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Rock the sky 2017 event Award

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150+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. None of the above
Friend Code
Also completed this event
Thanks :happy:


Alfonz Senki

500+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
main: alnmgae, support: 04ms6v1e, 2nd support: a0o8r60
main: AS-..... (the item I need the most), support: AS-no_gift!
Can I have my UFO award as well? I posted the screenshot in that thread. Thank you.
Hi Admins,

I have completed the Rock the Sky Event 2017.

Is it possible to add the other 5 badges I have missed? I am such a procrastinator...
  1. Outer Space 2017 - UFO attraction
  2. Spring 2017 - Serenity Garden
  3. Leprechauns 2017 - Irish Castle
  4. Easter 2017 - Rabbit Farm
  5. Great Game 2017 - Soccer Field
I have attached a screen shot of the reward buildings


Thank you very much.

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
Hi Admins,

I have completed the Rock the Sky Event 2017.
View attachment 8519

Is it possible to add the other 5 badges I have missed? I am such a procrastinator...
  1. Outer Space 2017 - UFO attraction
  2. Spring 2017 - Serenity Garden
  3. Leprechauns 2017 - Irish Castle
  4. Easter 2017 - Rabbit Farm
  5. Great Game 2017 - Soccer Field
I have attached a screen shot of the reward buildings

View attachment 8518

Thank you very much.

just for you we will accept the fact you are a bit lazy to post in the proper threads. Medals awarded.

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
@Bali Hi

see what you have started with your one post.
By the way it create extra work as I have to go back and forth 6 times to your profile to award medals. Medals awarded in your profile resets to the beginning and I have to reenter your profile.


copying Bali Hi is not an excuse, I will pass this time but please do not do again.


take your time, it is not a race, your medal will be awarded once you post it.
  1. Android
Friend Code
I didn't take a screenshot of the window where you complete it, but you can see I have the rehearsal hall.


  • Screenshot_20170718-103832.jpg
    549.3 KB · Views: 117
@Bali Hi

see what you have started with your one post.
By the way it create extra work as I have to go back and forth 6 times to your profile to award medals. Medals awarded in your profile resets to the beginning and I have to reenter your profile.


copying Bali Hi is not an excuse, I will pass this time but please do not do again.


take your time, it is not a race, your medal will be awarded once you post it.

I'm sorry.
I will post in the respective award thread next time.
Thank you.
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