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MEGA RED QL Party marathon.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
"ac" + what i need
The time :- This Wednesday at 16.00- 17.00 GMT start. End time Thursday 06.00 GMT. 14 hour duration.
The place:- At my pad! my red pad.
Come for the whole time or just keep coming and going as you please. Multiple QLs on hand but if you want to bring one to the table your more than welcome. It's a freestyle party so first to the magic number of 576 takes captain. There is no rush unless your going somewhere.
Hope to see you there. Let's P A R T Y!!! All welcome but my list is all but full.

Ps. If there is a break in play its means we're having a 30 min break.

@Robby Kusuma @Darkdagon @Yulee @Marcio Veiga @Puppy Chou @tiberiu1995 @Sulfe @KerryJS @pegasus @Fatdaz @Jay J @tonight2cold @Jamiegsi @DarekK @Rsorour @Bali Hi @Chad Ladwig @emily @FancyFlight @flip123 @Gt city @greensmith @hansle10 @Happy Helen @Hburr @InCoNvEnIeNtE @javi @Juvenal @Kazinho @LAX @Lukasz @M22 @paulkate @Pavolko_Gun @R3d_F1v3 @s8s @Solace2011 @nsari @vayka1 @spearman78 @Neil ellor @Diabloscort @Ank7 @AJ @Deetee04 @eat007 @dr_fly @GamingSwiftie @icao @Pakman @ItsRalphy @manu Rigon @Mario's Dad
@Capt Iz 69 even if you forgot to invite me ;) i hope i don't miss that party lol

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