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Spyglass or Dice?

  1. Android
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Last few days I have made some flight to Egypt destinations and in 20-25 flight with Golden Dice I have collected about 5-6 items (20-30%). It is not so poor as few weeks ago (10-15%) but also not as impresive as few moths ago (55-60% droprate).
So for Space/Adventure destinations > Golden Dice

For the Excavations I would prefer normal Dice - pretty good droprate last week - about 40-50% with and 1 drop / 20 flights without.

I don't have any good experience with Spy Glass but I think to use it for the side quests.
  1. Android
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Hmm... I don't get it. I have used for Exv. toEgypt a Dice 2 month ago and it worked very well. Today I have used it also for Exv. to Temple and you can forget that it worked well - one drop after 20 landings. The same I can get without any bonus.
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