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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Looking for an Alliance

Bungay Bill

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Bungay Bill
Looking for a new alliance. I am at level 50, 126 Stars, Reputation 18. I complete all my tasks each week and fly over 40,000 passengers. Hoping to get in one where there is communication on this site or via other means.

Straighten up and fly right!!
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
  3. Windows PC
Friend Code
Looking for a new alliance. I am at level 50, 126 Stars, Reputation 18. I complete all my tasks each week and fly over 40,000 passengers. Hoping to get in one where there is communication on this site or via other means.

Straighten up and fly right!!
Hi @Bungay Bill, Knight Fliers is looking for members. Contact @ItsRalphy for info. It’s a very friendly Alliance and communicates on this forum.
Hi - Our alliance is laid back and relaxed, and no pressure. We're all advanced enough that we don't need to be in top 50, especially since regular dice are basically useless now, and just aim for an alliance map or 2 coming in weekly. We are happy getting 10% or 30% in our alliance missions to help our lower level players, and are a supportive and friendly group.

Current members:- myself (@ItsRalphy) @crescent moon @A Robbie Airport, @Franck56 (LRT), @Jon Allen, @KingKong, @OneGoldenHeart (OGH), @PoorOldJim (POJ), @Rainer, @Robert, @Xilikon, @Yarasa, @ppls1000, @yenta613, @Julie payne, @PLMerry (PLM2) @Madge59230, @hzdjj and @Lev

Let me know if you would like to join the gang.

Looking for a new alliance. I am at level 50, 126 Stars, Reputation 18. I complete all my tasks each week and fly over 40,000 passengers. Hoping to get in one where there is communication on this site or via other means.

Straighten up and fly right!!

Bungay Bill

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Bungay Bill
Hi - Our alliance is laid back and relaxed, and no pressure. We're all advanced enough that we don't need to be in top 50, especially since regular dice are basically useless now, and just aim for an alliance map or 2 coming in weekly. We are happy getting 10% or 30% in our alliance missions to help our lower level players, and are a supportive and friendly group.

Current members:- myself (@ItsRalphy) @crescent moon @A Robbie Airport, @Franck56 (LRT), @Jon Allen, @KingKong, @OneGoldenHeart (OGH), @PoorOldJim (POJ), @Rainer, @Robert, @Xilikon, @Yarasa, @ppls1000, @yenta613, @Julie payne, @PLMerry (PLM2) @Madge59230, @hzdjj and @Lev

Let me know if you would like to join the gang.
Thanks for the invite sounds like a great group. Have no clue what "regular dice" means. I've been trying to tackle this "monster" for awhile by myself. Got in an Alliance seeking help but this one is not right for me (mostly no communication) and I'm sure some good guidance would be right for me. When is the timing that I should leave my current one and join yours to have my "activities" count?
Thanks for the invite sounds like a great group. Have no clue what "regular dice" means. I've been trying to tackle this "monster" for awhile by myself. Got in an Alliance seeking help but this one is not right for me (mostly no communication) and I'm sure some good guidance would be right for me. When is the timing that I should leave my current one and join yours to have my "activities" count?
SO, most people seem to change alliances straight after the Sunday reset, so their figures count for the old alliance for the current week, and they are in the new one for the start of the new week.

I need you to be connected to me first, so am sending you an invite to my game, then once you have left the old alliance drop me a note and I will invite you. Reset is 1am here in England, so will be a few hour later LOL!!!!
  1. Android
Friend Code
Pilot Goose
Looking for a new alliance. I am at level 50, 126 Stars, Reputation 18. I complete all my tasks each week and fly over 40,000 passengers. Hoping to get in one where there is communication on this site or via other means.

Straighten up and fly right!!
Please join my Alliance - TOP GUN 88


1500+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
  1. Android
  2. None of the above
Friend Code
Looking for a new alliance. I am at level 50, 126 Stars, Reputation 18. I complete all my tasks each week and fly over 40,000 passengers. Hoping to get in one where there is communication on this site or via other means.

Straighten up and fly right!!
are you still looking for a place in an alliance?
We ( a level 4 alliance, from Monday a level 5 alliance) are looking for new members. Until Sunday is at least one place available. Please send me a message for the case you are interested.
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