Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Our friends on Windows need help

Not too long ago we used to read signatures, and one of the points in the signatures was: "please send me a tag or pm" in the forum itself there are threads dedicated to trading, understanding the dilemma, we also need to take our time to decrease the over reliance in ads; for once start a conversation, say what you can and/cannot do I'm sure something can be worked out (or not).

Not too long ago (when ads weren't an option) we used to have signature as long as 2 pages with striking colours (and yours truly's was really striking with red letters all over) this we did to attract attention and (annoy others). There was a lot of encouragement to read member's signatures so you can know what is expected. This has somehow changed with the signatures now hidden and seldom people bother to even take a peak at them. This game is true reflection of the saying, "no man is an island" however ads have made us somewhat islets in our little corners. I thus encourage to take the time and send someone a pm (try and see) read what is on their signatures discuss the term of your quid pro quo.

As it has been said before: "ask and ye shall receive"

P.S. the last time I watched ads for anything was when the ads were changed from 5 to 10 a day so I haven't been watching ads for over a year now.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
There is no Floor Washer for me to send. Only the Patrol Drone was the only thing I could send. I think once you get 8 of those, if someone sends you another one, it turns into either a info sign, or one of the other items you still need more of.....at least I hope so, cause I have no info signs, floor washers, or turnstiles to be able to send. Only that patrol drone. Madlen sends me floor washers but I don' have them on my available send list. Just Drones.
I will send you Patrol Drones. Let me know when you have enough. I do not need Patrol Drones, but last event wiped me out of Landing Lights, if you could send me those in return I would appreciate it.
this does not affect me currently, but can send following if helpful...
turnstile (Terminal 9), postal drone (TH9), drawing board (tower11), thermogrphic flaw detector (RepairB), safety cone, city model & master plan (T6, TH4), cooling chamber & defroster (FC), archive box, exit sign (RH), transmitter (BH), controller (RB), dryer (L), crucible, boring machine (FF), disinfecting solution (Pharma)


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
aPlat "item"
this does not affect me currently, but can send following if helpful...
turnstile (Terminal 9), postal drone (TH9), drawing board (tower11), thermogrphic flaw detector (RepairB), safety cone, city model & master plan (T6, TH4), cooling chamber & defroster (FC), archive box, exit sign (RH), transmitter (BH), controller (RB), dryer (L), crucible, boring machine (FF), disinfecting solution (Pharma)
Would love to get in line for ANY pharma items. Thanks!
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Pilot 1
this does not affect me currently, but can send following if helpful...
turnstile (Terminal 9), postal drone (TH9), drawing board (tower11), thermogrphic flaw detector (RepairB), safety cone, city model & master plan (T6, TH4), cooling chamber & defroster (FC), archive box, exit sign (RH), transmitter (BH), controller (RB), dryer (L), crucible, boring machine (FF), disinfecting solution (Pharma)
yes, please send turnstile, floor washer, patrol drone, or info sign. NC is 20r1jac7z I will send NR also to you. Pilot 1 is game name.
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