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Nobody joins my launches

  1. iPad
Friend Code
Kapitan Albert
Kapitan Albert
I've just read some players here have problems with hijackers. Mine is the opposite: I start the launch and wait for people to join, but nobody does, and I fail...

How can I make my launch public, so that people can join it?

Now I have one launch preparation in progress, got to over 600 out of 1600 and afraid I'm going to lose it again.

What can I do?

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
I've just read some players here have problems with hijackers. Mine is the opposite: I start the launch and wait for people to join, but nobody does, and I fail...

How can I make my launch public, so that people can join it?

Now I have one launch preparation in progress, got to over 600 out of 1600 and afraid I'm going to lose it again.

What can I do?
Best way is to publish here. And good is to have neighbors that are from this forum. You can post your launch and tag some of your neighbors.
Or you can plan launch in advance, post what place you would like to have. After a while you will become expert in this (y)

Sammy KingSAM

150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I've just read some players here have problems with hijackers. Mine is the opposite: I start the launch and wait for people to join, but nobody does, and I fail...
Add me as your neighbour I will try and assist where possible
Code 047q1vbx

How can I make my launch public, so that people can join it?

Now I have one launch preparation in progress, got to over 600 out of 1600 and afraid I'm going to lose it again.

What can I do?
I've just read some players here have problems with hijackers. Mine is the opposite: I start the launch and wait for people to join, but nobody does, and I fail...

How can I make my launch public, so that people can join it?

Now I have one launch preparation in progress, got to over 600 out of 1600 and afraid I'm going to lose it again.

What can I do?
I've just read some players here have problems with hijackers. Mine is the opposite: I start the launch and wait for people to join, but nobody does, and I fail...

How can I make my launch public, so that people can join it?

Now I have one launch preparation in progress, got to over 600 out of 1600 and afraid I'm going to lose it again.

What can I do?
Add me as your neighbour Iwill try and assist where possible
Code 047q1vbx
I would suggest several things. First get new neighbors from this forum, random neighbors
are mostly useless as you can not communicate with them, this forum solves that issue. Second
browse the space launch threads and join on going launches, launches listed on this forum rarely
fail, I have never had a failure. As you gain neighbors from here you can get a feel for how it
works then start your own. Finally stockpile launch items so you have enough to minimally do
several launches on your own. It won't be necessary to go on your own within this forum but is
just a fail safe measure to ensure you don't waste your items. :cool:
I would suggest several things. First get new neighbors from this forum, random neighbors
are mostly useless as you can not communicate with them, this forum solves that issue. Second
browse the space launch threads and join on going launches, launches listed on this forum rarely
fail, I have never had a failure. As you gain neighbors from here you can get a feel for how it
works then start your own. Finally stockpile launch items so you have enough to minimally do
several launches on your own. It won't be necessary to go on your own within this forum but is
just a fail safe measure to ensure you don't waste your items. :cool:

Every newer player to Space Launches and the game in general should read this post.

People are always looking to join a launch and it never hurts to just ride along for a few as well just to get the hang of things.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Kapitan Albert
Kapitan Albert
Best way is to publish here. And good is to have neighbors that are from this forum. You can post your launch and tag some of your neighbors.
Or you can plan launch in advance, post what place you would like to have. After a while you will become expert in this (y)

I'm afraid I'm not sure how to "tag" players. I'll try:
@Sammy KingSAM

I have only 5 hours left to finish preparing for launch, and cannot finish it on my own. Please, everybody, join the mission if you can.

I'm not sure what a friend code is... It seems mine is not a number. It is just Kapitan Albert. In case you need it.

These are my first steps on this forum and I feel quite insecure.
Thanks for your help.
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Sammy KingSAM

150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I'm afraid I'm not sure how to "tag" players. I'll try:
@Sammy KingSAM
I have only 5 hours left to finish preparing for launch, and cannot finish it on my own. Please, join the mission if you can.

I'm not sure what a friend code is... It seems mine is not a number. It is just Kapitan Albert. In case you need it.

These are my first steps on this forum and I feel quite insecure.
Thanks for your help.
Please add my code in add friend tab

Cosmic Blue

VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
yarcb (windows pc)
I'm afraid I'm not sure how to "tag" players. I'll try:
@Sammy KingSAM
I have only 5 hours left to finish preparing for launch, and cannot finish it on my own. Please, join the mission if you can.

I'm not sure what a friend code is... It seems mine is not a number. It is just Kapitan Albert. In case you need it.

These are my first steps on this forum and I feel quite insecure.
Thanks for your help.

Ios players either have their game name or a number starting with 03.
android players have number starting with 04
windows pc players have number starting with 20
windows mobile have a number starting with 23.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Kapitan Albert
Kapitan Albert
I would suggest several things. First get new neighbors from this forum, random neighbors
are mostly useless as you can not communicate with them, this forum solves that issue. Second
browse the space launch threads and join on going launches, launches listed on this forum rarely
fail, I have never had a failure. As you gain neighbors from here you can get a feel for how it
works then start your own. Finally stockpile launch items so you have enough to minimally do
several launches on your own. It won't be necessary to go on your own within this forum but is
just a fail safe measure to ensure you don't waste your items. :cool:

...I listed my launch here as you all advised, but nobody helped me although I practically begged for help.

I managed to get to over 900 out of 1600 on my own, but I failed and lost a lot of resources.

I'm really disappointed with this forum. I joined it because I supposed it was a group of mutual support among members.

Right now I think I should leave. @Gt city 5

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
...I listed my launch here as you all advised, but nobody helped me although I practically begged for help.

I managed to get to over 900 out of 1600 on my own, but I failed and lost a lot of resources.

I'm really disappointed with this forum. I joined it because I supposed it was a group of mutual support among members.

Right now I think I should leave. @Gt city 5
I had many failed launch. Agree, that it hurts when you lost resources. But to do a launch, it is a risk also. Till then I am always prepare to have my own resources, to fill the launch 100% on my own, if needed.
More neighbors means more help. Right now I have around 300 of them, and whenever i do launch, we are soon in the air.
Do not give up. Hope you will enjoy in the game and here on forum. Good luck (y)


600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
Friend Code
Right now I think I should leave.

You are blaming everyone on this forum for your mistakes? You were given lots of good advice above.

1. Never start your own launch if you do not have the resources to finish it.
2. Join other launches and help out your neighbors. They will be more willing to return the favor.
3. Ask for neighbors on this forum and become active with them. We can't join your launch if we are not your neighbor.
4. This is a forum, not a chat room. People check in at different times.

The forum is here to help but it is not our responsibility to bail you out.

You can learn from your mistakes, read the advise given, update your signature, hang around, and enjoy the community or you can blame everyone else and leave.
...I listed my launch here as you all advised, but nobody helped me although I practically begged for help.

I managed to get to over 900 out of 1600 on my own, but I failed and lost a lot of resources.

I'm really disappointed with this forum. I joined it because I supposed it was a group of mutual support among members.

Right now I think I should leave. @Gt city 5

:confused:...:eek:....:wtf: @Kapitan Albert
Unfortunately when you join the forum in the last hours of a launch you have created a bad
situation for yourself. I personally had to go out for the entire afternoon or I would have joined and
had you in space within minutes. You may be disappointed but it should not be directed toward the
forum. I have been gaming online for 15-20 years and can easily say this is one of the most helpful
forums and communities I have ever been around. You need to first get the neighbors from this forum
then move forward, create a sig start trading gifts, getting what you actually need and sending what others
need. How often do you actually get gifts from random neighbors that are what you need? Going forward
you will need many more gifts and much help. Once established here you will be surprised how easy this
can be rather than an exercise in futility.

Look around the forum read the advice from players that have played for years and know the answers
to literally any question you may have. As far as tagging a member just add the @ sign before their
forum name and it will showed colored when you have done it correctly and give that player a notification
so they know you were speaking to them. If you do these things you will look back at this post and realize
how incorrect and somewhat rude you were to all the members here. It is unfortunate that many players
join and first thing start a launch without actual members from here or expect everyone to just be on call
waiting for their misstep. As a final note to show what players on here might and can do, contact me I will
start a launch you can join and add 0 points and take a second place for just the cost of the items needed
to join a launch.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Kapitan Albert
Kapitan Albert
You are blaming everyone on this forum for your mistakes? You were given lots of good advice above.

1. Never start your own launch if you do not have the resources to finish it.
2. Join other launches and help out your neighbors. They will be more willing to return the favor.
3. Ask for neighbors on this forum and become active with them. We can't join your launch if we are not your neighbor.
4. This is a forum, not a chat room. People check in at different times.

The forum is here to help but it is not our responsibility to bail you out.

You can learn from your mistakes, read the advise given, update your signature, hang around, and enjoy the community or you can blame everyone else and leave.

@drivefast99 It was my first day here and first experience with the forum. You've been very harsh.

Of course, I'm not going to blame anyone else for my mistakes. I didn't know I was making a mistake. I thought it was as simple as posting here and having players queuing to join...

That's why I would like to thank you for resuming your advice in those 4 points. Especially 1 and 3, because I didn't know you had to be my neighbors to be able to help. I think I've joined some missions of players I didn't know at all, but perhaps I'm wrong, now you're saying this.

For now, I think I'll spend some time observing how the forum works.

Thanks again and have a nice day.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Kapitan Albert
Kapitan Albert
:confused:...:eek:....:wtf: @Kapitan Albert
Unfortunately when you join the forum in the last hours of a launch you have created a bad
situation for yourself. I personally had to go out for the entire afternoon or I would have joined and
had you in space within minutes. You may be disappointed but it should not be directed toward the
forum. I have been gaming online for 15-20 years and can easily say this is one of the most helpful
forums and communities I have ever been around. You need to first get the neighbors from this forum
then move forward, create a sig start trading gifts, getting what you actually need and sending what others
need. How often do you actually get gifts from random neighbors that are what you need? Going forward
you will need many more gifts and much help. Once established here you will be surprised how easy this
can be rather than an exercise in futility.

Look around the forum read the advice from players that have played for years and know the answers
to literally any question you may have. As far as tagging a member just add the @ sign before their
forum name and it will showed colored when you have done it correctly and give that player a notification
so they know you were speaking to them. If you do these things you will look back at this post and realize
how incorrect and somewhat rude you were to all the members here. It is unfortunate that many players
join and first thing start a launch without actual members from here or expect everyone to just be on call
waiting for their misstep. As a final note to show what players on here might and can do, contact me I will
start a launch you can join and add 0 points and take a second place for just the cost of the items needed
to join a launch.

@Wired Parrott I read your message and before finishing I pressed "Like". And I pressed "Like" only because there is no "Love" or "You're awesome" button. :)

You are so right... Except of me being rude, which I most certainly wasn't.

Thank you for offering the launch. At first I wasn't going to accept, because I'm feeling guilty now for making you spend your time on writing this wonderful message. But... you know, maybe it would be good just to see how it works here. When would be the right time for you? I'm not even sure if we are in the same time zone. I'm in Spain. Perhaps we'll wait till the weekend?

Thanks a lot again and hope you have a nice day.
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350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows Mobile
Agent L
@Kapitan Albert Don't start own launches. Join other people and find out who's reliable. Good launch take less than 10 minutes to fuel up and 14 or less minutes to land. Then I can join another. And another. And another.
A shitty launch can take nearly 24 hrs to fuel and always takes 24 hrs to return. That's just a huge waste of time and resources. 20 10th places is 100 tokens, 1 first is mere 20 - it just doesn't make any sense.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Kapitan Albert
Kapitan Albert
@Kapitan Albert Don't start own launches. Join other people and find out who's reliable. Good launch take less than 10 minutes to fuel up and 14 or less minutes to land. Then I can join another. And another. And another.
A shitty launch can take nearly 24 hrs to fuel and always takes 24 hrs to return. That's just a huge waste of time and resources. 20 10th places is 100 tokens, 1 first is mere 20 - it just doesn't make any sense.

@Agent_L Thank you for this useful advice and information about the tokens. I understand you only get gold tokens for the 1st place. Maybe that's why it's worth it to be the first?

Anyway, great to hear from someone from my own country. Would love to be there.
Pozdrawiamy Warszawę i całą Polskę.

Code: Kapitan Albert

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