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Need fuel station level 2 stuffs.

  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
Air Canillas.
Hi. I need the stuffs of level 2 fuel stations. I dont know the english names in the game, but in spanish are estructura de acero (steel structure?), alambre (wire?), and unidad de control (control unit?). I can send shampoo sample, fuel, air conditioner, cockpit glass,welder, landing lamp, projector, passengers, powerfull radio transmitter, flight helmet, fuel supply, jet engine, weather display, fuel additives, drill machine, additional radar and amperemeter. Thanks.
hi air canillas
same here but so far no body have them in his gift list..so nobody can send them.. u can receive them from flights to go and london..it would take long time and many trips
good luck
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
FYI, I wouldn't advance any more levels than this one as it just doesn't make any sense. I'm at Lvl 2 and will not upgrade any more.
  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
Sara and bew0072, i can't add you today. I'll add you honoréis. My friend code apbeb24. I have flight helmet.
if update 3 worked the way update 2 works I do think it can be useful, because you can run a contract overnight and get 15 fuel next morning So during the next day just use 1 or 2....If the option of doing contract 1 or 2 is not available It is not worth it. I do have level 2 So, I do not have an answer for that yet.

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