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My Apologies to everyone who read my posts

  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Pilot 1
First, I want to say I'm sorry if my words offended anyone. I truly mean it. I am sorry. I am sorry. Can't say it enough times. I'm a bigger person than that, but sometimes we lose our cool, and let others get the best of us. I don't like being that way, but I did.
There is no excuse for some of what I said. PERIOD! Again, I apologize. I was very, very, very upset and pissed to say the least.

Someone did something we all do.....except they continued to "justify", "make excuses" for their actions. Once is acceptable; Twice is not a coincidence. It's a pattern that is starting to develop. I'm not going into detail. It's over. I had my bourbon. I feel better. But as a man, or woman, you are only as good as YOUR word.

They are still trying to "justify" their actions, and only offered an apology. I've heard a million apologies and I know when someone is being sincere. When I do something wrong, not only do I admit I was wrong, I, as a Good Catholic man (try to be. Don't hold that against me), try to make it right or better somehow. That's just me. I know you can never undo what has been done, but if you keep doing the same WRONG thing, then it gets harder to forgive. I forgive this person. It's not worth my time and energy to go backwards and dwell on the past and waste energy that way. It's simply a waste of time and energy. I have WAY BIGGER things in life to be upset about, INCLUDING what I have done to others in the past. I can't undo that. But as an older adult, I know that you can....TRY..... to make it better. You don't need to tell anyone that you're trying to make it right or better, I just go do it cause it's the right thing to do. You can ask for forgiveness later. I don't need others approval. My God knows what's in my heart when I'm doing what I'm doing, right or wrong. I don't need to appeal to ANYONE on this planet really. Just the man who looks after me, and he knows the real truth behind my actions. That's all that really matters to me. If I have his blessing, then I know my fellow man is not being burdened by my actions. But it takes a big person to admit they were wrong and their faults. We all have them, including myself. I was blessed by my God to do just about anything I wanted to. Sports, medicine, technology, you name it. There really isn't anything I can't do. Might not be as fast, as pretty, as efficient, as strong as some others, but I can do anything. But I know my limitations also, so I won't tell someone "I will........or.......I can....." without knowing I won't go back on my WORD. That's just me. I've grown a lot from a younger man who screwed a lot of people over as a teenage punk/young adult. That still lives with me now as an older adult that has so much potential still. I am embarrassed and ashamed at what I did as a teenager and young adult. Not pretty. Never killed anyone. Almost. That little voice inside my head stopped me less than a second away from it happening. I thank my mother for dragging me by the hand as a kid to church EVERY week. It paid off.

I am not perfect. We all make mistakes. I get it. Jesus forgave, but trust me, he never forgot. Lesson learned. I'm an intelligent person who does a lot of dumb things because I am blessed with abilities and brains that not everyone has and I push the limits. I'm the guy who says, "if you're not living on the edge...you're taking up way too much *%^&*#@ space"! 😂 😂 Yes, so move aside for us. 😂 We like the edge. Life is beautiful and I want to see and taste it all. I've tried my best to take the biggest bite out of life. It has come with setbacks though. Time to take a page out of the old playbook and learn from mine, and some of my closest, and not so close, friends/associates in life. I do register those lessons. Live and learn...the best way. You can read how to be a Dr. out of a book, but until you go and do your first "real" (not on a frog or squirrel) surgery/operation on a real human being, does it hit you. It's a battle. Same thing in combat. The first kill is the hardest. It's not easy when that's your "job". I empathize and sympathize with all my brothers. Some handle things better than others. That's what training is for. To better prepare you for whatever "battle" you may be dealing with in life. All of life's experience's are learning lessons if you pay attention. Good, or bad. Learn from them. That's all we got. Someone had to be the first to........fly a plane, sky dive, scuba dive, go to the moon........etc., etc., etc. They were willing to sacrifice it all for 10 seconds of glory. Sometimes it pays off. Sometimes you lose everything......including your's and other live's. Is it worth it? That's a question we all will have to answer and one day we all will. Sorry for being so philosophical, but sometimes people can relate to different things in different ways that others wouldn't understand.

Bottom line, I apologize for my actions/words that got away from me. Everyone on this forum seems to be pretty cool if you ask me. They've helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I would not have got this far, this quick without a lot of you's. Thank you. I do appreciate it. I don't like that some of my worst came out of me tonight in a moment of rage. My bad. I am sorry.

I apologize to everyone.....even the other person. I will contact them and let them know this also. I'm just not sure they are the same person as me. Sorry doesn't cut it for me at this point. There was no excuse for their actions. I know their sorry. I heard so.
I think I may be the other person. I refuse to hunker down. I made some mistakes and sometimes, I wonder what I was thinking. At some level, yes, I feel guilty and at another level, I would've liked to have thought that I had tried to do the best I coould even if it wasn't good enough. At some level, I want to think I'm a big man but sometimes, I wonder. I wonder about a lot of things. I admit that yes, I did defend myself and still would. I had thought one thing and was acting on an "autopilot". I And no matter what would be said, I wonder if I would be believed and perhaps I don't deserve it.

I actually thought that you were the the "Pilot 1" in a launch and this time, I did not want to over take you. I do NOT ask for forgiveness and I know that I may not deserve your trust. That is why I had tried dropping you as a neighbor because I did not want to prolong the agony for you and me. If you had, I get it and I am grateful. The whole thing has degenerated into a "he said" - "she said" type of thing. And in a public space, tensions in the matter can run high because that is how you are perceived. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm a liar. I should NEVER have taken that second QL with you on board. My second mistake was that I had added a PEB to a green launch. All I can do is offer an explanation of how it happened, I had seen something saying "Take first" so I acted on autopilot. The truth of the matter was I did acquire that through visits (I know you don't believe me). There were probably some things I should've said but didn't and probably some things I should NOT have said but did say. It also did not help that a third person stepped in making an accusation against me (weather I deserve it or not, who knows).

I too was raised a Roman Catholic partly but I had to be truthful with myself and everyone and say, I couldn't buy it. In some ways, I would like to think that I am being truthful but human beings can deceive themselves and sometimes, people put facts together in different ways.

At this point, I chose to stand rather than run or hide even though you were generous in giving me that chance. I also admit that everyone knew so what would've been the point.
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Pilot 1
I think I may be the other person. I refuse to hunker down. I made some mistakes and sometimes, I wonder what I was thinking. At some level, yes, I feel guilty and at another level, I would've liked to have thought that I had tried to do the best I coould even if it wasn't good enough. At some level, I want to think I'm a big man but sometimes, I wonder. I wonder about a lot of things. I admit that yes, I did defend myself and still would. I had thought one thing and was acting on an "autopilot". I And no matter what would be said, I wonder if I would be believed and perhaps I don't deserve it.

I actually thought that you were the the "Pilot 1" in a launch and this time, I did not want to over take you. I do NOT ask for forgiveness and I know that I may not deserve your trust. That is why I had tried dropping you as a neighbor because I did not want to prolong the agony for you and me. If you had, I get it and I am grateful. The whole thing has degenerated into a "he said" - "she said" type of thing. And in a public space, tensions in the matter can run high because that is how you are perceived. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm a liar. I should NEVER have taken that second QL with you on board. My second mistake was that I had added a PEB to a green launch. All I can do is offer an explanation of how it happened, I had seen something saying "Take first" so I acted on autopilot. The truth of the matter was I did acquire that through visits (I know you don't believe me). There were probably some things I should've said but didn't and probably some things I should NOT have said but did say. It also did not help that a third person stepped in making an accusation against me (weather I deserve it or not, who knows).

I too was raised a Roman Catholic partly but I had to be truthful with myself and everyone and say, I couldn't buy it. In some ways, I would like to think that I am being truthful but human beings can deceive themselves and sometimes, people put facts together in different ways.

At this point, I chose to stand rather than run or hide even though you were generous in giving me that chance. I also admit that everyone knew so what would've been the point.
I photoed the whole launch chat in case someone wanted to read it for themselves. It was pretty obvious what happened. But I'm not going to embarrass you anymore than you already did to those who saw what you did. I just went and looked at that chat session. Yes, it's still there if you click "more messages" at the top. No need to post it now.

IF you were the other person........ I wouldn't be talking about "standing my ground" or not running and hiding. First of all, you can't hide; They'll find you...even if you do live under a rock. Second of all, it makes you look weak and that you can't admit faults which everyone has. Not to many people I know likes to be around a know it all and someone who is never wrong or makes any mistakes. No one is perfect. You might have been raised Catholic, but you're not acting like a good one. Yes there are many Catholics like you (no offense to Catholics). The best thing to do is own it like a man/woman of character and nobility. Those that were present in that moment even tried to let you know your MISTAKES from what I was reading. Some of those people even have a say in what goes on here. I wouldn't argue your actions with them like I saw you did. And you still are trying to justify your actions it sounds like to me. Keep digging deeper my friend. Best to let it go, but then again, the guilty guy ALWAYS says he didn't do it. You didn't commit murder so I think most would see you as a bigger....person.... if you were able to admit your faults rather than sticking your chest out and telling everyone "it's not my fault and I'm not going to run and hide" which is what I'm reading from your post. That's a wannabe making excuses. Hope it works out for you.
Iam lost for words and sad that a simple game can create this kind of conflict between 2 human beeings .

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