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Lee's trading thread

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Hey, I'm sorry but I don't have stamps on my list unfortunately. Do you? Because if you do, I could send one to you in return if you send me one in the next round. That way you get your stamp. :)
Hi everyone,

Apologies for the disappearing act. I'd gone to Malaysia for vacation and just returned. I sent out gifts whenever I had wifi access, depending on usernames or sending an item based on my own judgement if the username didn't specify/item wasn't on my list.

add me please Game Code al6yex5 Game name PC:)

item needed below
  1. Insulation 1
  2. Weather Display 1
  3. Shredder 1
  4. Stamp 2
  5. Cash counter 2
  6. Server rack 2
  7. Calculator 2
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