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Santa mission android

  1. Android
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JGD - (Item Needed)
my tree isnt dropping anything :(

Is there something i am doing wrong ?

The one time i saw it had something it was a friend who had clicked on it.

Also, what should i do with my unfinished rink and ice castle ? all i needed was ice. Do i delete my runways and sleds ?

Thanks in advance and happy new year!
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Damn phone is broken I cannot recharge in the middle of this mission. I can compete it but will not have the Ice Sculpture Park, no gifts for Australia (where I currently am and therefore missing the Australia Ornament....oh the irony)o_O .
So I will likely bit the bullet with the remaining juice left in the battery and complete the mission to get the Ice Palace and Christmas Tree and lament the fact that I will not get the ICP, and also spend the rest of this year collecting greenies to buy the missing items....
Oh Happy New Year 2013 everyone I hope what happened to my phone does not bode ill for my year ahead.:)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Message me for code
Sorry if this is answered earlier. Does anyone know what does 'Ice sculpture park' gives apart from coins ??

I know for sure:
Christmas gift shop: gives gifts for various santa destination (very poor drop rate)
Ice skating rink: gives items for 'cold winter' collection (very good drop rate, almost 1 in every 2 click)
Igloo: ??
Santa's house: ??
Ice sculpture park: ?? (Edit: Out of four click since this morning it has only given me coins nothing else )
Christmas tree: ??

Just a thought: This mission is also going to end up taking a lot of space leaving very little for actual use :mad:

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
As i remember, it was posted before, i don't know where, but i make txt file on my usb drive, so copy/paste:

New buildings:

Hanger for Jet-Powered Sleigh – 500 coins, need 4x (Sleigh Cover, Sleight Oil, Heater, Red Paint)
Ice Runway – 1000 coins
Christmas Gift Shop – 5 cash (1x1, 2 coins per 2mins)
Ice Sculpture Park (2x2, 90 coins per 4hrs), 1hr build time, 100 coins speedup, need 2x Liquid Nitrogen, 1x Freezer, 1x Refrigerator, 1x Artificial Ice
Skating Rink (2x2, 120 coins per 8hrs), 20mins build time, 50 coins speedup, need 1x Freezer, 1x Snowmaker, 1x Refrigerator, 2x Artificial Ice
Igloo (1x1, 6 passengers per 1hr), 1hr build time, need 1x Liquid Nitrogen, 1x Freezer, 1x Snowmaker, 2x Refrigerator
Santa’s House (1x1, 10 passengers per 2hrs), 30 mins build time, 50 coins speedup,

For C.Tree: i think gives you drop every 24h, item which can be usefull for collection.

I just opened last Chest with 20 Old Lanterns and 20 Star Dust. Hope can finished all flights with 3 stars.
Collections are more then ready. Just need to collect them. Tomorrow is "Coins Day" (y)
  1. Android
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air canillas
Sorry if someone asked before. Do we need a road for the Ice Palace (when I get the items to build with greenies:mad: )?


  1. Windows PC
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Sorry if this is answered earlier. Does anyone know what does 'Ice sculpture park' gives apart from coins ??

I know for sure:
Christmas gift shop: gives gifts for various santa destination (very poor drop rate)
Ice skating rink: gives items for 'cold winter' collection (very good drop rate, almost 1 in every 2 click)
Igloo: ??
Santa's house: ??
Ice sculpture park: ?? (Edit: Out of four click since this morning it has only given me coins nothing else )
Christmas tree: ??

Just a thought: This mission is also going to end up taking a lot of space leaving very little for actual use :mad:
Santa's House gives items for the collection 'Faster than the Wind' (only 1 drop in +/- 15 visits in mine and +/- 10 visits from Neighbours, very poor drop rate) .
Igloo, Ice Sculpture Park, Skating Rink and Ice Castle should give you items for 'Cold Winter' collection. Drop rate varies a lot from building to building and from day to day ... (sometimes 2/3 drops from one building, then nothing for 2/3 days ...).
  1. Android
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afwfj0m (0 is a zero)
hm, this may be helpful, or just a lucky hit: I decided to save up all my star dusts in order to make the best use of my future spy glasses. Right now I have about 12, and I have the impression that the hit rate is a lot higher than what it used to be; about every other Old Lantern that Sophie (Thanks!) sends renders star dust. Anyone else feel like validating? :unsure:
  1. Android
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Deidei.item needed
Same thing happened to me - mission no longer available. No destinations for sleds - no collections. Just some incomplete buildings. One minute I was visiting my neighbors and next thing I know mission is over. What a let down!

same here... weird!
I suddenly got a Christmas tree although my skating rink hasn't completed yet and I even haven't completed some Santa's collections.. o_O

Next mission please.. :whistle:
  1. Android
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Pete Mitchell
I've clicked a few neighbors trees, nothing good nor bad has happened to me so far. My stardust has been widely varying. I usually get one every 2 to three lanterns but I hit a streak once of none after 30 lanterns. That was painful.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
hm, this may be helpful, or just a lucky hit: I decided to save up all my star dusts in order to make the best use of my future spy glasses. Right now I have about 12, and I have the impression that the hit rate is a lot higher than what it used to be; about every other Old Lantern that Sophie (Thanks!) sends renders star dust. Anyone else feel like validating? :unsure:

Im collecting the gifts from the flights... And than i will use a spyglass to get the items for the buildings!
  1. Android
Friend Code
FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
tdv i didn't see your earlier post and i've clicked on a few neighbours tree. they give me the standard 5 coins and nothing has dropped. also the challenge hasn't been completed yet.
  1. Android
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Deidei.item needed
tdv : as I remember, yes I clicked neighbors' christmas tree today and yesterday..
yeah after having a game free from bugs for months.. maybe it's about time my game is invaded by bugs..
It's typical of GI games.. It's not a GI game if there is no bug.. lol
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
tdv i didn't see your earlier post and i've clicked on a few neighbours tree. they give me the standard 5 coins and nothing has dropped. also the challenge hasn't been completed yet.

That is good to know - as I had mentioned I was unable to test this and it did seem a bit strange that people were claiming that once they clicked on the tree their promo was finishing.... Either way I am not aware of anything dropping from it for the neighbours only the person who has it in their city
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
tdv : as I remember, yes I clicked neighbors' christmas tree today and yesterday..
yeah after having a game free from bugs for months.. maybe it's about time my game is invaded by bugs..
It's typical of GI games.. It's not a GI game if there is no bug.. lol

Ouch.... - I think it could be the timming on when you click - if their tree is ready for harvesting (you have no idea when it is) you get a drop of coins (the neighbour looses a drop item) and then your game thinks you have a christmas tree and fore-closes the promo

Just a theory...

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