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Sunday 4th May 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To make the trading experience as easy as possible, please post the following details in your post and in your signature:

Username/Friend Code
In-Game Name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Username: Ozyjnr2
iPhone user
Level: 30 | stars: 57 | hearts: 7

Please notify me of your intention of friend request

Need: Travel Guide

Can Send: Fuel Catalyst, Goal Posts, Computer, Skin Care Products, Paint, Welder, Tour Review, Landing Lamp
Copy Machine, Handling Line, All-Inclusive Bracelet, Fuel (20 units), Video Wall, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Spaceship Engine
Text Book, Eau De Toilette, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Weather Display, Fuel Additives, Drill Machine, Spaceship Launch Console
Additional Radar, Perfume, Shredder, Spare Wire, Hull Parts, Passenger Seat, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Cooling Chamber,
Navigation Module, City Model, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propellor, Deicer


1200+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Daily exports:
12:34 spare propeller
Mrstepot (beckyp) blanket; (beckyp2) flight catering
Neil ellor (Captain tneil) fuel hose; (Captain Ne2) fuel supply
davidyush passengers
billsnj gyroscope
Gt city (Gt city 3) flight catering
Hburr filled candies
InCoNvEnIeNtE (portugal) landing lamp
LAX (LAX Regional) fuel catalyst; (LAX-2 & DAL-FTW) flight catering
Pakman (Pakman & Pakman8) ??????? finger slip; my bad buddy
Rabblerouser fuel catalyst
nsari (sari2) beacon
Theo1977 passengers
greensmith (WAverly Huff) fuel catalyst
weetbix81 archive box


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