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Neighbor list/connections for completing Riding the Comet event 2024

I need help on something.

I started a blue launch by accident and was wondering if there was any way to stop it.
Unfortunately not, so you need to start a launch thread asking for people with a QL to join the lunch and speed it up with you. You will be 24 hours from launch otherwise. Hope this helps! You won't be the only one, we have all done i.
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
Pilot Luke
This thread is for players who:
-Have a QL and are willing to accept new neighbors to join your launches during this event.
-Are new(ish) players who need neighbors with a QL to complete this event.

A reminder of the general rules of launch etiquette during the Riding the Comet event:
1) Do not pass a player with a QL if you do not have a QL (unless they explicitly state it is OK)
2) Do not launch without at least 3 QLs.
3) If you do NOT have a QL: When in doubt, just join and put in few points until you see how the launch is going.

If you have any questions, please post them here and we can answer!

I'll start:
Game name: JennB
Friend code: 20R5Z6LRV
I have a ton of QLs :)
My code is: 0369W2JE2
  1. iPad
Just another launch a$$hole to be aware of. Thanks Jean, really appreciate it you pushing the launch after only adding a Test Launch. I'm guessing there's more than one "Jean" out there, so added a screencap of their map. If he/she/it/they/zhe is on your list, watch your launch more carefully than I did.

Jean Launch.pngJeans City.png
  1. Android
Grizzly aviator
I am amazed to have completed the quest within 24 hours of it launching this time. All 41 levels done within the day. My best previously was within two days. Quite pleased with myself :)

Potential addition to both the Side Wing page and Riding the Comet event page: when the middle (1000) quest is to find one of the five items from the Running Wild collection, then it can drop from a side wing building. Bunch of times I've been asked to get sneakers (for example), and the side wing will typically drop it after hitting them about 24 times (4 each). This has been true in both this year's quest and last years, running on an Android tablet.

My approach thus far has been to keep launches open almost permanently. As soon as one lands, and there is not another open one to join, I will immediately set up a new one myself and generally people do eventually join. Hopefully this is not precluding me from other people with other strategies?? Hopefully people see my launch with active bonuses and contribution (and my name knowing past launches) and choose to join.

Question is: how much material to contribute while others ponder joining my launch. I've typically added one of each gold item plus one bolt for a total of 404. I know standard practise from the wiki is to add one of every item totalling 576, but then I'd rapidly run out of tanks and stabilisers for no real reason. I have tried contributing more up front (ie an extra bolt), but that encouraged a couple of people jumping into my launch with no bonuses and wallop I've launched! But if I don't add that extra bolt up front, then the launch looks weaker and people may not think I want to lead the launch. Surprisingly tricky situation to balance when one cannot communicate with launch buddies :confused: Some neighbours know how it works, but some really seem not to. Is me adding 404 up front then adding another bolt when others have joined a reasonable approach?

Also stupid question: when I click the button to launch mission, does it only launch for myself? I assume when there are enough points that each player needs to go to their own launch screen and click their own launch button, right? I don't forcibly cause everyone's screens to launch by clicking the button (or hold them up by not clicking), right?

Is there any way to encourage people to join a launch, or is it literally just a waiting game? It would be nice to have a regular flow of flights every 15 minutes or less, but I seem to have a random collection of passengers on each launch and they join at comparatively random times.

In the competition rankings, how does #1 have quadruple my score?! As I'm now level 74 sadly I'm lumped in with all the long-term level 80 players, and I know they may have stocks of bonuses and active knowledgeable neighbours on the ball with launches, but still... quadruple? It's not like I have been slow on the uptake, prepping launch 106 during the quest now most of with <10 minutes' return time.

Lots of questions from an intermediate player who's very active and enthusiastic :) @Jenn B largely aiming these questions at yourself as both your offer of help and as a Wiki editor, but of course anyone else welcome to contribute, please!
I am amazed to have completed the quest within 24 hours of it launching this time. All 41 levels done within the day. My best previously was within two days. Quite pleased with myself :)

Potential addition to both the Side Wing page and Riding the Comet event page: when the middle (1000) quest is to find one of the five items from the Running Wild collection, then it can drop from a side wing building. Bunch of times I've been asked to get sneakers (for example), and the side wing will typically drop it after hitting them about 24 times (4 each). This has been true in both this year's quest and last years, running on an Android tablet.

My approach thus far has been to keep launches open almost permanently. As soon as one lands, and there is not another open one to join, I will immediately set up a new one myself and generally people do eventually join. Hopefully this is not precluding me from other people with other strategies?? Hopefully people see my launch with active bonuses and contribution (and my name knowing past launches) and choose to join.

Question is: how much material to contribute while others ponder joining my launch. I've typically added one of each gold item plus one bolt for a total of 404. I know standard practise from the wiki is to add one of every item totalling 576, but then I'd rapidly run out of tanks and stabilisers for no real reason. I have tried contributing more up front (ie an extra bolt), but that encouraged a couple of people jumping into my launch with no bonuses and wallop I've launched! But if I don't add that extra bolt up front, then the launch looks weaker and people may not think I want to lead the launch. Surprisingly tricky situation to balance when one cannot communicate with launch buddies :confused: Some neighbours know how it works, but some really seem not to. Is me adding 404 up front then adding another bolt when others have joined a reasonable approach?

Also stupid question: when I click the button to launch mission, does it only launch for myself? I assume when there are enough points that each player needs to go to their own launch screen and click their own launch button, right? I don't forcibly cause everyone's screens to launch by clicking the button (or hold them up by not clicking), right?

Is there any way to encourage people to join a launch, or is it literally just a waiting game? It would be nice to have a regular flow of flights every 15 minutes or less, but I seem to have a random collection of passengers on each launch and they join at comparatively random times.

In the competition rankings, how does #1 have quadruple my score?! As I'm now level 74 sadly I'm lumped in with all the long-term level 80 players, and I know they may have stocks of bonuses and active knowledgeable neighbours on the ball with launches, but still... quadruple? It's not like I have been slow on the uptake, prepping launch 106 during the quest now most of with <10 minutes' return time.

Lots of questions from an intermediate player who's very active and enthusiastic :) @Jenn B largely aiming these questions at yourself as both your offer of help and as a Wiki editor, but of course anyone else welcome to contribute, please!
OK, here goes the reply (I will try to be brief, but I will fail):
- Congrats on completing the event!
- The fact that visiting neighbor's Side Wing buildings can drop items for the Running Wild is listed on the Wiki page for that collection. That collection is linked on the event page for Riding the Comet.
- The strategy for how much to add when you start your own launch with a QL is complicated, indeed. I can only speak from personal experience that when I am looking for a launch to join with my QL, I look for one that already has a QL and has a decent amount of points added. For example, I joined your launches with my QL because you had already put in ~600 points and I knew I could join without having the conundrum of whether I should pass you for captain spot and potentially make you mad/sad. Once there are at least 2 QL, others will join as well.
- Ah, the "stupid question" (not stupid): Everyone in the launch has to click the button to show the launch visual of the rocket themselves. However, the timer starts as soon as all the points have been added. For example: I could join a launch with 3QL and then go get lunch (heehee! word play is fun). If all the points have been added before I come back I can just click the button to get the visual of the rocket launching and then collect the rewards immediately.
- The only way to get a regular flow of launches is communication. On the forum, we have the Launch Chat. Many alliances, like mine, have a Discord server with a launch channel so we can communicate that way. Otherwise, it is a waiting game.
- Someone can easily have quadruple your score in the standings using legitimate means. They could be using a Lucky Ticket bonus and they could be launching every few minutes with multiple QLs and effective communication with neighbors. Your launches were not terribly fast for this event (no worries! They were still good!). Your competitors could just be going much faster.
OK, I hope that helped. Good luck! :)
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  1. Android
Grizzly aviator
Thank you for your replies @Jenn B (y)

- The fact that visiting neighbor's Side Wing buildings can drop items for the Running Wild is listed on the Wiki page for that collection. That collection is linked on the event page for Riding the Comet.
On this item specifically: not the neighbour's Side Wing... my own Side Wing. That's why I mentioned it. Specifically for the Running Wild collection, it is not necessary to use neighbour visits nor waiting for your training centre, if it comes up as a 1000 quest demand, that item will drop from your own Side Wings after a reasonable number of taps during the event. It literally just happened to me again moments ago, the wristbands dropped after about 40 taps.

I wasn't suggesting the high-scorers were cheating, I'm just mildly incredulous that they must have so many bonuses and such good communication they could rattle it all off so quickly. All I have is my visits to this forum and 82 neighbours... and a bunch of those are inactive :sleep: I clearly need to gather more quick launchers in all senses of that phrase. At least until my stocks of launch items run out.

Good to get confirmation regards the launch button. Thank you. So y'all can do what you like, if I see the button, buckle up, I'm off! 🚀:D
Thank you for your replies @Jenn B (y)

On this item specifically: not the neighbour's Side Wing... my own Side Wing. That's why I mentioned it. Specifically for the Running Wild collection, it is not necessary to use neighbour visits nor waiting for your training centre, if it comes up as a 1000 quest demand, that item will drop from your own Side Wings after a reasonable number of taps during the event. It literally just happened to me again moments ago, the wristbands dropped after about 40 taps.

I wasn't suggesting the high-scorers were cheating, I'm just mildly incredulous that they must have so many bonuses and such good communication they could rattle it all off so quickly. All I have is my visits to this forum and 82 neighbours... and a bunch of those are inactive :sleep: I clearly need to gather more quick launchers in all senses of that phrase. At least until my stocks of launch items run out.

Good to get confirmation regards the launch button. Thank you. So y'all can do what you like, if I see the button, buckle up, I'm off! 🚀:D
Do you have a screenshot of your Side Wing showing that it drops anything?
This is what mine looks like:
  1. iPad
  2. Windows PC
I need help on something.

I started a blue launch by accident and was wondering if there was any way to stop it.
Late reply but if this happens again; visit a neighbour and then quit the game whilst on the neighbours page. When you log back in the launch will have vanished.
On this item specifically: not the neighbour's Side Wing... my own Side Wing. That's why I mentioned it. Specifically for the Running Wild collection, it is not necessary to use neighbour visits nor waiting for your training centre, if it comes up as a 1000 quest demand, that item will drop from your own Side Wings after a reasonable number of taps during the event. It literally just happened to me again moments ago, the wristbands dropped after about 40 taps.
I was finally able to replicate this after clicking on a ton of Side Wings and Mansions. I will update the wiki event page to state that items from the Running Wild collection may drop very, very, very seldom from those buildings :)
  1. Windows PC
affa taei
We are already neighbors. Name is BW F20 currently. Have a QL running now, and one more to run over the weekend. Anyone here feel free to send me an invite as well. Friend code is -- 0351QW43C.

Also, just a public service announcement for others -- if you have a neighbor named "Tadashige", he is one who will push your launch before other QL's without adding any help to the launch. I'm currently waiting 90 minutes for my last launch to finish...

View attachment 74085
  1. Android
Grizzly aviator
I was finally able to replicate this after clicking on a ton of Side Wings and Mansions. I will update the wiki event page to state that items from the Running Wild collection may drop very, very, very seldom from those buildings :)
I tried taking screenshots over a dozen times but tablet's a tad slow so I could never quite catch the drop... so I had to take photos of the tablet instead!

Sunday night/Monday morning, it wanted a pedometer. The buildings never showed them being a drop, but like always after 30 taps it dropped, and registers like any normal drop.

It seems to be pretty consistent at 30 taps. Hit all six buildings five times each and it dropped from the last tap. This only applies to items from the Running Wild collection. I've had this throughout both this quest and the previous version of this quest last year.


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