Please be aware that to combat spam on the forum, all first posts have to be approved before becoming visible.
As such, please make sure that your first post is NOT in a group, but instead in the main forum.
If you make your first post in the group, this reduces who is able to approve this message, so it could take a lot longer to be approved.
There is a pop up message informing new members of this. If you run a group and are inviting non forum members to join, please ask that they post elsewhere on the site before joining your group.
Hope all that makes sense!
As such, please make sure that your first post is NOT in a group, but instead in the main forum.
If you make your first post in the group, this reduces who is able to approve this message, so it could take a lot longer to be approved.
There is a pop up message informing new members of this. If you run a group and are inviting non forum members to join, please ask that they post elsewhere on the site before joining your group.
Hope all that makes sense!