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Let's Talk 8.0 Shall We?

I would love to see with the Gold Subscription - That when you sign up, you get a Casino, Bank or Mint. Then every month you continue, it restarts. Would be a great incentive to get people to sign up.
Dit you use the CBM-word? :eek:

Great idea, but do not think they would do that.
Gold sub for 6 monts is €120.
1200 greens is €100.
Restarting the CBM every month for free would give you way more than 1200 greens.
Nobody would ever buy greens on sale anymore. Everybody would take the gold sub. More greens, and all the extra the gold sub already gives.
That would actually make them lose money I think.
I still think some buildings such as Alliance HQ and Alliance Office should be consolidated into one building with two levels (just like the hanger was).

I think the duty free shop and baggage hall should be additions to the Airport Terminal building instead of separate buildings in the Industrial section of the city. This would give a more realistic feel to the game and provide us with a little more space to work with.
:cool: I know it sounds funny even to me.... And many of you either don't care about this limit, or never felt how hurting this limit is because it was always there for you. [Difference between a person getting jailed compared to a person who was born in jail].

I personally hate this rule to the end of the world with all my might, and i can never forgive GI for that.... Once again i am not saying a paid gaming company shouldn't find ways to make a game profitable. I was a person myself spending an average $13 per month until i heard this rule is coming in, and then i took a decision i will never spend a penny more in this game. This rule is a very ignorant strategy which never brought any profit to the company and only attracted hatred from a large group of players. The company got so adamant about this rule and found themselves in a never escaping puddle, where even if they correct it later it only proves that they admit they were wrong, and their ego doesn't allow them to.

So as Dave mentioned i know its never going to happen. But i wouldn't miss a chance to curse it.

Just because our respected Admins appreciate civil language here i am carefully watching my language.

....and I wouldn't exit the game and give that pleasure to GI for this reason.... at least not yet.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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Yeah something like "100-item limit thrown away and apologize to the community" but "City expansion tiny square costs 120Greens" going forward.
Well good luck with that request. The 100 item limit isn't going anywhere, and land expansion is a money maker for them. Maybe there needs to be a separate discussion for those struggling with the limit? It seems like a lot of people are having a difficult time adapting to it. I agree that it's a nuisance, but there are enough people in the forum that are thriving even with the limit, so maybe learning their tactics may help
Everything with 100 limit not will be change maybe there is more limits for other things next update then players quit the game, Gi want only one thing each player must spend $10 per month 💸💸 😜
... and I completely agree with such goal of GI. There is no free lunch so if you like the game you should spend some small amount monthly to support the developer. At the end to pay to GI the price of 2 boxes of cigarettes monthly isn't a big deal, is it :)

The only problem is how they are trying to implement it. I should be quite negative example for their strategy because until approximately 2 years ago I was paying 20 eur monthly to GI - first by buying every second week on sale 100 greens for 10 eur, then I changed my behavior to buying 300 greens for 30 eur every 6th week on sale (I don't remember the exact numbers but it was kind of 10% more efficient), then after I got my CBMs I changed to buying Mystery Metro Station / City Square / Garden Square together with greens for 5 eur every sale and I was planning, once I have 6x from each of them to switch to purchase Silver subscription.

However GI managed to completely piss me off in the meantime - in addition to the huge disappointment with all "re-balancing" stuff like launch collection drops, 100-limit, decreasing drop rates, the gifted fuel to go straight to the fuel bar etc. I had few other cases. Once I miss tapped and bought S2 plane while scrolling to the plane I wanted to buy (at that time there was no warning when you were going to buy a plane with gold/silver tokens) and I heard from GI "all sales are final". Then later I made the mistake while buying the Mystery Square to purchase coins instead of greens and heard again "all sales are final".

At that time I decided - I don't really need those items, I purchase them only for the sake of generating some income to GI, if GI is reacting so stupidly, why should I keep paying them. So since about half an year before V7 I don't remember to have spent any real money on the game.

Sometimes it is better to come to fulfill some of your customers expectations just to increased their satisfaction rate and your income will increase significantly. @Ur-quan would you like to enter this discussion?


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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... and I completely agree with such goal of GI. There is no free lunch so if you like the game you should spend some small amount monthly to support the developer. At the end to pay to GI the price of 2 boxes of cigarettes monthly isn't a big deal, is it :)

The only problem is how they are trying to implement it. I should be quite negative example for their strategy because until approximately 2 years ago I was paying 20 eur monthly to GI - first by buying every second week on sale 100 greens for 10 eur, then I changed my behavior to buying 300 greens for 30 eur every 6th week on sale (I don't remember the exact numbers but it was kind of 10% more efficient), then after I got my CBMs I changed to buying Mystery Metro Station / City Square / Garden Square together with greens for 5 eur every sale and I was planning, once I have 6x from each of them to switch to purchase Silver subscription.

However GI managed to completely piss me off in the meantime - in addition to the huge disappointment with all "re-balancing" stuff like launch collection drops, 100-limit, decreasing drop rates, the gifted fuel to go straight to the fuel bar etc. I had few other cases. Once I miss tapped and bought S2 plane while scrolling to the plane I wanted to buy (at that time there was no warning when you were going to buy a plane with gold/silver tokens) and I heard from GI "all sales are final". Then later I made the mistake while buying the Mystery Square to purchase coins instead of greens and heard again "all sales are final".

At that time I decided - I don't really need those items, I purchase them only for the sake of generating some income to GI, if GI is reacting so stupidly, why should I keep paying them. So since about half an year before V7 I don't remember to have spent any real money on the game.

Sometimes it is better to come to fulfill some of your customers expectations just to increased their satisfaction rate and your income will increase significantly. @Ur-quan would you like to enter this discussion?
I too have spent hundreds of dollars over the years to help GI, and even though it's money lost, I had no regrets about the loss, as I love what my city has become. However, I have also come to the conclusion that spending additional funds is something that I rather avoid doing at this point, because even though the game is still great, there are plenty of things that still need to be adjusted for my spending to be "worth it". Perfect example is with the hangar. I refuse to purchase any more slots or spend my tokens because growing my fleet will influence my weekly alliance tasks...which I think is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not one to waste good resources, so selling my S1 or S2 owl for the sake of changing alliance tasks is completely against my style of playing. I will still spend money on this game, but only if the purchase is truly beneficial to my game. At this time under the current structure, there arent very many benefits.

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
Yes captain I agree that we will get some nice perks but will lose others. Lets hope the exchange is at least even.

I have the unpleasant feeling Game Insight may decide to limit the number of QL bonuses which can be used per flight, and/or reset the flight times. They do have a history of reducing, decreasing, limiting, withdrawing etc.

Captain WH Rollins
Last edited:


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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I have the unpleasant feeling Game Insight may decide to limit the number of QL bonuses which can be used per flight, and/or reset the flight times. They do have a history of reducing, decreasing, limiting, withdrawing etc.

Captain WH Rollins
Why would they reduce the QL flights? The idea of using QLs is to get as many as possible to speed up flights, hence the events created to encourage said behavior. It probably helps to encourage participation even more as you burn through more resources with instant flights.
Now what I do think will get impacted is the bonus structure. It was stated that there was an upcoming overhaul to the bonus structure that may or may not impact stackability. This could be detrimental to those who have gotten used to the latest structure, which is certainly an improvement to how it was previously
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I would like to see a way to easier view/sort the warehouse. I wish that they could be sorted by flight items, helicopter item, repair etc... The event items pop up to the very top of the inventory during the event so I am sure that this is possible. (as already stated by everyone else 9 million times over the past 3 years)

The ability to access the weather station from the notebook in the upper left corner would be amazing. It could have its' own separate tab with the other four that are already there.

One thing that I have never seen anyone mention that I would like is the ability to click on these stars and see a list of destinations that fall into each category. I would then like to be able to click on the destination and fly an aircraft to it (similar to the weather station or alliance mission tab). If the destination was an event destination than an additional pop up stating this destianation is available during the xxxxxx event could appear.


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