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Maximizing Airport City Space (Optimal Building Layout)

  1. Facebook
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Rob Bostad
Rob Bostad
I don't have land issues, yet but I do try to maximize my space while trying to make my airport and city look cool. I don't like to waste land on the city side by building a bunch of roads but on my airport side I have more room so spare so I like the looks of roads around the airport. You can only build so many ways and I have seen some pretty cool builds by some very high level players. I was bored this morning so thought I'd share mine. On a different subject...is there a guid to explaining the different bonuses? I know that the bonuses basically describe what happens like +200% increase on income or exp and all but there is one that says you get a 90% increase in a chance of a "fortunate event" happening. What does that mean? Thanks!!


I don't have land issues, yet but I do try to maximize my space while trying to make my airport and city look cool. I don't like to waste land on the city side by building a bunch of roads but on my airport side I have more room so spare so I like the looks of roads around the airport. You can only build so many ways and I have seen some pretty cool builds by some very high level players. I was bored this morning so thought I'd share mine. On a different subject...is there a guid to explaining the different bonuses? I know that the bonuses basically describe what happens like +200% increase on income or exp and all but there is one that says you get a 90% increase in a chance of a "fortunate event" happening. What does that mean? Thanks!!

Is this what Airport City looks like on Windows?
It's so big and there are time icons on top of hangars that are not available on Android or iPad.
  1. Facebook
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Rob Bostad
Rob Bostad
Is this what Airport City looks like on Windows?
It's so big and there are time icons on top of hangars that are not available on Android or iPad.

I play on Facebook. I have a 27 inch Imac and when I put the game on full screen that is what it looks like. Playing on the ipad and android is a far inferior experience and I just don't get why so many people choose to play on such an inferior format. I get that on ipad and android you can play while not connected but you can only launch and harvest so many times per day. I usually log into facebook and play airport city about 3 times a day and maybe spend 10 minutes on it each session.


600+ Star Club
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
  3. Windows PC
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
I play on Facebook. I have a 27 inch Imac and when I put the game on full screen that is what it looks like. Playing on the ipad and android is a far inferior experience and I just don't get why so many people choose to play on such an inferior format. I get that on ipad and android you can play while not connected but you can only launch and harvest so many times per day. I usually log into facebook and play airport city about 3 times a day and maybe spend 10 minutes on it each session.
@Rob Bostad
I started playing AC on Windows 8 but soon discovered that doing so was impractical because I was out of town a lot. Even though my iPad game does play on a smaller screen, it's still big enough for these old eyes ... and it goes everywhere with me. Different strokes!


1200+ Star Club
  1. Android
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@Rob Bostad,
Choosing platform depends upon time which we can give to the game.
Also since you are a pilot and travel around the world, if you play on android or iOS then I am sure you will get blocked every day because of time traveling.
I do play on both Android and Facebook but truly saying i am totally impressed by Facebook version. There are player's even on Facebook with 531 Star's. I have seen almost 100 player's with all having 10 of each casino, bank & mint whereas on ios & Android there is only 2 player's with 10 of each casino, bank & mint that everyone knows who she is. Graphics are totally awesome on Facebook. But if i see from convenience point of view i prefer mobile device as we can easily Carry it.
Whatever and whichever thing is it but final conclusion is that we all love to play this game irrespective of platform.
So keep playing and enjoy the game(y)
Thank you:)
  1. Facebook
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Rob Bostad
Rob Bostad
Can you play the Facebook version of AC on an iPad with a Facebook app?

No way that I know of Tom. I believe the FB versions of games such as AC and Farmville require Java Script to run and Ipads can't run Java required sites. I hear ya about different strokes for different folks and I can understand why FB doesn't work out for all players. I have some very high level neighbors whose airports are pretty impressive. Her is just one of many FB neighbors who have 10 of each for banks/casinos/mints. Did you guys get the reserve hangar on the android/IOS version yet? Check out this neighbor of mine....



1200+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
No way that I know of Tom. I believe the FB versions of games such as AC and Farmville require Java Script to run and Ipads can't run Java required sites. I hear ya about different strokes for different folks and I can understand why FB doesn't work out for all players. I have some very high level neighbors whose airports are pretty impressive. Her is just one of many FB neighbors who have 10 of each for banks/casinos/mints. Did you guys get the reserve hangar on the android/IOS version yet? Check out this neighbor of mine....

Is this anja gerritson?
She deleted me as i was friends with Bayram who was doing cheating but i wasn't aware of that.
Sorry but no,you can't.
You need to switch on PC and start playing it.
You might give it a try and I am sure you will love it.
Thank you:)

I agree with you that the graphics are pretty impressive on the facebook version. However, I am only on facebook for game offers, etc. and NOT for the social media aspect of it. I have tried the FB version of Airport City and in order to advance you need to invite friends to help with different aspects of the game, etc. Unless GI changes this aspect of the FB version I have absolutely zero interest in it.


1200+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I agree with you that the graphics are pretty impressive on the facebook version. However, I am only on facebook for game offers, etc. and NOT for the social media aspect of it. I have tried the FB version of Airport City and in order to advance you need to invite friends to help with different aspects of the game, etc. Unless GI changes this aspect of the FB version I have absolutely zero interest in it.
I agree with you that's why i created another account on Facebook just to play this game and guess what, i am now having 498 friends in just a month. With the ability to gift collectible item's i was able to reach 50 level in just 4 week's and builded mcc3 and launchpad.
It need's a lot of friends and if you aren't having friends then it becomes difficult to play not only Facebook platform but all the platforms.
You may create another account for it and enjoy.
Thank you
Your points are all valid, but I just don't have the time or desire to start another FB account just to play this game and have to bother with adding friends just to advance in the game. Also, having neighbors on the mobile version definitely helps in the game progress substantially, but it is not madatory to advance like the FB version.


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
I came to this thread because of my second game. I don't have a problem with my first game because I had to take all my buildings off due to the population issue and I don't have enough population to put them back on yet. So I have a ton of space.

My second game is now at 2 x 3 blocks and I still have room for 36 population. But none of these layouts work well for the small space. I can adapt @Bali Hi's Space layout for the small buildings that I have but was thinking that it might be useful for new players to have a separate thread about maximizing layout for small spaces and small buildings. And possibly one for strategies on expanding spaces, do you expand city first or airport first.

For example I'm at level 24 and it was important to expand the airport sideways to be able to accommodate a level 4 runway because it comes up fairly early in the game.

This is BaliOS' small layout for the first 2x2 and 2x3 plots.
The black squares are roads.


The beginning stage is always a matter of not enough space / coins to build everything.
You need to maximise your land for commercial & residential building and build as little road as possible.
Use coins to buy land until expansion 7 or 8 (when they cost 200,000 / 400,000), use your greenies to buy land after expansion 9.

You need to expedite certain tasks (Control Tower & Terminal upgrades, Flight school, Flight Catering facility) and ignore certain tasks (Town Hall, Duty Free, Hotel, Fuel Station upgrade).

Build MCC and upgrade to MCC2 & MCC3 as soon as you can. Save space by skipping Green & Blue Launch Pads and build Red Launch Pads only. Then start participating in Red QL parties to earn coins, fuel, Gold & silver tokens.
  1. Android
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I started to do some future planning this weekend due to the 50% discount on land. I wanted to buy one more square of land to make my city side a perfect 20X36 rectangle and to add more passenger buildings in the future to be able to do Delta adventure flights 100 at a time. I was out of room on both my city side and airport side so I needed to figure it out before I made the purchase. This is what my city looked like:


Very inefficient with the roads where they were. I wanted to make use of the trees, small lake and angel monuments. The best design I could come up with based on what I saw everywhere else was this repeating design:


I wanted to use something that I could put my 1x1 buildings within the design but not have the design messed up either. I copied them into the big diagram and started to move stuff around and figure some things out. This is what I was looking at (colors don't mean anything, just show the pattern):


I could see right away that this would enable me to have a lot more buildings then I originally had but that I would also quickly run out of the trees,small lake, and the angel monument.

I used a similar pattern in this thread that looked like this:


I moved the two patterns above around and soon decided that I should buy the land on my city side, rearrange it and put anything on it that I needed to due to the increased efficiency. In the future I would purchase land on the airport side to build more coal stations and move the rocket gardens onto that side. Here is what my plan somewhat looked like, letters showed my extra buildings that I would be able to build:


This is what I ended up doing. I don't have enough coins to buy more passenger buildings so I used all of the coin producing buildings in my warehouse and then bought car dealerships to cover the rest of the area. I quickly ran out of my city population and now will have to upgrade my city hall or get more adventure buildings. The white areas are unused land. I sprinkled the rest of my lakes, trees and monuments around as best as I could to make use of them.


This is eventually what I plan on doing once I get more coins to buy all of the expensive passenger producing buildings:


Overall I was able to create a much more efficient area in order to produce more passengers. Because of where I moved my bonus buildings to, I was also able to produce almost 900 more passengers over a 5 1/2 hour period. I am now producing 14,370 passengers in a 5 1/2 hour period. I chose a 5 1//2 hour period to estimate what I could really due during a six hour map. Just a little bit more to go and then I can start the Delta adventure maps 100 at a time.

After I moved everything around I went back and noticed another pattern in this threat that caught my eye. I replicated it to fit my needs and found out that it was the same with the amount of 2x2 and 3x3 buildings. Here is the other pattern and then my pattern again below it:



So this is what brings me to my question for all of you that have much more land and anyone that has messed with the first of the two patterns above. They both have the same amount of 2x2 and 3x3 buildings. The first pattern would let me replace any of the 1x1 passenger producers with the lakes or trees in order to get the bonus on any building/buildings across the map. The second pattern I prefer better now because it allows me to put the 1x1 buildings all grouped together in the map and strategically collect my passengers as I do adventure flights and refill my terminal when I send out flights. Other than those two points are there any other advantages/disadvantages that one layout would have over the other?

I think that I would prefer the first pattern later on when I can fill up the entire square with passenger buildings. I believe that I would like the first pattern better then because when I do the later on adventure flights I will have to use the alarm clock at some point in time and it won't matter how many passengers I can produce over x time. Total passengers will matter in order to max out 100 adventure flights and eventually 500 alliance map flights. I also think at that time it won't matter as much how I refill the passenger terminal when sending out normal flights because I will have so many passengers available on my city side ready all of the time.

Thoughts and comments please.
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
I adapted @Dan's layout to my tiny city as soon as I was able to buy more land to move things around.
Then I tried to make the best use of streets possible including the one street connecting the airport and the city side. I know that the town hall does not need a street but it fit well in that corner and I can later move it somewhere else when I buy more land and then place a 3*3 building there that does need a street without needing to remodel the whole layout.
On the airport side, I allow myself the luxury of more than 2 runways for convenience and to speed up things so that I spend as little real life time as possible playing the game where I might wait for several planes to land and unload, then load again and so on. I also tried to use a few streets as possible there while keeping those buildings that need one productiv. The empty space on the front will soon get my red pad and the I'll have an intermediate layout that works well for me for a while.
It has currently more coin producing buildings since I still need the cash. My terminal 5 is large enough to hold the passengers I need for four jets, two deltas and one powerful delta to keep them flying all day long while my passenger producing buildings usually are idle.

intermediate crowded layout.jpg
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