Hi waterman, sent you friend request. KalboNobody joined after 30 minutes, so I solo'ed it. Hopefully folks are still launching in 2 1/2 hours.
Hi waterman, sent you friend request. KalboNobody joined after 30 minutes, so I solo'ed it. Hopefully folks are still launching in 2 1/2 hours.
hi RADU, can I join too? KalbosaurusI do fast launches with 3 QL,join if you want
Thx!!!!!!!hi RADU, can I join too? Kalbosaurus
try 04uht2xt@B17
What is your code?
Send you a request to b17 but it has lvel7
So probably not you
Can you join B17's launch?I have a ql open and can assist with about 5 launches if anyone needs some help
Can you join B17's launch?
@B17 Flying Fortress I sent you a request, please acceptI have 8 hours left on quantum. Code is 04uht2xt
can you accept my invite?try 04uht2xt