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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Android Serious Android Issue

  1. Android
Friend Code
Not connect to server


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  1. Android
Friend Code
Aww I know, I've been there but they do fix these things as soon as they can (it's in their interest to do so)...frustrating but all will be ok for sure, be patient just a little longer :)

You have given me faith! I will miss only bonuses
But... it's important not to start from beginning
  1. Android
Friend Code
That's the most important thing never go back, make sure you put a ticket in (keep the ticket number just in case) and take screen shots if possible to send to GI
What ticket? I have only screen shots account changes.


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350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
What ticket? I have only screen shots account changes.

Go down the page of the forum to the Official Website (Useful Links) this will take you to the GI website, its very easy once you're there to follow just explain what you have said on here...they will then give you a number (which we call a ticket) example #8123456. Keep the email and the number given they will get back to you - then if not happy/restored keep updating them using the same ticket number.

I e-mailed GI earlier today as a lot of us were having problems with our Alliances - didn't expect a response as Christmas - as soon as I arrived home I had a email and the problem was resolved in a few hours...if they are aware they do help, as with everything yes frustrating but will get sorted eventually
  1. Android
Friend Code
[QUOTE = "LjGibbs, post: 303784, członek: 8555"] Przejdź na dół strony forum na oficjalną stronę internetową (przydatne linki), która przeniesie Cię do strony z OG, jest bardzo łatwa, gdy już będziesz mógł śledzić wyjaśnij, co tu powiedziałeś ... następnie podadzą ci numer (który nazywamy biletem) przykład # 8123456. Zachowaj e-mail i numer, pod warunkiem, że skontaktują się z Tobą - wtedy, jeśli nie jesteś zadowolony / odnowiony, aktualizuj je przy użyciu tego samego numeru biletu.

Wysłałem dzisiaj e-maila do GI, ponieważ wielu z nas miało problemy z naszymi sojuszami - nie spodziewałem się odpowiedzi w Boże Narodzenie - jak tylko wróciłem do domu, otrzymałem e-mail, a problem został rozwiązany w ciągu kilku godzin ... jeśli są świadomi, to pomagają, tak jak wszystko jest frustrujące, ale ostatecznie zostanie posortowane [/ QUOTE]
Okej, thank you so much! I'm just waiting now


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
[QUOTE = "LjGibbs, post: 303784, członek: 8555"] Przejdź na dół strony forum na oficjalną stronę internetową (przydatne linki), która przeniesie Cię do strony z OG, jest bardzo łatwa, gdy już będziesz mógł śledzić wyjaśnij, co tu powiedziałeś ... następnie podadzą ci numer (który nazywamy biletem) przykład # 8123456. Zachowaj e-mail i numer, pod warunkiem, że skontaktują się z Tobą - wtedy, jeśli nie jesteś zadowolony / odnowiony, aktualizuj je przy użyciu tego samego numeru biletu.

Wysłałem dzisiaj e-maila do GI, ponieważ wielu z nas miało problemy z naszymi sojuszami - nie spodziewałem się odpowiedzi w Boże Narodzenie - jak tylko wróciłem do domu, otrzymałem e-mail, a problem został rozwiązany w ciągu kilku godzin ... jeśli są świadomi, to pomagają, tak jak wszystko jest frustrujące, ale ostatecznie zostanie posortowane [/ QUOTE]
Okej, thank you so much! I'm just waiting now

You're welcome @Lons_PL would be great if you could translate to English...I don't understand anyway good luck (y)
  1. Android
Friend Code
Support request me to reach level 3 with new account and don't do anything other, in particular don't search new neighbors. I've done so and now I have all my 300 neighbors from original account with a game at level 3. Each time that I restart the game the App propose me to select the account and I when I try to restore it I receive as usually the server connection error. After this the app open the form with neighbors. Now I've to wait again 24 hours for an answer... And this mix doesn't help me to believe that all will be solved simply.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Support request me to reach level 3 with new account and don't do anything other, in particular don't search new neighbors. I've done so and now I have all my 300 neighbors from original account with a game at level 3. Each time that I restart the game the App propose me to select the account and I when I try to restore it I receive as usually the server connection error. After this the app open the form with neighbors. Now I've to wait again 24 hours for an answer... And this mix doesn't help me to believe that all will be solved simply.

Something went on in this topic?
  1. Android
Friend Code
Something went on in this topic?
Hi Lons, yesterday support wrote me to update the app and to log with my original account and then to write them. Obviously I had already updated the game and my issue is that when I try to recover my original account the result is a server error. So I'm not able to log with my account. I wrote this thing every day and ever day they request me something, sometimes already requested in previous mail. So I still have an hybrid game... After server error it start with a new account that I bring to level 3 as requested by support but I've lost all my progress, level, buildings etc. On one side and I have all neighbors of my original account on the other. I really don't know what expect as new request from them... Someone has my same issue?


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Windows after they fixed its return back same bug cannot get the gifts fast it take time and space shuttle after landing take time to get the chest drop and it show up the (please wait) when you visit neighbors and freezing cannot visit.

Same here Husam, I'm just being patient as others have it a lot worse than me at least we can play just takes a little longer with the gifts, neighbour clicks, launch landings etc
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi Lons, yesterday support wrote me to update the app and to log with my original account and then to write them. Obviously I had already updated the game and my issue is that when I try to recover my original account the result is a server error. So I'm not able to log with my account. I wrote this thing every day and ever day they request me something, sometimes already requested in previous mail. So I still have an hybrid game... After server error it start with a new account that I bring to level 3 as requested by support but I've lost all my progress, level, buildings etc. On one side and I have all neighbors of my original account on the other. I really don't know what expect as new request from them... Someone has my same issue?

I have exactly the same problem. they only write nothing to me except for the upgrade ... the upgrade does not give anything.


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Did you follow what Gt was saying from the post I tagged you into? Give him the ticket number (that GI has given you) and the issue's you are experiencing and also wait to see what happens, most people are experiencing exactly the same especially on IOS at the moment!


350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Think we're all (or most) experiencing some issue or another on different platforms, mostly on IOS, (my support is on IOS) but I'm not on it for long so just waiting for the fix, can gift on there but just extremely slow same with my clicks and the videos.
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