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Phantom Menace / Prometheus Launches

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Great, i'm in too. Thanks, primo. (y)

Looks like we're off to a good start GT

Updated image for anyone else considering our launch >>>>>


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  1. iPad
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i am on board, but will not rush today.

Thanks for joining. If anyone else is thinking about joining here is an updated image...

I got my alter ego airport in there for double primo no fail rendundancy!

Join or add primodakine


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800+ Star Club
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Ok, you guys have to tell me your secret. How can you keep on for hours without launching? Everytime I start a launch, points are filled in 6-8 hours max. I see a neighbor with 4 minutes remaining. How can that be?

One of my launches, points were complete in less than 10 minutes. It was nice, not complaining.... but sometimes I want to use up my slow-moving items. What's the trick?

BTW, is it just me? I have not gotten a PEB in weeks! Launch boxes keep giving me solid fuel or explosive bolts. Like I need more of those. :cry:
  1. iPad
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I have gone the full 24 hrs once, we launched at about 23:55, but usually I launch in the same time as you. Many times I don't even get thru the first 4 hrs.

I went through about a two week stretch without a single PEB dropping and then I have been getting one almost every day for the last couple days, I'm sure they will dry up again soon...

My expert analysis after pouring over millions of terabits of data is that GI sucks on a big one most of the time, occasionally switching to a really big one and even two at the same time.

Ok, you guys have to tell me your secret. How can you keep on for hours without launching? Everytime I start a launch, points are filled in 6-8 hours max. I see a neighbor with 4 minutes remaining. How can that be?

One of my launches, points were complete in less than 10 minutes. It was nice, not complaining.... but sometimes I want to use up my slow-moving items. What's the trick?

BTW, is it just me? I have not gotten a PEB in weeks! Launch boxes keep giving me solid fuel or explosive bolts. Like I need more of those. :cry:

Neil ellor

1300+ Star Club
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Captain tneil, 044gapqe
Captain tneil, Captain Ne2
Diwata we haven't spoken for a while. I suspect you have a lot of neighbours who join your launch? You need to be a little sneaky and start your launch and agree with your trusted neighbours. PM them first and agre who is getting what place. It has generally worked for me 9 out of 10 times and we use up our small value stuff. Try it. But sometimes we go for a quick bang Captain tneil


800+ Star Club
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Thanks for all your input. I could pm neighbors... if I know they are from this forum.... The problem is many of my neighbors are probably not from this forum. And when I launch, at least 3 join in and I know I cannot control how much points they put in. Should I be deleting them as neighbors?:hilarious:

If I join with other forum members to use the slow-moving items, chances are some of my neighbors are going to jump in and we will be off in no time. They are scary, putting in 500 points at once.

Neil ellor

1300+ Star Club
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Captain tneil, 044gapqe
Captain tneil, Captain Ne2
Diwata I only have 45 neighbours which I think is too many. Most are from this forum who i have built up friendships. I gift to who needs help but also received gifts from some who help me without reward. In a launch I will not jump in unless I agree that I can get gold. If I we're you I would delete the neighbours who jump in and any who are inactive and not gifting. You don't need them. I hope this helps Captain tneil


800+ Star Club
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I currently have more than 300 neighbors which I don't mind as long as I can identify them. Partly, it was my fault when I accidentally hit Add Everyone and partly when I was just starting playing AC and didn't know any better, I just added anyone. :ROFLMAO:Yea, I've been planning on weeding out some of my neighbors, especially the inactive, those who are not gifting and those who piss me off. :p:writing: (naughty list)
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