Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Saturday 28th February 2015

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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To make the trading experience as easy as possible, please post the following details in your post and in your signature:

Username/Friend Code
In-Game Name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.


150+ Star Club
Comeback Flyers
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
spearman78*item needed*
Hello everyone!

Good news: I got a newer, faster tablet for spearman78 (y)
Bad new: Helium is giving me a hard time with backing up and restoring my game :banghead:
I'll get it figured out at some point I guess :whistle:

Thanks to my faithful neighbors as always, and of course fuel is definitely appreciated if you can't send me what's in my signature.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi Friends, will send today's gifts in a minute. @Dave I can return Parking Meters to you, send me your item. @flip123 I don't have jpjpjp4 as a neighbor, but send me a request and I can send Floor Washers, Postal Drones and Flatwork Ironers.
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