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New mission: cinemania!


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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After updating the game I found that there's a new 10 day mission: cinemania!

Build a hotel
Collect 50 films from guest planes
Collect 50 bowties from VIP lounges and retro movie theaters

Hotel: cost 1500 coins, size 2*2, takes 6 hours to build, yield 57 coins per hour
VIP lounge: cost 1800 coins, build on airport side!!, size 2*2, yield 126 coins per 8 hours
Retro movie theater: cost 3600 coins, size 2*2, takes 24 hours to build, yield 156 coins per 18 hours

Items: I assume these are required to complete the hotel (drop from flights to Turkish coast)
Bath towels
Do not disturb signs
All-inclusive bracelets
Disposable shampoo

Gifts: I can now gift bowties and bath towels.

The flights to Venice and Maldives are gone from my list. The music arena and festival camping can no longer be purchased.
There seems to be a problem after this update..Has anyone tried visiting their neighbours..The game just hangs..had to force-shut..

Have you updated? I haven't yet and upon visiting a neighbour the game tries to convince me to update, when chosing cancel the game is stuck on the neighbours airport (no way to go back) and all buildings have a "padlock symbol" on them. Had to kill the app and restart it to get things working again. I guess this is a way for the developer to try to force the update on us?
  1. Android
Yes chill...i just updated few hours back..We do have this new quest as Dee specified with the modifications..But the one bug is when you visit any of your neighbours, an empty bare green land appears and the game is stuck...Had to close the game forcefully..I'm still not sure whether the update is worthy or not..it totally depends on the reward of the quest...

And as you say, if GI has tried disabling "visit your neighbours" without the update,...it must have been an attempt to forcefully make everyone update the newer version...by locking the gain fuel/coins/passengers from ur neighbour's visit..which has turned into a bug.

Which concludes, we cant visit our neighbours irrespective of the update done or not..GI should be working on a patch both ways by now
same thing here, just a patch of green land when i visit others.
also, i complete the egg collection (with the bunny hole ) but wasn't able to claim the it, coz it's gone from the collection list
: (
I'm cannot make sure.. it's worth to update or not... :(
It's look like a lot of trouble than a fun we got if we apply the update.

For visiting neighbor, I've check it. It seems, when the neighbor didn't update yet, I still visiting fine, and collect coins/fuel/passenger/heart from them.
but when I visit the neighbor that look live have updated, i got a green padlock and no button to back home.

Can someone give an infos, what kind of collection that lost in this new update?
It's look like treadmill remove from it. GameInsight didn't like we achieved more exps and coins from treadmills. :(
for the hotel u need the below items:

do not disturb sign x 4 pcs
bath towel x 4 pcs
disposable shampoo x 4 pcs
all inclusive bracelet x 4 pcs

can get these items frm: rome, new york, shanghai,
mexico city and turkish coast
I feel f*#### :s

Collected lots of treadmill and easter collections; but didn't cash them yet since I am already lvl35 and didn't want to waste the experience..

Now I lost both collections!! - I like the new mission, but this totally changes the game! I used to get a reasonable part of my income from said collections and have built specifically for it; tried really hard to collect the market's when I had the chance etc. :s

Why does every update screw us over:S

p.s. I suppose we get the all-star cinema; though I don't know any details. (stamp collection)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I don't think the treadmill collection is gone, because the items are still dropping and I got that collection pop-up for "Running Wild" a few times. I'm pretty sure I completed it twice since the update. There's an exlamation mark over the collections icon, but there's nothing to collect since it's missing from the list. I do think this one will be back.
Really hope so, hanging on to my markets for now. It would really be a shame if they drop it.

Besides spending green cash I see no option to get the powerful amplifiers (2 needed) for my music stadium though:(

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