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Oil Refinery


1200+ Star Club
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You missed my point AJ. Before the oil refinery upgrade the fuel timer was 90 seconds for one unit. What is the point of doubling the capacity if it takes twice as long to fill the tank. Regardless of tank size you are still only auto generating the same amount of fuel per day. The secret faucet doesn't decrease the time, rather it gives 2 units every 3 minutes instead of 1, which by the way, was the original productivity of auto generated fuel, 2 units every 3 minutes.
Mine fuel timer was 3 minutes before building small oil refinery lvl 1 and it stayed 3 minutes even after making small oil refinery lvl 1.


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Does anybody know, when the windows version wil be done ?
The only people who know when any AC update is ready are not allowed to tell us. Since most game/app companies are public corporations, giving out advance knowledge of updates/improvements/introductions is probably illegal. There's such a thing as insider trading. Maybe there's also such a thing as insider gaming.
As Socrates once said, "Have patience and ye shall be rewarded!" (That would be Phil Socrates, my fifth grade teacher.)


350+ Star Club
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See My Username
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I Don't Know what Airport City Use Marketing And Advertising Scheme.

But Game Insight Owned " Cloud Raiders " recently announced the Big update Of their game through their Facebook Page.
Also release Date 2nd September. 2015 as declared By Moderator of Fb Fan Page of Cloud raiders.
They Announced The Upcoming Features and every Thingh in this Official Link -

Also They Make a Promotional Event To Announce That Update .Nice Way to Entertain and attract audience .
HOPE Road404 Follows this type of Promotion Too @Captaincat

P/S - Don't Know What GI Does :D @greensmith


  • Screenshot_2015-09-01-22-30-08.png
    209 KB · Views: 145

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
September is a long month :)..... Free2play didn't say WHEN in September
But, as @Robby Kusuma wrote, IT IS BORING. For the whole month no update, there was even not Duke today (no sure, if he comes yet, will check now) and Back To School quest means, should be started September 1st...

The game should looks like quest-quest. Once one is finished, another would automaticlly started, meanwhile update, and then few more quests. Otherwise it is too boring... :meh:


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows Mobile
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aJax-*Item Needed*
Windows Mobile has Duke today. I did check before though, and the countdown when I tapped on the Airship Dock said it would arrive Saturday, I was surprised it came.
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