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Monday 6th October 2014 - Android Daily Trade Thread

  1. Android
Friend Code
Tweedette I sent Archive Box and friend request to Tweedles but it didn't work?
Juvenal I sent Fuel Supply to Java and Spare Propeller to Juve
belledohna Thank you for the Flight Catering X2 I sent spare wire to deadlylampshade and Flight Catering to you. If you have any building parts for the blanket factory I am in dire need. Thank you
Gt city Sent Flight Catering to Gt city 3 Thank you for the Flight Catering if you have my listed building materials please send them in return.
stevel2606 Thank you for the stamp. I don't need this, but I sent you Flight Catering in return.
Sulfe I sent you a Fuel Hose.
Long I sent you 10 passengers, sorry I don't have 20. THis was based upon your game name and your post here, please let me know if you would prefer something else. Thank you for the Flight Catering.
Dr.SC- Sent Fuel Hose
Someone named Portugal.ModAddr sent me a dryer which I am very grateful for...What can I send you in return I do not see you in the forum, but you must be if you know I need Dryer. Sent you Add Radar as my best guess.
HUI Fe/Horizant sent me a Blanket, I know I'm I'm a noob anyone know who this is and what they want in return?

Dunno what happened to request to Tweedles but I have just sent you one - now we wait to see what happens. :)
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