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iPhone Trading Thread for January 2013

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  1. Android
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Yes, I can see you on my list! Hopefully you can see me now... :)
Very interesting..those Alien Legacy buildings. What do they give you (coins?) and how do you get one?

Also, I am wondering (like Aartoo....) Should I get another Cosmic Fuel built or not worth it? THANKS in advance for any thoughts.

alien legacy give you all 20 items to complete Astronaut outfit, experiments in space, zero gravity launch and running wild collections and you have to complete space odyssey collection to get one.
i have only 1 cosmic fuel and i'm ok
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
Hey all.

My shuttle quest is going okay. It was kind of frustrating because none of the training centers I was visiting was dropping anything useful. I've only got maybe 5 friends with training centers and if they dropped anything at all, it was chocolate or crackers or something. Not helpful when that's the only place to get the items for the running wild collection. (I did get lucky and got the drink and the ... headphones maybe?, so now I only need whatever the far right 3 items are.)

Fingers crossed, because I'm 4 items (three in the running wild collection and wheat in the experiments collection) away from being able to launch a shuttle). Hopefully 8 days will be enough to get them all.

Thanks for all your help!
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
iPhone: Rabblerouser, iPad: Rabblerouser2
One of the mini-quests on the left side of the screen tells me to assemble the Running Wild collection by visiting residential buildings on my neighbors. I tried many residential buildings but none of them dropped items for the collection. I did, however, get 2 items for the Running Wild collection from my neighbor's Training Centers. The collection says that the items only drop from the Training Centers. Has anyone gotten these items from residential buildings? If so, which buildings? Do any of the android users remember getting these items from residential buildings?



game name: mv_airport

I need to finish my Cosmic Fuel Station and I need all 4 items: assembly robot, spaceship engine, laser level, robot tester
Also i would use a spare server rack if this is send-able to anybody?

I can send: spaceship engine, assembly robot, video wall, robot tester, laser level, fuel (3 units), bright lantern, goal posts, computer, pearl earrings, cockpit glass, welder, landing lamp, copy machine, handling line, do not disturb sign, passengers (10), powerful radio transmitter, flight helmet, filled candies, fuel supply, jet engine, stapler, fuel additives, power source, additional radar, white gold bracelet, amperemeter, spare wire, laser cutter, landing gear, flight catering, oscillating beacon, packaging machine, navigation module, archive box, fuel hose, gyroscope, spare propeller
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature

game name: mv_airport

I need to finish my Cosmic Fuel Station and I need all 4 items: assembly robot, spaceship engine, laser level, robot tester
Also i would use a spare server rack if this is send-able to anybody?

Hi mv_airport - if you want to send me an invite to the TDVCrApple game I can sort out the Cosmic Fuel Station items.. If you can send them back it will be great..

and add my TDV19 for anything else..
  1. iPhone
One of the mini-quests on the left side of the screen tells me to assemble the Running Wild collection by visiting residential buildings on my neighbors. I tried many residential buildings but none of them dropped items for the collection. I did, however, get 2 items for the Running Wild collection from my neighbor's Training Centers. The collection says that the items only drop from the Training Centers. Has anyone gotten these items from residential buildings? If so, which buildings? Do any of the android users remember getting these items from residential buildings?
I also just got the mini-quest telling me to complete the running wild collection but it doesn´t tell me where to get the items from. If I click on the single items at the collection screen they tell me to be dropped only by my or neighbours training center...
This is pretty tough till I only got 3-4 neighbours already having it. Most of my android-friends (who would have) are not visitable...
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
This is pretty tough till I only got 3-4 neighbours already having it. Most of my android-friends (who would have) are not visitable...

I'm having the same problem. I just need to finish the running wild collection to get the treadmill to launch my shuttle, but if my neighbors training centers drop anything it's something like a frog or crackers or a flight helmet. That's not helpful at all. (I need sneakers, a wristband, and a portable audio player to finish.)

I'm a little concerned that even if I do complete this collection I'll have to try a launch myself because no one else will have gotten a treadmill.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
I'm having the same problem. I just need to finish the running wild collection to get the treadmill to launch my shuttle, but if my neighbors training centers drop anything it's something like a frog or crackers or a flight helmet. That's not helpful at all. (I need sneakers, a wristband, and a portable audio player to finish.)

I'm a little concerned that even if I do complete this collection I'll have to try a launch myself because no one else will have gotten a treadmill.

Than ur android neighbours can help you... Launching alone is really a waste of ur goodies!
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
Than ur android neighbours can help you... Launching alone is really a waste of ur goodies!
Totally agree.... just get one of your android neighbours to help.. or drop me a line... I can out in all 1600 points if you want... or you put in 602 and I will do the rest...

We found that gold is not necessally the best - last few bronzes gave me items for the space odyssey collections... - but best to check on the iPhone..


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Totally agree.... just get one of your android neighbours to help.. or drop me a line... I can out in all 1600 points if you want... or you put in 602 and I will do the rest...

We found that gold is not necessally the best - last few bronzes gave me items for the space odyssey collections... - but best to check on the iPhone..

Ok ok im now at home with the flu... so if my math is off: ignore me!

Put in 602 and you do the rest... i think it should be 802
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
Ok ok im now at home with the flu... so if my math is off: ignore me!

Put in 602 and you do the rest... i think it should be 802
never mind I am suffering from dyslexic typing... I meant to say "put" in 1600 points and to get gold put in 802 - :rolleyes:
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
I still need sneakers for the running wild collection... 7 days to go.

In the meanwhile I could use some Jumbo repair stuff and Skin Care Products to get my DFS to do something.

Oscillating Beacons and Deicers are also welcome.

  1. iPhone
aartoo, sent you a make-up set.

Concerning the running wild collection it seems impossible to get all the items, because the drop rate of the training centers are almost zero. After several days of visits I still need the isotonic drink, pedometer and the runningshoes.

Does anyone have experience with getting drops from villas?


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi Everyone!

After my problem with sending out gifts I had to re-start the game. Now I'm back at level 14 trying to catch up. Please add my new game username: SEREG4. I've sent neighbor requests to: Phantom, tdv (19 + Apple), mcmanda, Rabblerouser, aartoo, mv_airport. I can't send anymore requests, it probably limits the number as I get a message "Wrong promo code" :(
I will send more of my neighbor requests tomorrow, so please add me.

During my problem with the game I have corresponded with tech support and they told me that they've fixed the issue with repair base where sometimes it would ask for $5 to open a slot after an upgrade :)

I have done a lot of flights to Cape Canaveral and got all items for "Astronaut Outfit" & "Experiments in Space" except Thermal Garment & Wheat. These 2 just never drop for me. Does anyone else have this issue?

Thank you!
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
I have done a lot of flights to Cape Canaveral and got all items for "Astronaut Outfit" & "Experiments in Space" except Thermal Garment & Wheat. These 2 just never drop for me. Does anyone else have this issue?

Welcome back!

I can complete the astronaut outfit collection pretty easily. It seems to come in waves - right now I've got multiples of everything except the thermal garment, but two or so days ago I was missing the spacesuit gloves (now I have 3!).

I've only finished the experiments in space collection once. I have multiples of everything in that, too (like 6 or 7 or 8 of the lab rats and frogs and algae!), but like you, it's hard for me to get wheat dropped.

The hardest is the running wild collection. I visited all my neighbors with training centers just now and I got a drop! Unfortunately it was an isotonic drink, which I already had. :( Talk about getting excited for nothing.
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