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- #1,021
Same to you @BDS AirSixth, please. Have a happy Christmas
No I'll keep you on. If you don't show up the day before, I'll just skip you. That's the beauty of the query.@Navigata07 Thanks for the captain today!!
Take me off of the captain rotation please. My schedule is very irregular for the next month and I don’t see myself being able to launch regularly at this time of day until mid January.
I think it's only 6 at the moment, but if a 7th person joins, Ill add you to 8th and 9thIf 7 are on board, I'll take 8th and 9th today.
Launch Rules
New additions shown in purple
1) Launches will be done on my pad (NV7)
2) For now, launch time each day will be 17:00 UTC (16:00 UTC when we switch to Daylight Savings Time), starting on Monday, November 5, 2018. We will launch every Monday through Friday, and have the weekends off. We will wait 10 minutes after launch time for late participants to join. After 10 minutes, your spot will be taken by someone else, and we will proceed without you. If time creep becomes significant (past 18:30 utc), we will take a break the following day, resetting the time back to 17:00 utc
3)Points: The points spread for all launches are given below. If we have more than 8 participants, then the remaining points (132 points) will be spread amongst the positions 8 and below. Those points will be determined when the launch list is posted.
Reds (default points)
#1 (936 pts)
#2 (576 pts)
#3 (576 pts)
#4 (216 pts)
#5 (216 pts)
#6 (174 pts)
#7 (174 pts)
#8 (48 pts)
#9 (48 pts)
#10 (48 pts)
4) Positions will be assigned one day prior to each launch. You can call for a position in the daily public thread as soon as I have made the announcement to pick your spots. I will not consider position requests made before I made this announcement, including Sunday morning biddings. I need all participants to stick around until the rocket is launched, as we often need to LFT Load (explained below in Rule #7). After each successful launch and 6 participants have signed up, you will see a list with the assigned positions shown for the next launch. No list posted means there will be no launch that day, as we always need 6 participants.
5) Captains have one restriction. Captains can't claim captain for two launches in a row, unless nobody else wants to be captain, which means the spot will still be unclaimed at liftoff. I will always take captain on the Monday and Friday launches. The other days are yours to select, and I won't fly as captain on those days unless nobody wants it.
6) Newcomers: New participants are always welcomed, but they must join the Captain's Queue and wait their turn to become captain. Read Section 9: Captain's Queue for more details.
7)Large Fuel Tank (LFT) Loading: LFT loading is a procedure in which all launch participants add an LFT to their points until the rocket lifts off the pad. This is only done once all participants are in and have deposited their assigned amount of points. Once that is done, it is up to me to decide when LFT loading will commence. Always wait for my message stating so. We will always keep adding until we launch, but DO NOT ADD if you will hop over someone in launch position. Wait until they add, and then keep adding if need be.
8) Violators/Hijackers: If I see any unusual activity on the pad in terms of points addition, the person will be removed, no questions asked. If you made an innocent mistake, I will let you participate, but address it with all who are affected in the public thread, and we can make amendments in future launches.
9) Captain's Queue
-The Captain's Queue is the secondary list where each of you will sign up to be captain on a constantly rotating list.
-I will not be included in the rotation, since I have Mondays and Fridays already
-If you are set to be captain, you MUST partake in the previous day's launch. If you miss that day, you get skipped and will have to wait for the rotation to reach you again
-If a launch gets canceled due to low participation, you will be moved to the next available day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Mondays and Fridays are not negotiable.
-If I lose a launch day, I will NOT take one of your launch days. I will work only with the days that are mine.
I know it seems like a lot at once, but once you've participated in a couple launches, it will become second nature....and it is highly efficient in regards to reducing time and cost to launch. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks and look forward to working with you all.![]()
I'll just switch you with the person behind you; no issues there.@Navigata07
I just see above that I am supposed to do Captain next Tuesday - meaning that I have to participate on Monday. Besides the X-Mas issue, I can't join on Mondays as I have my weekly, so called "LowCarbLaunches" with even more people on board than here each Sunday. It is on pad on Sunday 18 UTC and will launch on Monday 17 UTC allowing me to be with you only on Tuesday. So my question is, whether I could switch with @nick6901 or @Dalija or @Aviatrix which have the other captain-spots next week. I would then do my regular flight (usually 8th/9th) with you on Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on the X-Mas regime) and captain the following day.
Alternatively, I could switch with @Navigata07 taking 1st tomorrow and Navigata would have two 1st in a row.