350+ Star Club
- Device
- Android
- Friend Code
- 04hpgs6s
- Username
- "ac" + what i need
I don't know what jpjpjp999 has, I can't help you with jpjpjp2 and Jpjpjp. But I don't think jpjpjp999 had your missing items
no problemI don't know what jpjpjp999 has, I can't help you with jpjpjp2 and Jpjpjp. But I don't think jpjpjp999 had your missing items
who can help me?
i need:
9 level tower hall: Energy Saving Lamp (2)
9 level terminal: Floor Washer (7), PatrolDrone (4) and Information Sign (6)
if you help me sending some others items i really thanks to you@lorenzooznerol I can help u with energy saving lamp, my Lv.9 town hall will be ready in 2 days, but if can delay it if you still need energy saving lamp.
i accepted the request...i have already completed so i can't send them@lorenzooznerol
If you still need info sign, I can help. Please accept my friend request. I also need patrol drone and turnstile to complete terminal.