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Newbie question

Hi @Beretta031 ,

On the right hand side of the screen at the top you should see a picture of a control tower inside a green circle.

If this has a number inside it, thats how many guest planes wish to land. Simply click on the circle and it will show a pop saying what the plane requests when it lands (passengers/fuel etc) and what you will receive.

Hope that helps :)

PS, welcome to the forum!

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
One of my missions say that I need to accept guest planes that require passengers, how do I do that?
Hi, beretta031, here is some "pictures help", how to do it, and some info about what you're looking for:

1. Click on next icon:

2. Planes that you can land them, are two types. First one gives you Fuel (1 unit) each time, you will land it:

3. Second type of planes are those, who will give you Passengers, like this one:


The planes will appear about every minute, so you can land them as much as you wish. On that way you will finished quest soon, plus you will benefit of some more Fuel or Passengers (y)

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
I understand that, but it says to land 5 planes that require passengers
Sure, just land more planes. Wait for about minute, and then you will see next plane is waiting... Click on Tower icon (look picture 1 above), then click on "Allow" to land the plane.
After that you need to click on it, and it will gives you some coins, points and Fuel/Passenges (depend what plane it is).

Repeat that so many times, that you will land 5 planes with Passengers (y)
I understand that, but it says to land 5 planes that require passengers

Just found this thread which lists this mission as a possible bug. https://www.airportcitygame.com/index.php?threads/guest-plane-bug.6206/

On iOS, when you get to level 13, you can purchase a new runway which will then resolve the problem by having different guest planes which land and collect passengers. However this does not solve it on Android.

As your playing on Windows, it could go 50/50 as to whether it will solve it or not by getting to level 13. The only option really is to drop GI Support an email about the bug.

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
Please see the attached pic.
Hehe, it seems you were very unlucky, that all 5 planes were "type" with Fuel only. Like you can find it on picture 2 above, that i published before.
What you need is, to land for second type of plane, that will gives you Passengers (Picture 3).

The only problem can be, that all of guest planes are with Fuel only. There was a bug in the game, but i am not sure if this was solved already or not.
In that case please write to GI, their support: http://www.game-insight.com/en/support
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