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Signature page

  1. iPad
Hi can anyone show me what a signature page look likes have been playing game for awhile and just found out about this have looked at some instructions of how to do but a photo would help me. Sorry to bother you.
It varies from individual to individual. Mine is actually quite lengthy so it is probably a poor example.

People would probably put in the following:

1) The Time Zone they live in.
2) A list of items they may need including repair items or things that they require for buildings.
3) Their level and number of expertise stars
4) Their Weekly PAX count to help alliance recruiters
5) Launch policies if they do they do launches.

Be careful NOT to put too much personal information in it such as where exactly you live, your real name, or contact information. There should be something generic such as "Sex: Male, Age: 50"

  1. iPad
It varies from individual to individual. Mine is actually quite lengthy so it is probably a poor example.

People would probably put in the following:

1) The Time Zone they live in.
2) A list of items they may need including repair items or things that they require for buildings.
3) Their level and number of expertise stars
4) Their Weekly PAX count to help alliance recruiters
5) Launch policies if they do they do launches.

Be careful NOT to put too much personal information in it such as where exactly you live, your real name, or contact information. There should be something generic such as "Sex: Male, Age: 50"

Thank you, for advice do appreciate it. Am about to try and set one up, wish me luck. Happy Flying Wilco and out.
Thank you, for advice do appreciate it. Am about to try and set one up, wish me luck. Happy Flying Wilco and out.
There is also a guide that was created about this that might be useful:
Thread 'How To Design Your Members Forum Signature Page And How To Post To The Members Forum (v8.10.20)' https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...-to-post-to-the-members-forum-v8-10-20.16559/

But definitely check out Chloe's & Pilot-wv's signatures as they provide a sample of how descriptive\useful they can be.
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  1. iPad
There is also a guide that was created about this that might be useful:
Thread 'How To Design Your Members Forum Signature Page And How To Post To The Members Forum (v8.10.20)' https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...-to-post-to-the-members-forum-v8-10-20.16559/

But definitely check out Chloe's & Pilot-wv's signatures as they provide a sample of how descriptive\useful they can be.
Hi yes, did look at the members forum signature page, and have managed to set something up. Will be adding to it.
Hi can anyone show me what a signature page look likes have been playing game for awhile and just found out about this have looked at some instructions of how to do but a photo would help me. Sorry to bother you.
Your signature is looking good. There is no right or wrong, it is about what you would want to see looking at someone elses, and what tells people about you. I like a bit of personality in there as well, but your signature is good, well done!


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
Hi can anyone show me what a signature page look likes have been playing game for awhile and just found out about this have looked at some instructions of how to do but a photo would help me. Sorry to bother you.
One of the things you might want to think about, is how often what you put into your signature will need to be updated, and how often you are willing to spend the time updating your information.

I asked someone why they were sending me items that I did not need, and got the reply, "I just sent what was listed in your signature," which I had not updated in about 6 months. Ooooops.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
Hi can anyone show me what a signature page look likes have been playing game for awhile and just found out about this have looked at some instructions of how to do but a photo would help me. Sorry to bother you.
I did just check you signature and I'll agree with @ItsRalphy that it is looking good.

When thinking about what you can give, most experienced players will know the basics based on your current game level. You can find this information in the wiki at gift item you can give. What is more helpful is listing the items that you can give for your next major building upgrade. For instance, if you are currently have Town Hall 7 (TH7) you are working toward TH8, and you are able to gift one item needed for TH8 to those that need it. This is the same for the other major buildings that you upgrade, (MCC, CT, Term. and most production buildings). This though brings us back to my last comment above, these will need to be updated each time that you complete one of these building level, since the item for your new current level will vanish and one for your next level building will appear.

I hope this makes some sense.
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