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Repair Base - All Upgrades

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
I'm in need of the following gift item - XRF Detector x9 so I can upgrade my repair base to level 7 - your help with this would be greatly appreciated. Would be very happy to help in return with needed gift items - many thanks in advance.

Captain WH Rollins


Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I'm still looking for a neighbour or a forum member who is able to gift XRF Detector x8 (I do not recall who gifted my one and only gift item) so I can upgrade my repair base to level 7 - would be very happy to help in return with needed gift items - many thanks in advance.

Captain WH Rollins
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Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Ten33go - I would be very grateful if I could have the remaining X-Ray Flaw Detector's x4 - I'm currently in the process of working up my coins towards 500,000 to upgade my repair base to Level 7 - it would be good to have them in place, when I begin the upgrade process. My thanks in advance for all your help with this. Also, many thanks for gifting the first 6 of them.

Captain WH Rollins


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@Ten33go - I would be very grateful if I could have the remaining X-Ray Flaw Detector's x4 - I'm currently in the process of working up my coins towards 500,000 to upgade my repair base to Level 7 - it would be good to have them in place, when I begin the upgrade process. My thanks in advance for all your help with this. Also, many thanks for gifting the first 6 of them.

Captain WH Rollins

Been somewhat hit & miss on that lately, but will endeavor to accommodate your request if work or the sometimer's doesn't interfere too much. :p

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Ten33go - that very lovely young woman Madlen Airborn has gifted me an X-Ray Flaw Detector - that leaves just two - thanks for your gift earlier on today.

Captain WH Rollins
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