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New Update on iOS - 1/24/14

  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
About Level7 Buildings' items.
My support game ww055 is level 42 and I have two Level7 items.
I suppose they will be lost at level 45.
wwo55, do you still have to finish 2 buildings level 7?
In android they disappeared when you finished the corresponding building. Level is not important
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Uncle Mans
Just noticed that my Cosmic Fuel Stations are not working correctly. Countdown has a negative sign in front of all the numbers. The fuel "shows up" too frequently but when you select it, you don't actually get fuel.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Just noticed that my Cosmic Fuel Stations are not working correctly. Countdown has a negative sign in front of all the numbers. The fuel "shows up" too frequently but when you select it, you don't actually get fuel.
Uncle Mans, also had the problem on iPhone, problem was solved after turning the iPhone completely off.
Have the problem again at the moment
  1. iPad
Friend Code
I had this problem on iPad yesterday but it was resolved without any actions on my part.
About Level7 Buildings at my support game - I did not upgrade my Terminal to Level6 yet.
I do not have enough money - it is the support account only...


1500+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
Response from GI about the missing buildings:

Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!
My name is Ksenia and it is my pleasure to assist you.
We are aware that after installing the new update some buildings have disappeared, but don't worry! We know we still have ways to go with fixing the game - it is absolutely our #1 priority!
All buildings will come back in the new upcoming version. However, these things may take a while to fix, particularly because the game is running different versions on mobile platforms and PC.

Please, keep your eyes on the new version released on App Store or play daily to receive the personal notification to update in the game!
As we have no opportunity to provide you with any more precise information concerning the issue at the moment and to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request, I'm going to mark the request as "solved".
Knowing how you like the game and feeling your support we are trying to release the new version as soon as possible!
Please, stay tuned!

Ofcourse it's a standard answer but I hope I will get my Brazilian Cottages back in the next update. To be sure I don't lose anything else I will keep the places were they stood empty.
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
What about the missing reward building that was stolen from our warehouses by GI :mad:

Did anyone raised a ticket about it (i guess Blackcloud did raise a ticket) Any response to it ??
They replied whether I had finished the quest in time as it was time limitied etc....
Another enquiry lead to them asking for screen shots of proof. Nothing after months and I could not care about it.
My game is still off line.:(
  1. iPad
Friend Code
At last IOS has the Valentine's quest. However GI has not kept its promise. Once more you can purchase donut shops from the airport store, BUT there is absolutely no sign of my missing six donut shops. They promised at this upgrade we would get our missing buildings back.

If you, too, haven't got your donut shops back, make sure that GI knows about it.
  1. iPad
So I did NOT get my two lost donut shops, and asked GI on the matter...the response I got made me ready to stop playing this game and don't even bother with them again:

Apparently according to their databases I changed the time on my device (which I did not - I simply upgraded my iPad from iPad 3 to the new iPad air) and they are giving me a code to unblock the game (as it's my first time, i.e. I got a warning!). I of course responded back telling them off, and that if they don't reimburse me (the donuts) and APOLOGIZE for accusing me of something I did not, I ain't playing their games anymore, and will also give them as much negative review as possible...

I don't mind their games not working sometimes due to bugs and glitches, I certainly don't mind the in-game challenges and ridiculous low drop rates as well as useless bonuses, I don't mind when they change the rules and the game settings to make things harder, but I certainly don't accept them accusing me of doing something I didn't do without even asking.

If they don't apologize, I am out.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
After jumping through the normal hoops, i got GI to reimburse me 40 greenies for the lost Donut Shops after this update. The Donut Shops are available again for the same 8 greenies, but i don't really feel like wasting them again....i did it back then because a glitch gave me a lot of greenies, now that i have those back i am going to hoard them.

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