Same on both of my games, cannot visit neighbors or send or receive gifts since several hours ago, dead in the water, not sure if the game progress would be saved. 
Nope mine dies t it says bolster terms or cheating which i am not 100%
Think time to quit sick of this
Spent over £200 on this game
I was told reboot the game so I stopped the app restarted phone but nothing still same
Can't send gfys to anyone
Cannot receive gifts
Lost all my 76 neighbours all gone
Airship won't let me buy to do with time travel ??
Launches won't start or work due to violated terms
What has happened to my game I'm stuck and done nothing at all
It looks like you have an issue with the proper time registering on their server.
Were you traveling or did an update reset the time on your phone.
If this happen just before the server went down.
I would open a ticket with GI saying that the issue is on their end and to look into the issue.
It is unfortunate that the issue is with your phone clock.
I suggest you go into phone time setting and see if the time is set on auto and what time zone.
You may need to manually correct these settings before GI unlocks your game, otherwise the game will lock itself up again when you travel.
Rule of thumb when travelling and playing the game. Always allow 30 minutes after you played the game and your time zone has changed to allow there servers to adjust to different setting.
GI servers cannot take rapid changes, it sets of an alarm, which can sometimes be a false positive.
Maybe I'm just guessing but was your game open in the background when your clock changed?Hi my phone clocks is fine and auto so it's correct as in UK time it was since 9am this morning
None has came back I'm still stuck
Nothing to access
No fuel to add so nothing's changed