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Saturday 16th February 2013 Android Daily Trading Thread

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500+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
To try and make the trading experience as easy as
possible, we have now moved onto having a daily trading
Please post the following details below:
Username/Friend Code
in-game name
Items Required
Items You Can Send
If you already have these details in your signature, please
feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your
signature into the post.
This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be
closed and a new thread created.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi flip123,

i've send a add request for you're 3 accounts from my android account (## Speedy). I didn't receive a messege after i added your 2 apple accounts, so i don't know if you recieve the inventation at those devices.

I would like to trade some things with you.

for your flip123 account i can send the next things from your request list:
--> Fuel Hose, Spare Propeller, Navigation Module, Oscillating Beacon.
I would like: Weather display, Bath towel (in oder of list)
(don't know if android to apple works fine??)

For your Jpjpjp Account i can send the next things from your request list:
--> Flight catering, Navigation module, Fuel hose, Spare Propeller
I would like: All inclusive bracelet
(don't know if android to apple works fine??)

For your Jpjpjp2 Account i can send the next things from your request list:
--> Flight items (all levels), Cooling chamber.

Can you accept my inventation and send a response on what items you need?

Thank you!

Greetings Speedy
  1. Android
Friend Code
Spitfire sqdrn
hi all
not sure what this # (name), is all about. maybe someone could explain plz.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Really strange. I can't send another item to jpjpjp2 anymore becuase i already send it. So i'll give it a try again tomorrow. Maybe you will receive it sometime later??

I saw you added me also with your flip123 and jpjpjp account. So i've send the following to those accounts :
flip123: fuel hose
jpjpjp: flight catering
  1. None of the above
To quote Event Horizon : "It could be just me, but it seems that Mr Fox is in need of some shears."
Damn right you are! (y)
I was on a 19 shears spree without a flower until the 20th shears dropped me one. It started 2 days ago when I used my last 4 shears without getting any drop. Then yesterday after another 6 shears, I stopped and waited for 2 hours then tried my luck again with 5 shears. Nope still no good, so at night after getting some gifts from you guys, I tried again with 3 shears and... nope, still no luck. This morning, I finally broke the row with 2 shears. 4+6+5+3+1 = 19 in a row without a flower omg :mad: Now I am on a 5 shears streak :confused: and nothing left here..

Anyway... "username I sent my gift to" : "item I sent"
air canillas : Fuel Hose
Bali Hi : Fuel (3)
Blackcloud : Pruning Shears
bubbajed5711 : Pruning Shears
Divvy : Pruning Shears
Hotdog : Additional Radar
kitkitkit : Fuel Hose
lkoo : Pruning Shears
nsari & sari2: Fuel Hose
pienicki : Fuel Hose
Raaaaaaaandy : Pruning Shears
Suresh : Pruning Shears
I'd really really appreciate it if you can send me Pruning Shears ;)

syapik : Please send me Pruning Shears. Thanks! :)
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