No Android update yet?
Nope, at least I don't.
No Android update yet?
Today I flew 18 Giants to Samoa. Used a Golden Dice and got six drops. Will fly again tomorrow to pick up the two flights I need for the first star. Or I may press on to Wellington.
What happened to Samzee? I have been trying to visit is airport for 2 weeks and it says he has been away. Just wondering if you heard anything.
Chad Ladwig Brexter, maybe he's taken a Holiday, well earned after the double QL-launch??
In Boston visiting my son and waiting for a ride to take me west to Shelburne Falls where I'll spend a week with college friends. Got up early and used a Tahiti map. Bought a Golden Dice and got six Jade Amulets after only eight landings. Earned the Moai Statues and paid four greenies to speed up the building.
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Now I can relax ... until the next quest.