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Red Launch Red Rocket Carnival: Weekdays From Cape Carnival


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
@Navigata07 Please remove me from today’s launch and condense to one rocket if necessary. I have been unable to get internet on my phone all morning and I can’t launch until I get it fixed.
I was afraid of this happening. @Dalija I will leave the decision to you. You have two options:
1) Go back to one rocket and the original order of position requests. You would get your captain launch tomorrow.
2) Keep two rockets, but do an even heavier lift because we will only have 3 to 4 people per rocket.
Quickly let me know what you decide, else I will combine the rocket instead


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
@Navigata07 I don't mind heavy lifting, especially considering missing yesterday's launch. It will allow me to make amends, and put in most of the points. Unless other participants state otherwise, of course
Ok everyone, you heard the captains. They're ok with doing some heavy lifting today. Are you guys ok with this? I have the single rocket list ready to go if there are enough objections, so speak up!


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
Launch is in 10 mins. With the forum response being in shambles, I am going to rely on you guys to be on time and pay attention to the launch. Each rocket has 4 participants, so once you see all 4 participants on board and everyone in their assigned points spot (936, 576, 576, 256), go ahead and start LFT loading. @Dalija and @novagator, feel free to lift as much as you want today. Let's get it done!
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