Windows Thanksgiving Day Bank Ad Glitch

  1. Windows PC
Anyone else having issues with the desktop version of the game where the Bank full page Ad keeps flashing up on the screen and won't go away? It just started today (Sunday) and does not stop even after closing and restarting the game. It makes the game unplayable on that version. I had to move to another version of the game to continue playing... which is fine, I have all three versions but it is a pain to transfer between versions...especially in the middle of a game!
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
I did have that same problem. Though it did seem to solve itself after an hour.

Though today, I don't seem to have any alliance missions
I did have that same problem. Though it did seem to solve itself after an hour.

Though today, I don't seem to have any alliance missions
Same here! Message: ‘Weekly Alliance Mission will be available next week’. Hope they remember there are rewards outstanding!
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