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Terminal - All upgrades

@Spork I can send you Fire Alarms. I only need Water Dispensers for this upgrade so please don't send me Iris Scanners. I need Touchscreens for my tower upgrade if you can send them. If not, just send repair parts for Falcons.

Thanks. I have iris scanner is that the one? If not remind me which are Falcon parts and I'll send those. Thanks for sending water dispensers as I need 20!!
  1. Windows PC
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Pilot 1
If anyone can help me upgrade my Terminal to Terminal 10, I can send daily gifts in return. Since you need 10 of everything, I can use any of the items. I have 1 or 2 of a couple items, but since I am on windows, I can not get free gifts daily (because they still haven't fixed that issue on windows.......6 MONTHS LATER) and will still take days to complete with help. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  1. Android
Friend Code
anyone doing terminal 12 please? current status
passport 4/20
fire alarm 20/20
iris scanner4/20
water dispenser 3/20
can send water dispenser (also dryer boring, disinfecting, crucible, photo
I just start to collect items for terminal 12 and i'm needing every item. I can send you passport scanner.

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