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Android Landing guest planes

  1. Android
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Joey Crumbles
Is there ever a point where there are more than two planes waiting to land on my runways?
I only have two runways, so is that a factor in the number of guest planes that come to my city?

pete blake

900+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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I only have two runways, so is that a factor in the number of guest planes that come to my city?

But, in due course, larger guest planes will try to land and you will need to upgrade your runways to accept them. If you have enough space for the larger runways, you can just keep the smaller ones. if you are short of space, you can sell the small runway to make space for the larger ones.

Hope that helps.
  1. Android
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Joey Crumbles
I get it...i totally understand how to play the game and the choices we need to make with runways and available space.
I'm level 38 right now and I run 6 hangers with 2 runways for my own quicker launches...i guess I was just wondering if I'd ever see a time where there were more than 2 planes waiting to land.
I'd always run two runways, even when they got bigger, but never had the space for a third, so I guess I was wondering if maybe that was holding me back from seeing additional planes waiting to land.

I appreciate you guys taking time to respond.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Joey Crumbles - although there is no harm in having more than one runway in your game, if you have the land to do so, one runway is all you really need. The coins spent on all the other runways could be put to far better use, elsewhere within the game. Also, the amount of land the runways take up can be quite considerable, could also be put to far better use.

In days long gone, planes use to land (drop coins, fuel and gifts) then re-fuel and take off at a faster rate. During this period multiple runways were very useful to have, for landing and taking planes off rapidly. This has not been the case for quite sometime.

Captain WH Rollins
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