Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Levels, Stars and Items needed to fly to new locations

Moscow Unlocks at: Level 21, 32 stars
Delta plane
Flight Time:5:40 hrs
Requires: 34 oil, 160 passenagers
Reward: 138 coins, 125exp

New York Unlocks at:level 22, 36 stars
Delta plane
Flight time: 6:00hrs
Requires: 36 oil, 160 passenagers
Reward: 168 coins, 169 exp

Paris Unlocks at:level 23, 40 stars
Delta plane
Flight time: 6:20hrs
Requires: 38 oil, 160 passenagers
Reward: 145 coins, 136 exp

Seoul Unlocks at:level 24, 46 stars
Delta plane
Flight time: 6:40hrs
Requires: 40 oil, 160 passenagers
Reward: 149 coins, 142 exp

Shanghai Unlocks at:level 24, 52 stars
Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 7:00hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers
Reward: 171 coins, 173 exp
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Here are my contributions...

Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 7:20hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers, flight meal, spare propeller (on a delta jet?!?!?!)
Reward: 151 coins, 144 exp (not sure why this is lower than Shanghai)

Hong Kong
Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 7:40hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers, flight meal, spare propeller (same as Dehli)
Reward: 148 coins, 140 exp (even lower now)

Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 8:00hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers, flight meal
Reward: 173 coins, 176 exp

Now, I unlocked these for the 50 cash so I'm wondering if that caused the values (coins and exp) to change. Still don't get why you would need a spare propeller for a jet!

Also, Dave need your help in posting a new glitch. For some reason I can store the white delta jet in a Lvl 2 hanger (2,000 coins). Can you add an open section for game glitches?
  1. Android
Friend Code
Here are my contributions...

Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 7:20hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers, flight meal, spare propeller (on a delta jet?!?!?!)
Reward: 151 coins, 144 exp (not sure why this is lower than Shanghai)

Hong Kong
Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 7:40hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers, flight meal, spare propeller (same as Dehli)
Reward: 148 coins, 140 exp (even lower now)

Powerful Delta plane
Flight time: 8:00hrs
Requires: 42 oil, 260 passenagers, flight meal
Reward: 173 coins, 176 exp

Now, I unlocked these for the 50 cash so I'm wondering if that caused the values (coins and exp) to change. Still don't get why you would need a spare propeller for a jet!

Also, Dave need your help in posting a new glitch. For some reason I can store the white delta jet in a Lvl 2 hanger (2,000 coins). Can you add an open section for game glitches?


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Unlocks at: Level 29,
76 Stars..
plane delta
Flight Time: 08:20
Requires: de-icer and flight meal
Reward: 171coins and 172 xp
Rare collectibles: dalai lama, dreamcatcher, mouthharp
  1. Android
Friend Code
correction to my earlier post..

you can house a jet in a lvl1 hangar even without a lvl3 hangar.

the downside to this is that refueling and loading of jets (yours and guests) would take a little longer than if you have the lvl3 hangar..


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
U need 42 fuel and 260 passengers for nepal
And its weird: just got my first 2 nepal flights back... And i got 188 coins and 172 xp, so more what is standing on the screen where u select the flight...

I got 78 stars, so 2 more and i know antartica
Dave, could you please add that for all flights from level 21 to 30, you not just need the catering facility, but also one flight meal/flight catering for each flight (I haven't known this until I had the catering facility and could make those flights, but I had a feeling for this).

One required item is still missing:

New York - Navigation Module

You might also add where these required flight items come from (like you did for the flights to Bali & Malta?)
If so:
San Francisco: Fuel Supply (Drops from flights to Thailand)
London: Fuel Additives (Drops from flights to Rome)
Singapore: Additional Radar (Drops from flights to Canary Islands)
Sydney: Spare Wire (Drops from flights to Rio)
Dubai: Oscillating Beacon (Drops from flights to Nice)
New York: Navigation Module (Drops from flights to Moscow)
Seoul: Fuel Hose (Drops from flights to Paris)

I can't reach the other destinations so far, therefore this list stops here.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Unlocks at: Level 30, 80 Stars
Delta plane
Flight Time: 08:40
Requires: 42 Oil, 260 Passengers
Reward:175 coins and 179 xp

u also need the de-icer again for this flight...
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