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Student Residence Hall & Educational Halls

Dancing Dolphin

350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
And my thanks too - all the help has been great, you are all legends! I still have Cape York Air at level on both items (20t6j67q if you need level 1). Level 3 on both at DolfinAir F20 (20myjsg5i).

Plodding along on the "spot the items" game because I want the prizes, but it's just boring.....

Best wishes to all
Stay safe and stay well

Dancing Dolphin

350+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
And my thanks too - all the help has been great, you are all legends! I still have Cape York Air at level on both items (20t6j67q if you need level 1). Level 3 on both at DolfinAir F20 (20myjsg5i).

Plodding along on the "spot the items" game because I want the prizes, but it's just boring.....

Best wishes to all
Stay safe and stay well

Oh - PS, mission accomplished: school for gifted kids!
Thanx to those who have helped me out. I'm still ec2 if anyone needs. Code is 041hm9n0
I will keep ec2 for a while longer. My srh is 3.
I need a EC2 if you still have it. I'm am done for tonight but if you get this message, I will take you up on that EC if you have it still. I will wake up tomorrow and check in the morning. I am in San Francisco and I will check in the morning.

Thank you,



500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
I need a EC2 if you still have it. I'm am done for tonight but if you get this message, I will take you up on that EC if you have it still. I will wake up tomorrow and check in the morning. I am in San Francisco and I will check in the morning.

Thank you,

PLM3 still has an EC2. PM or reply here if sending neighbor request.
  1. Android
Friend Code
DTBull 420
Student residence @ lvl3 (sorry, rushed into update without understanding the implications)
educational center @ lvl2 (will keep it as is for a few days)
both near the university buildings, bottom left corner
for those outside my neighborhood: you can send invite visiting Channel Royal Alliance, game is LX Air.
please tag me if doing so, and state your game’s name, I tend to delete unknown invites.

Hi. I need a friend with Educational Center lvl 2. My friend code is: 048d5avo1.
I have Student Residence and Educational Center both at level 3.
Please add me. I'd really appreciate the help. ^^
  1. Android
Friend Code
DTBull 420
Hi. I need a friend with Educational Center level 2.
My friend code is: 048d5avo1.
I have Student Residence and Educational Center both at level 3.
Please add me. I'd really appreciate the help. ^^
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