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New Collections - February 2015

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Rob Bostad
Rob Bostad
Please add my 2nd game,
Game name - AJ2
Thank you
Sorry but Facebook players aren't allowed to add android/IOS users. I wish I could because it seems like most active and advanced players play on android and IOS. How come more people aren't playing on Facebook?
The list box next to the orange one allows you to add a needed item on to your "wish" list or "I need these items" list. As you can see from the image, you can have up to 5 items on your need list. There is a bonus you can buy from the blimp buy for 75 greenies that automatically give you the 5 items that are on your need list. You can view your neighbors need list to see if you have any items that can help them out. In the image here my need list is empty. Not that I don't need things, I just don't have anything active on there.

On another topic, I was very disappointed to learn that the reward for the chess club collection is a building that only yields 90 coins every 4 hours. That is a very worthless reward considering how much time is involved getting the drops required. Hope the other rewards for completing 6 collections have something better to give than just 90 coins every 4 hours :(


Thanks for sharing with us! It would be nice to have this feature of wish list on Android. By the way, this wish list exists on GI's other games, such as TribeZ and Albion.
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Rob Bostad
Rob Bostad
I just got the Smart House also. What a worthless reward for all the work involved to get it. Geezzz

manu Rigon

150+ Star Club
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' manu
There are six new collections included with the update:
  1. Smart and Smarter -- Drops from guest planes Propeller-Driven (very seldom) reward is Smart House
  2. Path to Passion-- Drops from guest planes Turboprop (very seldom) reward is Perfume Store
  3. The Royal Game-- Drops from guest planes Jet (very seldom) reward is Chess Club
  4. Puzzles of the Past-- Drops from guest planes Delta (very seldom) reward is House of Doubts
  5. Joy Ride-- Drops from guest planes Jumbo (very seldom) reward is House of Disturbance
  6. The Art of War-- Drops from guest planes Giant (very seldom) reward is House of Wax
The reward for each collection is a special building (collect six times).

More to come ...
Hi my Friend i can complete the quest wings of love. If i do it the news collections disapare or they aren't collegate with the quest ?
  1. iPhone
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I've been playing for six hours every night for the last four days & can't seem to get the last items I need to complete the collections

I need 1x roller skates, 1x Dutch chain & 1x smart alarm clock to complete the last 3 buildings but in 24 hours I haven't got any of the items I need
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