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Quantum Leap Party

  1. Android
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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi all,
I want to say thank you very very much for supprtes the launches on VAYKA1, AYON1 and NOYA12.
Just 5 min. where left on all 3 QL's and VAYKA1 reached the 77, YEAH!!
Further more AYON1 needs still 10 launches for finishing the 77. Who is going to launch tomorrow with a QL, so i can launch the last 10???
Sadly AYON1 has noQL anymore.
Thanks all, i'm closing for tonight.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
I just want to say thanks to all who participated in the QL party I hosted. It was a slow start because of losing 2 QL's in two minutes, but after @Winitall63 and @Steveb joined forces, and @Waterman981 , @javi , and others started putting in QL's, we really got rolling! If I didn't mention your name and you took part (too many to list), you are still greatly appreciated, as every point played a role in each launch. It's because of neighbors like you why Airport City is as great as it is. I thank and appreciate you all, and look forward to working together with you all in the future (y):D
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