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- 20exz5lm
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- Hrph
2 of my 3 tasks are for Indio (Jumbo) and Roskilde (Falcon) and my best plane is a Hawk. I don't have the have the Operative Hangar level, the planes, nor the prerequisite buildings (Sweets Factory, etc) nor the 'additional items' required to build these buildings.. I've completed other recent events without this type of issue though G! did force you to spend greenies on at least 1 Townhouse in the last event. Anyway, this event is essentially over for me on day 1 which is disappointing. Anyone else experiencing this? I've seen it on both of my accounts on day 1. I didn't spend real money on Premium Class or anything so no real harm done, just disappointed I can't participate. Good news is I don't have to dedicate time tot he event now