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iOS Task Weirdness for On The Wings of Love event


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure how it is working out for others, but so far on this event nearly every task I have been assigned involves collecting romantic passengers, and maybe a collectable like the Teddy of Love. I've had a few destinations too, but not many. What is most surprising is the lack of tasks involving picking flowers. I think I've only had 2 so far. Has this happened to anyone else? It is at the point that I'm wondering why they are even bothering with flowers if it's so infrequent to get a task involving them.

Has this happened to anyone else?

👧 ⛽
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure how it is working out for others, but so far on this event nearly every task I have been assigned involves collecting romantic passengers, and maybe a collectable like the Teddy of Love. I've had a few destinations too, but not many. What is most surprising is the lack of tasks involving picking flowers. I think I've only had 2 so far. Has this happened to anyone else? It is at the point that I'm wondering why they are even bothering with flowers if it's so infrequent to get a task involving them.

Has this happened to anyone else?

👧 ⛽
I have got around 6 x 400 task for plucking flowers (25 in my city) and 4 x180 task (5 in my city or neighbors), never got a flower collection (the 5 collectibles such as rose, chrysanthemum) for a 1060 task
(These are from the 25x400, 12x180 and 15x1060 tasks I finished)


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
I wonder if it looks at what you have. In my city I have the following in case this helps:

6 Sweet Shops
6 Merry Go Rounds
6 Gazebos
6 Romantic Cafes
3 Bridal Salons


350+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Paula [items needed]
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure how it is working out for others, but so far on this event nearly every task I have been assigned involves collecting romantic passengers, and maybe a collectable like the Teddy of Love. I've had a few destinations too, but not many. What is most surprising is the lack of tasks involving picking flowers. I think I've only had 2 so far. Has this happened to anyone else? It is at the point that I'm wondering why they are even bothering with flowers if it's so infrequent to get a task involving them.

Has this happened to anyone else?

👧 ⛽
I have gotten the 400 task to pick 25 flowers in my city and the 180 task to pick 5 flowers in my neighbors' cities multiple times. Like you, I still haven't gotten a task to get a collectible item that drops from flowers in your city. It's such a bummer, because those would be very easy to complete (unlike the romantic passenger tasks).


350+ Star Club
I have similar concerns @red_z06 (btw is that Benny backup 6 your support?)

And yes picking flowers look easy but it could lead to a headache you don’t need later. Visiting romantic cafe is preferred. LOL
Yes. I thought I had enough backups (1 - 5). But I needed to use the Aerobatic Livery that you get on a new acct to other than Swift. I think I should have used it on an Owl instead of Hawk. For backup and Event acct, it make sense to have fleet of Swifts and Owls to handle both events and alliance tasks.

It seems events treat Owls as default planes even if you don't have one (tested on new acct without an Owl in fleet).
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While picking neighbors flowers is easy, doing that 3 times per day is not. For two days, I can't complete the 400 task as it requires 15 neighbor visits while I can only do 12 per day. So, I will take 1-2 flowers but not three.
You can use the friend in need. Pick 5 flowers on first five, return later to same 5 and pick another 5 flowers, they regenerate if you give enough time. That way you can do the 25 flowers 5 times (4 times with the first 10 neighbors, the fifth taking a bit more time and the sixth tap on 5 others).

even without the friend in need bonus you can manage the third round, if you use the sixth visit
  1. iPad
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure how it is working out for others, but so far on this event nearly every task I have been assigned involves collecting romantic passengers, and maybe a collectable like the Teddy of Love. I've had a few destinations too, but not many. What is most surprising is the lack of tasks involving picking flowers. I think I've only had 2 so far. Has this happened to anyone else? It is at the point that I'm wondering why they are even bothering with flowers if it's so infrequent to get a task involving them.

Has this happened to anyone else?

👧 ⛽
I've had the Bridal Salon pretty much every day--usually as the 1060 task. Only have two of those, so have had to burn free speed up ads exclusively on those, as I only have two of them and they are 18-hour refresh. I've had the pick flowers a few times, but usually as the lowest task (about half in my city, other in neighbors). That said, it's not really a big deal, as I've learned that finishing the event is the only thing that matters. The competition is mostly meaningless, as the rewards are peanuts compared to the investment of time and money that it takes to achieve them. Once you hit Level 80, there always going to be 2-3 peeps who probably spend 12 hours/day in their parents basement racking up 200k-300k points.
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