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Maps from space launches

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Hi, I have a few of these maps
What are they used for and what is the reward for doing the flight


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Basically each map destination has a collection that can be completed. Once all five destinations from
a particular map group (green, blue or red) are done and collection completed you will complete one of the following
collections The Theory of Everything (green launch map destinations), The Outer Limits (blue launch map destinations)
and Magnificent Desolation (red launch map destinations) Every time you complete one of those 3 collections you
get a QL bonus. I am fairly certain some or perhaps all of this info is on the wiki. You would want to start with the green map
estinations as they are easier and once done you will understand better. The green destinations and collections are absolutely
on the wiki.
Hi, I have a few of these maps
What are they used for and what is the reward for doing the flight

So, for example, with your map to Novosibirsk. You will use turboprop planes and landing lamps, (be sure to have at least 100 or more landing lamps on hand), fly to that destination as many times as you can in the 3 hours it is active. It is suggested you use golden dice, spy glass, Sky Captain, and as many other bonuses you may have, and at least 600 or more fuel for instant return. You will get drops from each flight - ie Glove, hammer, pliers, grip tool, cordless power tool. When you get 3 of each you will get a Steel Institute, and be 1/5 of the way towards getting Quantum Leaps. Do the same for the other 4 maps you receive for getting first place in a green launch. Of course, you can do a lot more than just 3 of each - that's just the minimum to get a Steel Institute.

When you finish all 5 collections, you will be earning QLs.:):):)
For what it's worth I've been flying the green maps and the biggest thing is fuel. For 4 of the 5 destinations I flew the 90 or so flights to get 3 stars on a single map. To speed up all those flights it requires 4600 units of fuel (estimated) and 3600 passengers (estimated). Now that I've done each flight I may do fewer but it is still a lot of fuel and passengers.

If the blue and red info isn't on the wiki then I know there's a guide in that section of the forum as well. I do want to start some blue ones eventually but I haven't figured out exactly how I want to tackle them. Looking at even more fuel and passengers for those
I started the hard way and did red maps first (I had a lot more of the maps so was happy to burn a few to test things out). Green maps use turboprops (+ landing lamp) for every flight, blue maps use jets (+additional radar or spare wire) and a lot of fuel/pax resources, red maps are jumbos (no flight item required) and take a huge amount of resources! I just burnt a heap of maps to get that data as Wiki isn't quite up to date with the space flight maps :LOL:.

Blue maps are active for 12.5 hrs, with each flight taking 12 hrs, Red maps are active for 17 hrs with each flight taking 16.5 hrs.

The other bit, not mentioned so far, is that as you get 3 of each QL i.e., 3 QLs from green maps, 3 from blue and 3 from red (so if you really, really want all of the buildings offered, you'll need to get 18 QLs from each clolour) you get an additional coin producing building as well.

Green: Abandoned Spaceport (3x3 block, +50 population increase, coins=75/45min)
Blue: Space Needle (2x2 block, +50 population increase, coins=60/1hr)
Red: Luna Park (3x3 block, +100 pop. increase, coins=520/12h)

Most high end players don't really value coin collecting buildings, but the population increases are handy early on if you happen to have gone about your maps this way. Adventure maps are the suggested method first to get those buildings that drop items as well, then worry about QLs later. All very handy if you have access to QL parties, but I was desperate to play with QLs so went that way :ROFLMAO:. Don't focus on doing the lot... get a few green destinations out of the way, play with your QLs, then attack the adventure maps ;)
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Luna park is 100 increase in passengers - not population. This is the one I will be starting soon now that I have a few adventure buildings.

There is no limit to the amount of QLs you can get from doing the maps, one day a week I activate a green launch map and run a few turbo prop flights for the 3 hour duration to build up some of the items that give QL. One more thing which I only found out recently - activate 2 launch maps and you double the time it's active - i.e., open 2 Perth maps and Perth stays open for 6 hours not just 3 - and so on with 3 giving 9 etc.
Luna park is 100 increase in passengers - not population. This is the one I will be starting soon now that I have a few adventure buildings.

There is no limit to the amount of QLs you can get from doing the maps, one day a week I activate a green launch map and run a few turbo prop flights for the 3 hour duration to build up some of the items that give QL. One more thing which I only found out recently - activate 2 launch maps and you double the time it's active - i.e., open 2 Perth maps and Perth stays open for 6 hours not just 3 - and so on with 3 giving 9 etc.
You're absolutely correct! I knew there was a reason Luna Park was extra special! That's my next challenge as well. I got about halfway to my first one before moving on to other things. I didn't realise it's value at the time :)


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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I started the hard way and did red maps first (I had a lot more of the maps so was happy to burn a few to test things out). Green maps use turboprops (+ landing lamp) for every flight, blue maps use jets (+additional radar or spare wire) and a lot of fuel/pax resources, red maps are jumbos (no flight item required) and take a huge amount of resources! I just burnt a heap of maps to get that data as Wiki isn't quite up to date with the space flight maps :LOL:.

Blue maps are active for 12.5 hrs, with each flight taking 12 hrs, Red maps are active for 17 hrs with each flight taking 16.5 hrs.

The other bit, not mentioned so far, is that as you get 3 of each QL i.e., 3 QLs from green maps, 3 from blue and 3 from red (so if you really, really want all of the buildings offered, you'll need to get 18 QLs from each clolour) you get an additional coin producing building as well.

Green: Abandoned Spaceport (3x3 block, +50 population increase, coins=75/45min)
Blue: Space Needle (2x2 block, +50 population increase, coins=60/1hr)
Red: Luna Park (3x3 block, +100 pop. increase, coins=520/12h)

Most high end players don't really value coin collecting buildings, but the population increases are handy early on if you happen to have gone about your maps this way. Adventure maps are the suggested method first to get those buildings that drop items as well, then worry about QLs later. All very handy if you have access to QL parties, but I was desperate to play with QLs so went that way :ROFLMAO:. Don't focus on doing the lot... get a few green destinations out of the way, play with your QLs, then attack the adventure maps ;)

Just curious...why don't high level players value coin collecting buildings? With items costing so much at higher levels, I would think they would be highly revered, no?


150+ Star Club
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Just curious...why don't high level players value coin collecting buildings? With items costing so much at higher levels, I would think they would be highly revered, no?
In short, because the coin producing buildings cost too much to place and the pay out is way too small. And they cost you greens in the form of taking up land space that could be better spent on passenger buildings.

Without remembering exact numbers there are buildings that cost 100000 plus and give you maybe 1000 coins per day... there is no way that investment will ever be paid off.

But even with the best buildings that you have to click several times per hour the return is just too small. You might get 1000/hour or a little better from the best ones (and you cant click them all 24 hours) and as an easy counter example 1 first place in a red launch gives you 20000. The buildings are just not worth the space they take up.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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Agreed with the cost of coin income buildings. However, launches are also quite expensive in their own right, and unless you piled up on QL's, you can only do successful launches when you've had enough stored up to support a launch (not to mention knowing when a friend is doing a launch). I've actually created a spreadsheet of buildings that give the highest return per hour. If you have other coin generating suggestions, I'm certainly open to hearing them. Trying to get my level 6 runway and its costing me a fortune....and time!


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
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At the start of the game some coin producing buildings can be good for sure as every small bit counts. I would advice to never ever buy more land to place coin buildings though that is really counter productive any way you look at it as if you are that desperate for money you could have spent the money you got greens for on coins instead.

But as you said your self this is mainly high level concerns. Once you get to the stage where the planes or buildings you need cost millions the 1000/hour or so you get from a building is just not worth the trouble anymore.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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Interesting. So what I'm getting is that most higher level players actually spend money on coins just as much as greens, if they aren't doing lunar launches like crazy and getting 1st each time. I just always bought greenies instead since they are a lot harder to come by in-game. I usually just save for weeks when it comes time to make a big purchase, and I partake in launches sometimes to get an extra boost in coins and fuel. That's why I've been doing the space maps recently....going after the abandoned spaceport and then trying to get a space needle or two. However if there is a faster way to gain money, I'm all about that. I probably need to add some neighbors who do launches very often, as most of my current neighbors dont.


150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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I'm not saying you should buy coins and that high level players do quite the opposite.
I was just saying that if you are desperate enough tHat you think of buying land to be able to place more coin buildings you would get more money by just buying coins in the first place.

Moral of the story don't buy land for coin buildings! :)

If you have the space anyway while waiting to build other things though then by all means fill it with coin buildings while waiting. (Just make sure the building don't cost more then you get back in the time you plan to have it up)
  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
I'm not saying you should buy coins and that high level players do quite the opposite.
I was just saying that if you are desperate enough tHat you think of buying land to be able to place more coin buildings you would get more money by just buying coins in the first place.

Moral of the story don't buy land for coin buildings! :)

If you have the space anyway while waiting to build other things though then by all means fill it with coin buildings while waiting. (Just make sure the building don't cost more then you get back in the time you plan to have it up)

I think it also depends on the level a player is at and how much land he already bought, how much the next slice costs and what he plans to do with it. I bought one on my city side to place more pharmacies on that I didn't have to buy but had in stock anyway from all the completed collections, just had no land to place them on. They do good service to me now and when I get to a stage where I can ignore the income they produce, I can simply remove them and place passenger producing buildins on the land, so the land was not bought in vain, I would have had to buy it sooner or later anyway and so I think this is a good compromise. I'll put a screenshot of my current layout in the "Maximizing Airport City Space" later: www.airportcitygame.com/threads/maximizing-airport-city-space-optimal-building-layout.3442/page-3


1500+ Star Club
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af40w2p (old) 04HBT2AFX (current)
Eventually you get to have a good group of neighbours who launch regularly with QLs, so there is always at least 1 QL red launch I can join during the day. Previously, I would buy only greens as using them to buy golden dice and visit neigbours planetariums had a double of effect of giving red preps and coins from the completed collections (add in the launch readys for rocket fuel). So buying coins was never something that you had to do, now they have "fixed" the neighbours planetariums with golden dice (pretty sure it's another F word.....) I am not so sure how levelling up and coin collecting would be done.

As said many times, launching is key in this game as it gives access to much more of the game - finding a good set of neighbours who are trustworthy and good launchers is key - as is trial and error with who's launch to join and who regularly flys QL.


600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Additionally for gold coins, you need at least 12 neighbors with planetariums. Visiting these neighbors completes collections for 2000 coins and gives you launch items. Visiting all 12 neighbors daily and clicking their planetariums will far surpass the coins from all your coin producing buildings.
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