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Android Sept 2015 Update Issues

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
I've been flying many flights for two days to Goa, Thailand, and Singapore and not one drop for the items needed up complete the Reserve Hangar. None. Not one. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Used golden dice and sky captain. Nothing but items I can't use.
This must be solved with next update, that should be released soon... With those two mentioned bonuses you should get at least few items, needed for Reserve Hangar.

Or, G! wants we should spend greenies for it only. Thanks for that loooong waiting building... :confused:
  1. Android
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Please PM if adding. Will not add without PM.
Sulfe (lvl 60 283★ and 9♥) / Wingit (lvl 60 155★ and 9♥)
I just added 4 Space Needles to my main game and did not get an increase in city population for any of them. I had 1620 before and 1620 after. I would really like my additional 200, please. It took a lot of flying to get them.


350+ Star Club
Comeback Flyers
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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spearman78*item needed*
I've been flying many flights for two days to Goa, Thailand, and Singapore and not one drop for the items needed up complete the Reserve Hangar. None. Not one. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Used golden dice and sky captain. Nothing but items I can't use.
Well I did manage to get one (yes, one) drop from those flights.


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Javi+ items needed
Got the same issues you have described plus lost 2 levels I have made today on re-log and lost all friends.
When you say that you lost all your friends, does it mean that they are away? or really gone?
for me they are all away, even the one which updated theit game. the only I can visit is @M22 who I add after the upgrade.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Can't get reserve hangar items can't join launches made alliance UK bluenose. But invite keeping disappearing, game starting to make me wanna stop playing
Friend code asyiyi4 thanks all

airport citywide

150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
airport citywide
Unable to visit neighbors and yesterday that there testing the problem and should be available on this update = just updated for the howllwen event and still unable to visit neighbor's
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